Hi folks,
Sorry to post this here. I'm new on this list after a friend pointed me here regarding OS9 based software. This list is a real life saver.
OK, here's my position and crisis
My name's Ed, I'm completely blind, a studio engineer and music producer / composer based in the UK. Back in June this year, I fell victim to a pro audio company who caused serious damage to my studio setup which was rather vintage but workable for my needs. this was to become a new age digital studio that was supposed to be blind friendly, but sadly, this turned to be a real nightmare.
Long story short, my studio setup relied on a G3 beige with a G4 backup tower driving a series of 3 888 interfaces on a TDM 5.1.3 setup with 1 Mix core and 2 mix farm boards. this was linked to an analogue 24 track console for mix and mastering, wired to a stock of compressors, effects, patchbays loaded with rack synths, samplers, etc. The company in question came in, making me an offer to upgrade my setup because I wasn't taking on certain requirements due to outdated hardware. So, they cleaned out the studio of everything, even the studio furniture, racking, power conditioners, the lot, all for a HD11 based protools system on a new mac with a digital console claimed to meet my needs. what came was total scrap and unfit for it's needs.
I had to take action against the company in question and long story short, won because they failed to respond. however, recovering finances for equipment valued at over £40,000, only recovered £7500.
Since then Ive been fighting to get the studio back to life. Within 2 months of publishing an article on Sound On Sound explaining my situation, people have come to my aid to help where they can, including manufacturers who starte dthe ball rolling including Soundcraft, etc. Because of my needs, finding a ProTools TDM setup has been pretty much impossible and it has to be the old format because of accessibility.
The studio relies now on a ghost 24 console driven by an alesis hd24 hard disk recorder donated by an amazing chap in the USA, power conditioners, racking, processors and monitors, etc donated by various parties.
the article is here but at the moment, sound on sound articles are down for maintenance.
http://www.soundonsound.com/forum/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=1127269&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1#1127269 I'm asking if anyone can please help. I came across ProTools TDM 5.1.3 media here and now have a G3 mac in the process of being refurbed ready for use.If there's anyone who has any Digidesign Mix core / mix farm cards, cables, ribbon leads, 888 or 882 interfaces, etc you would be willing to help with as a donation, Please P.M me. I've tried contacting companies and individuals, even via ebay listing TDM gear and not had much luck, other than a promise of parts that hasn't happened.the reason I need to use ProTools TDM is for mobile work, work at other studios, theatre installs, etc where I need spoken access to what tracks I'm working on, etc via a 3rd party screen reader that's rather ancient but reliable.if anyone can help, please get in touch.I'm sorry if this treads on anyone's toes here.A Merry Christmas and a Happy new year to all.ed