Summer '84 doing interior carpentry for a SF B&W photo lab. They had a Macintosh with a Jasmine 50mb ext HD and Apple printer to run their business. They let me use the Mac at night when they were closed.
The first time I moved the pointer around the little GUI screen I KNEW that it was something I had always wanted but never knew existed. Working with the "Mac" applications...Paint, Write, Draw, and then Clarisworks was like an off planet experience.
Over time I had:
MacPlus, Classic, SE/30, IIsi, Quad 650, P6116CD, PB 540c, PB 5300c, PB 1400cs, WallStreet, Pismo, a Graphite G3/366 SE Clamshell, iBook G3 12" 900, iBook G4 14" 1.42GHz, PowerBook G4 1.67GHz, 17" (DLSD/HR - Al) PB, a couple of iPads, and probably the last Mac I will own, a 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo-powered Late 2009 iMac.
With the help of iFixit I have been able to take all of the iBooks and PowerBooks down to the frame and fix or replace anything that didn't need soldering :-) I always upgrade the macs however I can.
The sad part of my Mac experience is post Snow Leopard. I bought my iMac used from somewhere in Texas, an excellent deal. I partitioned the HD for Snow Leopard and anything that came along on the other.
Bought Yosemite :-/ An industrial looking POS made for gamers or something. No more customizing, can't toss stuff from the Application folder, always being asked "Are you sure you want to..." like some nanny state over lord or worse yet, "You don't have permission..." WHAT?? I really need the Chess application to run the OS??
IMO Apple corp turned into a greedy nonsense filled corporation run by 20 something gamers and Soy Boys. Laptops without USB ports or CD drives?? Are their targeted buyers so weak they can't carry a few extra ounces of machine??
My real shake your head moment was when they screwed up AppleWorks so bad. So I have "lived" in System 9 for 20 years and just adapted to OSX for web browsing, eliminating everything "i" named. Even lately I have to use the Yosemite partition as Snow Leopard is struggling on line :-/ Gotta wonder why I can do banking, go to my VA site, ebay, etc. with TenFourFox but can't use youtube and a lot of other sites???
Now the good stuff on the best system ever made on the best computer ever made IMO, my Pismo.
I have hacked AppleWorks 5 with ResEdit and have a fantastic application. I've written books, screenplays (created my own screenplay and book programs in AW 5.) I make slide shows, have spread sheets for various things, etc. It is hooked up to a HP B&W printer, a real work horse for printing my music lyrics, book drafts, etc.
*If I want to play mp3's I have Audion 3 and a folder full of music folders, no iTunes nonsense. Audion can also encode mp3's, listen to web radio shows, etc., plus it can be customized with a variety of "faces."
*If I want to work with images...AppleWorks 5 and Graphic Converter do the job.
TEXT: BBEdit, Text-Edit, CD Coyote, etc.
DA Stuff: Screen Ruler, Zoom lens, Digital Color Meter
MUSIC/SOUND: Apple CD Audio Player (no nonsense, just straight music playing) MPegger for converting the Sound Studio AIFF stuff into mp3's; Audacity
ADOBE: ALL the Adobe stuff...Acrobat Reader, Page Mill, Home Publisher, Site Mill, Photoshop 5.5, Illustrator, etc.
REFERENCE: As a writer, most valuable...Infodesk and American Heritage Dictionaries, Correct Grammar, etc.
OTHER GOODIES: Drag Strip (early dock program but better;) Finder Pop; Alias Menu; Double Scroll; Moire Screen Saver; PICTify; Pop Char Lite; Snap To; Wrap Screen
I'm typing on my iBook G4 1.42 using a hacked (improved :-) TenFourFox vs 28.
While I am not a programmer, I do like to hack things to fit my world. System 9 is amazing and Apple REALLY messed up on not keeping it going. It can use apps from 7, 8, and 9, it is "quiet" when working on things, etc. The only issues I have learned to deal with is its tendency to be a bit flakey and I have adjusted to saving my work often during a project.
My best to all of you 9er's :-))