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Author Topic: Wanted TDM MIX system / components please  (Read 11494 times)

Ed Redfern

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Wanted TDM MIX system / components please
« on: December 29, 2014, 11:07:47 AM »

Hi folks,

Sorry to post this here. I'm new on this list after a friend pointed me here regarding OS9 based software. This list is a real life saver.

OK, here's my position and crisis

My name's Ed, I'm completely blind, a studio engineer and music producer / composer based in the UK. Back in June this year, I fell victim to a pro audio company who caused serious damage to my studio setup which was rather vintage but workable for my needs. this was to become a new age digital studio that was supposed to be blind friendly, but sadly, this turned to be a real nightmare.

Long story short, my studio setup relied on a G3 beige with a G4 backup tower driving a series of 3 888 interfaces on a TDM 5.1.3 setup with 1 Mix core and 2 mix farm boards. this was linked to an analogue 24 track console for mix and mastering, wired to a stock of compressors, effects, patchbays loaded with rack synths, samplers, etc. The company in question came in, making me an offer to upgrade my setup because I wasn't taking on certain requirements due to outdated hardware. So, they cleaned out the studio of everything, even the studio furniture, racking, power conditioners, the lot, all for a HD11 based protools system on a new mac with a digital console claimed to meet my needs. what came was total scrap and unfit for it's needs.

I had to take action against the company in question and long story short, won because they failed to respond. however, recovering finances for equipment valued at over £40,000, only recovered £7500.

Since then Ive been fighting to get the studio back to life. Within 2 months of publishing an article on Sound On Sound explaining my situation, people have come to my aid to help where they can, including manufacturers who starte dthe ball rolling including Soundcraft, etc. Because of my needs, finding a ProTools TDM setup has been pretty much impossible and it has to be the old format because of accessibility. 

The studio relies now on a ghost 24 console driven by an alesis hd24 hard disk recorder donated by an amazing chap in the USA, power conditioners, racking, processors and monitors, etc donated by various parties.

the article is here but at the moment, sound on sound articles are down for maintenance.

I'm asking if anyone can please help. I came across ProTools TDM 5.1.3 media here and now have a G3 mac in the process of being refurbed ready for use.

If there's anyone who has any Digidesign Mix core / mix farm cards, cables, ribbon leads, 888 or 882 interfaces, etc you would be willing to help with as a donation, Please P.M me. I've tried contacting companies and individuals, even via ebay listing TDM gear and not had much luck, other than a promise of parts that hasn't happened.

the reason I need to use ProTools TDM is for mobile work, work at other studios, theatre installs, etc where I need spoken access to what tracks I'm working on, etc via a 3rd party screen reader that's rather ancient but reliable.

if anyone can help, please get in touch.

I'm sorry if this treads on anyone's toes here.

A Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to all.

Blind Music Producer / Studio Engineer / Sound Designer using legacy technologies that most of today's users don't understand well enough. Rebuilding a recording studio after falling victim to a pro audio company who cleaned out an analogue studio for modern equipment upgrades that went wrong. With help from amazing people, manufacturers, etc, things are looking up. Now trying to rebuild the G3 / G4 side of the studio.


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Re: Wanted TDM MIX system / components please
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2014, 12:50:06 PM »

Ed welcome this forum.

It is a sad thing that a pro audio company was only interested on selling new stuff instead of integrating you better in a new studio environment. It is good that you won the case, even if you loose some money.

I guess you were confortable with a TDM setup. You know where things are. The best tools are the tools you can trust. I wonder what you  wasn't taking on certain requirements due to outdated hardware. Audio is audio. Music is music. Even a 16 bits studio setup totally integrated for a blind man should not be made considered outdated or obsolete if it meets his requirements. You should tell us who they are so we can boycott them.

If you sell the Alesis hard drive recorder with all the pounds you could buy an MIX core card and a 888 interface. You already have the soundcraft mixer so with time and donations you could get 2 more 888 interfaces. In Spain the ONCE (Organizacion nacional de ciegos de España) from time to time sponsors the career of some blind musicians. I have a friend that has been sponsored for 2 albums.

We wish you best of lucks with the rebuild. Here we have most of the software and virtual instruments availables for Protools OS9.
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4

Ed Redfern

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Re: Wanted TDM MIX system / components please
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2014, 01:05:34 PM »

Hi Protools5LEGuy,

many thanks for your reply.

the alesis HD24 is a machine I have years of experience with luckily, but it's not a unit I'd let go of as it's a permanent install setup, more a fail safe.

when the old studio lived up to it's name, there was the G3 rig and also a studer 24 track 2" reel to reel I acquired through a family friend and it was fully serviced ready for me. it was used quite a lot as there were jobs where my G3 flight cased with it's rig were on sites or leaving with me between college and university, so rather than a rewire all the time, most of the work was done reel to reel, so HD recording is pretty much a comfort, but for what I need, TDM is what I'm used to. though I do have to admit to the wish to win the lottery and have the dream studio spec I've had in mind for a while. then accessibility wouldn't be an issue at all.

I've been a user and customer of digidesign / avid for 14 years and when this disaster hit, AVID UK dropped me as a customer and didn't want anything to do with me. we lost the HD11 system because the company claimed it back, the digital desk, etc. leaving me with nothing other than a pair of headphones and a pair of monitors as an insult.

I'm strong willed I can say that at least. I've always been hard working as a musician and now, the studio's different, feels a bit odd but still it's a bit more fluid but as I say, now I've got hold of software and plugins from here, all I need to sort out is a few mix cards, some 882's or something like that and the usual bits, that's it.

if someone can answer a prayer for me, that'd be amazing.

anyway, have a wonderful new year and I hope you have an amazing time.

Blind Music Producer / Studio Engineer / Sound Designer using legacy technologies that most of today's users don't understand well enough. Rebuilding a recording studio after falling victim to a pro audio company who cleaned out an analogue studio for modern equipment upgrades that went wrong. With help from amazing people, manufacturers, etc, things are looking up. Now trying to rebuild the G3 / G4 side of the studio.

Ed Redfern

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Re: Wanted TDM MIX system / components please
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2014, 01:25:47 PM »

I forgot to mention, I like your signature and I'll let you into a little secret there was at one point a beta to be released of 9.24 but it was pulled because it was decided that OSX was to replace 9.

by the way, thank you for the reply, It's much appreciated. I was hoping anyone having a clear out or who had a g3 or g4 loaded with the cards, outboard, etc could help out? anyway, it's late here in the UK, putting my feet up knowing I'm a step close with the software found. Besides protools I was a logic platinum 6 user and I can't find the complete set for love nor money, not even the dongle, etc. I've found midi better in logic but the audio side of things so much tighter in tdm.

Blind Music Producer / Studio Engineer / Sound Designer using legacy technologies that most of today's users don't understand well enough. Rebuilding a recording studio after falling victim to a pro audio company who cleaned out an analogue studio for modern equipment upgrades that went wrong. With help from amazing people, manufacturers, etc, things are looking up. Now trying to rebuild the G3 / G4 side of the studio.


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Re: Wanted TDM MIX system / components please
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2014, 05:45:54 PM »

Ed I have a digidesign VSD sync and digidesign smpte sync that I dont need. The only thing is shipping to UK might be expensive I live in the USA. I dont know much about TDM systems as I just started using them.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2014, 07:13:50 PM by custos »
"A mistake is only an error. It only becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it."  -John Lennon

Ed Redfern

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Re: Wanted TDM MIX system / components please
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2014, 01:04:03 AM »

Hi Custors,

thank you for your kind offer. I've not had the need for SMPTE / VSD boards before as I don't work with video sync etc, though these would be handy at some point, I don't know if I could use them to their best. If you were to ship to the UK it would be mainland uk and because of the weight of the units not being much at all, you'd mark the delivery as a donation but ensure you indicate the value of goods as $40 value or less otherwise UK customs sting uk customers for import duties over a certain value.

many thanks.

Blind Music Producer / Studio Engineer / Sound Designer using legacy technologies that most of today's users don't understand well enough. Rebuilding a recording studio after falling victim to a pro audio company who cleaned out an analogue studio for modern equipment upgrades that went wrong. With help from amazing people, manufacturers, etc, things are looking up. Now trying to rebuild the G3 / G4 side of the studio.


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Re: Wanted TDM MIX system / components please
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2014, 05:56:05 AM »

So they are both for just for syncing video?  I got them for dirt cheap didn't know anthing about them.. I read somewhere they could be used together though.
"A mistake is only an error. It only becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it."  -John Lennon

Ed Redfern

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Re: Wanted TDM MIX system / components please
« Reply #8 on: December 30, 2014, 07:07:04 AM »

Hi Custos,

principally both are Audio Video sync devices which don't have to be used for video only. they have sync generators inside that can be used for word clock and smpte slave or master time code. great if you're syncing an entire studio setup. I've had sync equipment in the old studio but not these models. though come to think of it they would be of use, it would be unfair for you to fork out shipping costs if they're going to be any issues from the USA. that being said, the guy who donated the Alesis hd24 sent it from memphys and that weighed a ton with drives, etc.

if you've got a protools system like TDM, use them, you bought them as a bargain, get them used.

Blind Music Producer / Studio Engineer / Sound Designer using legacy technologies that most of today's users don't understand well enough. Rebuilding a recording studio after falling victim to a pro audio company who cleaned out an analogue studio for modern equipment upgrades that went wrong. With help from amazing people, manufacturers, etc, things are looking up. Now trying to rebuild the G3 / G4 side of the studio.


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Re: Wanted TDM MIX system / components please
« Reply #9 on: December 30, 2014, 08:23:06 AM »

I only need one don't I? I would be more than happy to donate one if u could find use for it.
"A mistake is only an error. It only becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it."  -John Lennon

Ed Redfern

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Re: Wanted TDM MIX system / components please
« Reply #10 on: January 03, 2015, 08:18:17 AM »

Hi Custos,

Sorry I delayed in replying, been very busy here.

The two sync systems offer different options. one is designed to work as a sync for external hard disk recorders as timecode, the other is a more audio clock source.

OK Folks time for an update.

I've had some good and promising news, this means things are moving closer.

I'm receiving donation of 3 x 888 racks from a contact not too far from me after he heard what happened. there's also hopefully a couple of cables, etc from another contact who's promised his support. I'm also waiting on news from someone regarding other hardware matters but I'm still going to be at stage 1 without cards.

I'm looking for the Mix core and Mix farm cards still with the ribbon link.  This means that  If I can find these cards with some help from a donor, that would be a huge weight off the shoulders.

now, I've emailed various american sellers via ebay requesting their help with various cards they are listing, in particular a seler listing 4 mix farm cards for a cheap price, but still I can't cover those costs.

if I could source the farm and core cards with help, the studio would be fully online.

a happy new year all.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2015, 11:26:51 AM by DieHard »
Blind Music Producer / Studio Engineer / Sound Designer using legacy technologies that most of today's users don't understand well enough. Rebuilding a recording studio after falling victim to a pro audio company who cleaned out an analogue studio for modern equipment upgrades that went wrong. With help from amazing people, manufacturers, etc, things are looking up. Now trying to rebuild the G3 / G4 side of the studio.

Ed Redfern

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Re: Wanted TDM MIX system / components please
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2015, 10:36:10 AM »

Just posting a quick update here.

some good news come through. Now the proud owner of a powermac G4 MDD Dual 867 mhz with 1gb ram, decent condition, also 4 x digi interface cables and an 888, 882 and 882/20 interface kindly donated by a contact I've been speaking with for a while. I'm absolutely amazed by this. also a bunch of os9 and os x software. I'll go through what's there and will attempt to upload what I have, this includes protools TDM 6.4.1 full, a series of plugins, etc.

here's the snag, it's alright having all this, etc but no protools mix core or mix farm cards. Does anyone know of anyone who can help out?

by the way for anyone wanting to read the entire article regarding the studio disaster, the article is back online at


Blind Music Producer / Studio Engineer / Sound Designer using legacy technologies that most of today's users don't understand well enough. Rebuilding a recording studio after falling victim to a pro audio company who cleaned out an analogue studio for modern equipment upgrades that went wrong. With help from amazing people, manufacturers, etc, things are looking up. Now trying to rebuild the G3 / G4 side of the studio.
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