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Author Topic: sekd products - mac support?  (Read 23355 times)


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sekd products - mac support?
« on: August 13, 2014, 03:14:02 PM »

« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 04:15:59 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2014, 12:34:14 AM »

In the second link you mentioned i can see a mac driver for the Prodif 32 version.

I would like to find also a mac driver for my card. It's the Prodif 96 Pro.

As you can see here
there is a beta mac driver but i can't download anything more.

I tried to install it on my PC under the XP partition but i got a bluescreen right after installing it...
*G4 MDD 1.25GHz (Single 2003)* with 2x 80Gb harddrives, 1Gb RAM, Tascam US-428 and Edirol FA-101 USB/Firewire soundcards-*iMac G3 DV 400MHz* with installs from OS 8.6-OSX Tiger on different harddrives-*Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz* with new SSD ! Love it.


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2014, 02:06:04 AM »

i think you would be best off trying to run that card under 98se or ME (meaning that that driver is prob the best performing for the card)
but i will try to help u find the mac driver ;)


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2014, 02:10:47 AM »

according to this article the hardware was produced by RME and seems to be 100% compatible with their digi 96 series!!
which means that u should be able to make it work using the RME drivers
probably the same drivers for the RME 96/8
which - if they work - means u got a rock solid card for mac os ;)

SEK'D Prodif Cards Gain ASIO/OSS Drivers
By HCNews | November 06, 1998
The german company RME proudly annonuces new drivers for the DIGI32 Series of digital interface cards (which are sold in the US as the SEK'D Prodif 32, Gold, and 96). A Mac ASIO driver can be downloaded from RME's website. This multicard driver allows up to 8 tracks using the DIGI32/8 or a multiple thereof, at a latency time of 46 ms. The ASIO driver is part of the highly compatible Soundmanager driver, thus no reboot of the Mac is neccessary when changing between ASIO and Soundmanager usage. The ASIO driver was tested with Cubase VST and a beta of the upcoming Logic Platinum 3.6, and performed well with both programs.

The DIGI32 Series is now also useable with Unix, Linux and Solaris. A first driver is already in public beta testing. The drivers are part of the Open Sound System (OSS), programmed and distributed by 4Front Technologies (, and require an additional fee for continued usage. 4Front's well known reputation as specialists for audio drivers under Unix, Linux and Solaris guarantees accurate programmed and powerful drivers that transfer all of the special features and capabilities of the DIGI32 Series known under Windows and Mac to the Unix world. 4Front also handles the support for their drivers and update them regularly. More informations are available at

Please note that the DIGI32 Series is sold in the US as SEK'D Prodif 32, Gold and 96 by SEK'D America (

i would try the rme drivers first

heres another post where a user suggests that the names are simply rebranded
from rme to prodif..

the post is about the 32, but extending the same logic to the 96..
means your card is essentially an rme 96/8!!
the same card i have and Arjen_1 has....;)
« Last Edit: October 21, 2014, 02:20:48 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2014, 02:24:51 AM »

compare visually:

prodif 96

rme 96/8 pad

the prodig 96 pro just looks like an earlier version of the 96/8 pad

rme 96/8 (non pst / non pad)

sekd prodif 88


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2014, 02:35:17 AM »

actually here
it directs to
for the 96 pro
and to rme for the 96 (non-pro)

so it might not be an rme
this page only lists drivers for:
Windows 95/98/ME:    Version 3.00 English (539 kB)
NT4:    Version 2.11 English (363 kB)
2000, ASIO:    Version 1.00 English (397 kB)


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2014, 05:00:57 AM »

I had no luck trying different RME drivers for the Digi32 series which i think is more similiar to mine then the Digi96 but maybe i should try also these ones.

Until now i only got success with the W2k drivers from the Marian site but on my XP install i get an blue screen during the installation.

So i'm inclined to say that for this card there won't work any RME drivers. I understand that the others cards of this series are actually RME rebranded ones less mine, the Prodif 96 PRO version. Bad luck.

But i read on the Protools forum that one guy is working with my card under mac os9...

and on the waybackmachine you can find that there were some mac beta drivers at some time prior to 2003 that you could download from the original SEKD site...

Actually it seems they made it to a release version...Just found it crawling around with the wayback-archive-machine.

The version is called "v1.0.021" dated from 01.10.2001

That must be found!!!

Please help! ;)

rme 96/8 pad

the prodig 96 pro just looks like an earlier version of the 96/8 pad

You're right Chris but there are not exactly the same. Mine is missing the coaxial Spdif connections and adding an Wordclock (input or output ?...i'm not sure).
I'll try the drivers but i don't have high hopes it will work.
*G4 MDD 1.25GHz (Single 2003)* with 2x 80Gb harddrives, 1Gb RAM, Tascam US-428 and Edirol FA-101 USB/Firewire soundcards-*iMac G3 DV 400MHz* with installs from OS 8.6-OSX Tiger on different harddrives-*Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz* with new SSD ! Love it.


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2014, 09:54:38 AM »


I just tried the RME DIGI96 mac drivers without success.

It's a package of 4 drivers called "m96_16.sit" for 4 different models of this series.

Digi96/8 PAD + PST
Digi96/8 PRO

The RME Digi32 series hasn't any mac drivers...

Will do another search for the original SEKD mac drivers...stay tuned!

*G4 MDD 1.25GHz (Single 2003)* with 2x 80Gb harddrives, 1Gb RAM, Tascam US-428 and Edirol FA-101 USB/Firewire soundcards-*iMac G3 DV 400MHz* with installs from OS 8.6-OSX Tiger on different harddrives-*Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz* with new SSD ! Love it.


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2014, 10:47:04 AM »

The RME Digi32 series hasn't any mac drivers...

this is incorrect because the digi32 + digi 96 are both made by RME which has drivers..
your card is made by marien which is why the rme drivers didnt work i would guess..


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2014, 12:55:50 PM »

maybe u should email this german company and ask them ..


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2014, 01:29:43 PM »

Just did it...we will see!
*G4 MDD 1.25GHz (Single 2003)* with 2x 80Gb harddrives, 1Gb RAM, Tascam US-428 and Edirol FA-101 USB/Firewire soundcards-*iMac G3 DV 400MHz* with installs from OS 8.6-OSX Tiger on different harddrives-*Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz* with new SSD ! Love it.


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2014, 08:37:51 AM »

Asking the marian support wasn't helping.

So maybe bringing back this thread is getting attention by one of our new members with a mac driver...

Thank you.
*G4 MDD 1.25GHz (Single 2003)* with 2x 80Gb harddrives, 1Gb RAM, Tascam US-428 and Edirol FA-101 USB/Firewire soundcards-*iMac G3 DV 400MHz* with installs from OS 8.6-OSX Tiger on different harddrives-*Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz* with new SSD ! Love it.


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2014, 09:25:46 AM »

i dunno man i think u might be SOL if the rme or sekd drivers dont work

did u try:

if the 96_16 file doesnt work then

your stuck with win98 drivers

maybe it could help if u take photos of your exact card + upload them here
unless u properly identify the card noone is going to be able to help u

the page above talks about a prodif platinum which uses drivers by sonorus

if your card is a prodif platinum then that is the mac driver right there

if its a prodif plus
or a prodif 96 pro
or a prodif 24
then u are stuck with only windows drivers available from marian unless they have mac drivers somewhere that arent posted

or if its a prodif 88
then this is the driver and that is for win2k + NT

are u sure u tried all the rme drivers?

three different types

the guy who was talking on the avid forums was using pro tools FREE so that means he had to be using a SOUND MANAGER driver hence the reason why he was having trouble with 48khz files because sound manager only supports 44.1

so if i were u i would be trying to find a sound manager driver for any prodif or rme card
which leads back to the m96_16.sit driver

i say u try that again and closely examine the information on this page:

2. Hardware compatibility (Top)

G4 Mac with Sawtooth Board (also latest Gigabit Ethernet and Dual CPU models)

In Sawtooth boards cards of the DIGI96 series do not work in slot 2 (B, next to the graphics card.) Although the system recognizes the card correctly as PCI device no address is assigned (no configuration write access possible.) Therefore the card seems to be installed, but can't be initialized from the OS. Please use the other two PCI slots.

Blue & White G3 Macs

In Yosemite boards cards of the DIGI96 series do not work in slot 11 (next to the graphics card.) Although the system recognizes the card correctly as PCI device no address is assigned (no configuration write access possible.) Therefore the card seems to be installed, but can't be initialized from the OS. Please use the other two PCI slots.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2014, 10:23:15 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2014, 06:18:28 AM »

this page talks about the mac driver being late?? "(NT and MAC ASIO 2nd quarter 1999)"

isnt that the card u have? PRODIF 96 PRO?

drivers here?

MAC ASIO and   Soundmanager Version 1.04 01/31/00    
Final Version compressed with "Stuff It™"
Works with G-4 Macs  Install Notes    

omg i think i actually found it;)
let me know if this works

note that theres also mac asio drivers provided there for these other products
-Arc 88
-Prodif Plus
-Prodif 32
luckily these files were hosted on the webserver itself + not the "Ftp" so they were
backed up by the web archive org robot

« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 07:17:19 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2014, 06:58:03 AM »

Chris...could it be true !?

Hold on..will update as soon as possible....
*G4 MDD 1.25GHz (Single 2003)* with 2x 80Gb harddrives, 1Gb RAM, Tascam US-428 and Edirol FA-101 USB/Firewire soundcards-*iMac G3 DV 400MHz* with installs from OS 8.6-OSX Tiger on different harddrives-*Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz* with new SSD ! Love it.


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2014, 07:18:16 AM »

Mac Driver Install Notes

Example HR

>Enclosed is the V1.0a4 of the ProDIF drivers. This version does fix the
problem with the G4 where the SoundManager output and ASIO do not function.
>To install these drivers you have to drag the files "ProDif Plus" and
"ProDif Plus Thing" (or "ProDif 96 Pro" and "ProDif 96 Pro Thing") onto the
"System Folder" (German: "Systemordner") incon. The Finder will ask you if
these files should be put into the appropriate sub folders. Click "OK" in
this dialog. If the dialog does not show up something went wrong (i.e. the
system folder may be open).
>The "ProDif ASIO" file needs to be copied to the "ASIO drivers" folders of
every program that uses ASIO.

not sure what this means but i guess u will find out once u install + try it out


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2014, 08:02:08 AM »

I'm trying to get it to work but i'm getting an error message as soon as i want to initiate the asio driver from within Cubase.

ASIO Driver Open Failure!

I tried the two different drivers which are included in the folder and followed the install notes.
I also tried changing the card position from the slot nearest to the graphic card to the next one just in case.
The next thing i tried was downloading it again.
I was also looking in the System Profiler if the card is showing up with its name but i'm only getting...

Card type: Not available
Card name: pci1382,2008
Card model: -1
Card ROM#: Not available
Card Revision: 1
Card Vendor ID: 1382

I should try it with an windows 98 machine first to be sure the card is even working...will see if i can try something like this the following week when i have time!

Thank you so much Chris. Feel like it's Christmas!
*G4 MDD 1.25GHz (Single 2003)* with 2x 80Gb harddrives, 1Gb RAM, Tascam US-428 and Edirol FA-101 USB/Firewire soundcards-*iMac G3 DV 400MHz* with installs from OS 8.6-OSX Tiger on different harddrives-*Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz* with new SSD ! Love it.


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2015, 02:03:55 PM »

Card type: Not available
Card name: pci1382,2008
Card model: -1
Card ROM#: Not available
Card Revision: 1
Card Vendor ID: 1382

According to this info, your card is none of this:

Sek'D ARC88             (0x0001)
SEK'D Prodif 96 Pro   (0x2009)
Prodif Plus                 (0x2048)
8-in, 8-out                 (0x2088)

So you need drivers for the 0x2008 Sek'D Prodif 96 ¿?

I think that the good ones are in the broken link  :'(  :

BTW, be sure the card is well inserted in the PCI slot. Some PCI cards needs to be raised half millimeter to the maximun insertion position.
Please don't PM about things that are not private.


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Re: sekd products - mac support?
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2015, 02:11:33 PM »

i think there is a non-pro version of the SEK'D Prodif 96 Pro
ie : just called "SEK'D Prodif 96"
that would make sense re: his number being one down from the 96 pro..

its a windows only card i think

did u ever try any of these? (bad link)
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