Hello there everybody. I'm a lifelong musician, writer, maker, and technology hacker. I pay my bills writing software, which is boring, so enough about that. I've been using Macs to further my musical goals since some time in the early 90's when I used the Macs and laserprinters at Kinkos to make J-cards for my bands tapes.
I have a philosophy and it is this: Newer gear doesn't render older gear obsolete as long as the older gear can still do the job. Sometimes, in fact, older gear is better suited to the job than the newer, faster, lighter, whatever. So, my studio is a mish mash of stuff, a 500mhz iMac G3 sits next to a 3ghz quad-core home-build Windows PC, a Core2 Duo MacMini and a couple modern MacBooks. I also keep an old iPad 2, iPhone 4, and iPhone 5 around as DSP/effects processors, tuners, lyrics displays, portable mics (the iPhone 4 with a clipped on Tascam 30-pin XY condenser stereo mic is a slick little setup)... you name it. If it boots and chimes and still runs happy, it has a place in my studio somewhere or another.
My wife and I have a house and some land a little ways out of town with a few dogs, and a workshop and a barn that I'm converting into a recording studio. I'm active in the Twin Cities music scene, playing in various bands, recording solo stuff, gigging, recording with various people, the usual stuff. I hike and I need to lose a few pounds and I have a fishing boat and a kayak and too many hobbies. I'm here at MacOS9Lives because I've been using Mac stuff long enough to have seen it debut, have it's heyday, and fade into obsolescence and now this is how I can keep it humming in my studio. That little iMac G3 still runs Reason like a champ. If I can keep all my old stuff going, that's more money to mod microphones, buy guitars I don't need, build rooms in my barn, and basically keep having fun making music.