Oh wow, where in the heck do I start?
Well, my name is Troy, and I have been on this earth for 47 years now, which means-yeah, I go back to the original Macintosh although my first one was the Mac Plus. Now i have 13 Macs ranging from that Plus to the 2014 Mini i7. I am running everything from System 6 to 10.11.1.
But out of all of them, it is OS9 that still has my heart. the way you can customize the look and feel, the speed it has on modernish hardware, and the apps designed by folks who knew what "Think Different" really meant. Plus machines that reflected personality as opposed to the prison like feel of the modern design. There is only so many rectangle aluminum boxes one can have. . . . .
I have been with the same man since 1993 and finally could marry him in 2011. I still say I have been married since 1993 because I would have done it then if I could have. He accepts my Mac "addiction" much as I accept his car "addiction". He uses the iPad much more than I ever hope to, so that "addiction" is slowly spreading....
I have worked for the other camp (Microsoft) in the MBU (Mac Business Unit) for way too many years before moving to Wachovia (more money, better schedule, closer commute) which as you know went up in flames during the housing crises earlier this decade. Since then I have been a stay-at-home husband and find this career is much more to my likes.
So, the machines:
Mac Plus
Mac SE/30
PowerMac 7300/200
iMac DV+ G3
G4 iMac USB2 20" (what I am using right now)
G4 QS (2002)
G4 Cube (500 Mhz)
G4 MDD FW800
eMac USB 2.0
G5 dual 1.8Ghz
iMac Intel (2007)
Mac Pro Intel 2.8 Ghz 8 Core
2014 Mac Mini i7
iPad 2.0
Politically I am a moderate, although anymore I feel there is no real choice in the system save the Green Party, you either vote for the moneyed classes and the oligarchs or you go a different direction all together. Oh, and I do support Cascadia. . . . .
But then again, I do "Think Different" anyway, and that is why I am a Mac man.