Here are my notes on prim-info.
iBook G4 000000ff 00000060 00003e80 00017fb5 0202d607 00000000 00011300 46000220
Power Mac G4 MDD 000000ff 0000002c 00030d40 0001e705 00003400 00000000 0000260d 46000270
^^^^^^^^ public PM features
^^^^^^^^ private PM features
^^^^ batt count
// PUBLIC power management features
// NOTE: this is a direct port from classic, some of these bits
// are obsolete but are included for completeness
enum {
kPMHasWakeupTimerMask = (1<<0), // 1=wake timer is supported
kPMHasSharedModemPortMask = (1<<1), // Not used
kPMHasProcessorCyclingMask = (1<<2), // 1=processor cycling supported
kPMMustProcessorCycleMask = (1<<3), // Not used
kPMHasReducedSpeedMask = (1<<4), // 1=supports reduced processor speed
kPMDynamicSpeedChangeMask = (1<<5), // 1=supports changing processor speed on the fly
kPMHasSCSIDiskModeMask = (1<<6), // 1=supports using machine as SCSI drive
kPMCanGetBatteryTimeMask = (1<<7), // 1=battery time can be calculated
kPMCanWakeupOnRingMask = (1<<8), // 1=machine can wake on modem ring
kPMHasDimmingSupportMask = (1<<9), // 1=has monitor dimming support
kPMHasStartupTimerMask = (1<<10), // 1=can program startup timer
kPMHasChargeNotificationMask = (1<<11), // 1=client can determine charger status/get notifications
kPMHasDimSuspendSupportMask = (1<<12), // 1=can dim diplay to DPMS ('off') state
kPMHasWakeOnNetActivityMask = (1<<13), // 1=supports waking upon receipt of net packet
kPMHasWakeOnLidMask = (1<<14), // 1=can wake upon lid/case opening
kPMCanPowerOffPCIBusMask = (1<<15), // 1=can remove power from PCI bus on sleep
kPMHasDeepSleepMask = (1<<16), // 1=supports deep (hibernation) sleep
kPMHasSleepMask = (1<<17), // 1=machine support low power sleep (ala powerbooks)
kPMSupportsServerModeAPIMask = (1<<18), // 1=supports reboot on AC resume for unexpected power loss
kPMHasUPSIntegrationMask = (1<<19) // 1=supports incorporating UPS devices into power source calcs
// PRIVATE power management features
// NOTE: this is a direct port from classic, some of these bits
// are obsolete but are included for completeness.
enum {
kPMHasExtdBattInfoMask = (1<<0), // Not used
kPMHasBatteryIDMask = (1<<1), // Not used
kPMCanSwitchPowerMask = (1<<2), // Not used
kPMHasCelsiusCyclingMask = (1<<3), // Not used
kPMHasBatteryPredictionMask = (1<<4), // Not used
kPMHasPowerLevelsMask = (1<<5), // Not used
kPMHasSleepCPUSpeedMask = (1<<6), // Not used
kPMHasBtnIntHandlersMask = (1<<7), // 1=supports individual button interrupt handlers
kPMHasSCSITermPowerMask = (1<<8), // 1=supports SCSI termination power switch
kPMHasADBButtonHandlersMask = (1<<9), // 1=supports button handlers via ADB
kPMHasICTControlMask = (1<<10), // 1=supports ICT control
kPMHasLegacyDesktopSleepMask = (1<<11), // 1=supports 'doze' style sleep
kPMHasDeepIdleMask = (1<<12), // 1=supports Idle2 in hardware
kPMOpenLidPreventsSleepMask = (1<<13), // 1=open case prevent machine from sleeping
kPMClosedLidCausesSleepMask = (1<<14), // 1=case closed (clamshell closed) causes sleep
kPMHasFanControlMask = (1<<15), // 1=machine has software-programmable fan/thermostat controls
kPMHasThermalControlMask = (1<<16), // 1=machine supports thermal monitoring
kPMHasVStepSpeedChangeMask = (1<<17), // 1=machine supports processor voltage/clock change
kPMEnvironEventsPolledMask = (1<<18) // 1=machine doesn't generate pmu env ints, we must poll instead
// DEFAULT public and private features for machines whose device tree
// does NOT contain this information (pre-Core99).
// For Cuda-based Desktops
#define kStdDesktopPMFeatures kPMHasWakeupTimerMask |\
kPMHasProcessorCyclingMask |\
kPMHasDimmingSupportMask |\
kPMHasStartupTimerMask |\
kPMSupportsServerModeAPIMask |\
#define kStdDesktopPrivPMFeatures kPMHasExtdBattInfoMask |\
kPMHasICTControlMask |\
#define kStdDesktopNumBatteries 0
// For Wallstreet (PowerBook G3 Series 1998)
#define kWallstreetPMFeatures kPMHasWakeupTimerMask |\
kPMHasProcessorCyclingMask |\
kPMHasReducedSpeedMask |\
kPMDynamicSpeedChangeMask |\
kPMHasSCSIDiskModeMask |\
kPMCanGetBatteryTimeMask |\
kPMHasDimmingSupportMask |\
kPMHasChargeNotificationMask |\
kPMHasDimSuspendSupportMask |\
#define kWallstreetPrivPMFeatures kPMHasExtdBattInfoMask |\
kPMHasBatteryIDMask |\
kPMCanSwitchPowerMask |\
kPMHasADBButtonHandlersMask |\
kPMHasSCSITermPowerMask |\
kPMHasICTControlMask |\
kPMClosedLidCausesSleepMask |\
#define kStdPowerBookPMFeatures kWallstreetPMFeatures
#define kStdPowerBookPrivPMFeatures kWallstreetPrivPMFeatures
#define kStdPowerBookNumBatteries 2
// For 101 (PowerBook G3 Series 1999)
#define k101PMFeatures kPMHasWakeupTimerMask |\
kPMHasProcessorCyclingMask |\
kPMHasReducedSpeedMask |\
kPMDynamicSpeedChangeMask |\
kPMHasSCSIDiskModeMask |\
kPMCanGetBatteryTimeMask |\
kPMHasDimmingSupportMask |\
kPMHasChargeNotificationMask |\
kPMHasDimSuspendSupportMask |\
kPMHasSleepMask |\
#define k101PrivPMFeatures kPMHasExtdBattInfoMask |\
kPMHasBatteryIDMask |\
kPMCanSwitchPowerMask |\
kPMHasADBButtonHandlersMask |\
kPMHasSCSITermPowerMask |\
kPMHasICTControlMask |\
kPMClosedLidCausesSleepMask |\
#define IOPMNoErr 0 // normal return
// returned by powerStateWillChange and powerStateDidChange:
#define IOPMAckImplied 0 // acknowledgement of power state change is implied
#define IOPMWillAckLater 1 // acknowledgement of power state change will come later
// returned by requestDomainState
#define IOPMBadSpecification 4 // unrecognized specification parameter
#define IOPMNoSuchState 5 // no power state matches search specification
#define IOPMCannotRaisePower 6 // a device cannot change its power for some reason
// returned by changeStateTo
#define IOPMParameterError 7 // requested state doesn't exist
#define IOPMNotYetInitialized 8 // device not yet fully hooked into power management "graph"