Is there something better in Masterlist compared to Waveburner Pro 2.1?
following up while comparing features...
ad MLCD)
before MasterlistCD, there was MasterList PDS - for Yamaha PDS Compact Disc Recorder & for the Otari DDR-10. MLCD was the bargain mastering app that started the CD revolution. All digi bashing aside. This was a revolution.
ad Waveburner)
i just got hold of WaveBurner Pro (boxed) and even before it arrives i wanted to grab the latest drivers (shared for convenience below) for it when i discovered
Waveburner had its own EASI driver to directly access digidesign hardware .*/
also it was the only link that was down. *facepalm*
I hope it will be included on the CD-ROM. The CD-Rom is the copy protection similar to the other Products of Emagic at that time, was it ever successfully copied? Classic only so right up our alley. EMAGICs AudioWerk PCI cards are mentioned countless times which are 16/44 only afaik even the digital side of it. Nevertheless it appears this app allows to record with realtime VSTs via Digidesign MIXcore(24bit), digi001(16bit), AMIII (16bit)--
Correct me if im wrong.
it sure looks nice if it has a mix/blend control on each plugin insert like DSP-Quattro does.
ad DSP-Quattro)
im looking for the latest os 9 version to try, anyone care to share?