Thank You for the clarification! I'm using Google Chrome browser and have been right-clicking "save as" BUT after figuring this out, I downloaded both 3.00 & 3.0.3 installers again, but this time the file sizes were different than the first time I DL'd both files, which added to my confusion as to whether the download was corrupt or not.
yes this is happening to ALOT of people i think. the downloads are not corrupt u are actually downloading pure text html if u try to do "save as" on the link, not the file, but the file linking TO THE FILE!
i have just realized that it needs to be clarified but i didnt want to tell diehard + mactron to edit every single
to add : (must click link, do not right click and save as or the dl wont work properly)
or some other annotation indicating that if u do this, u end up getting an html file and not the file u need.
I have Pluggo 3.0.4 already installed and working EXCEPT for the same problem as EssexBoy, Pluggo bitches about being a non-authorizable demo. Am I going to need to remove this before reverting to 3.0.3 or 3?
I believe I'm using Stuffit Deluxe 7.0.3 that's in Mac OS System Utilities.
I'll try the selfmounting image and let you know.
yes it is a demo.. the 3.03 file that drbu posted should be the full real deal..
we need to get a confirmed working pluggo posted in the dls
i think the reason we havent is that the admins here think this pluggo is a joke
and not worthy of attention;) lol
but looks can be deceiving