Almost 5 years passed and I'm still trying to get this to work on Mac. Yes, I'm stubborn.
What I recently accomplished is to try out IF the card actually works.
I managed to install Windows 2000 on my old Core2Duo PC and the card is beautifully working.
So I thought OK now that the last time i tried couldn't get the attached Mac drivers to work on my G4 MDD I would need to try it out on a more era-correct Mac so I got myself an B&W G3 and restored it to OS 8.6. I installed the drivers and Cubase 4.1 but I'm getting no Configuration screen neither and it's quite crash happy.
I really would like to get it to work but I only could find the attached drivers as the FTP server from SEKD is long time gone.
I think i can only hope that someday someone will pop up with later/last drivers.
Do you guys know where can i look for people. Facebook group? Usenet?
The company SEDK went down someway around the same era the mac drivers were developed. The lineup of sound cards were very confusing as actual manufacturers goes.
The ProDif 96 Pro were connected to and when SEDK ceased business there where in charge of the support but they never took over the Mac drivers as you can see in the webarchives.
Someone on google groups posted in 2005 (!topic/
The development and the support for the SEK'D products:
Arc44, Arc88, Prodif 24, Prodif 96 Pro and Prodif PLUS has discontinued.
Marian developed the hardware and the drivers of this products, but
sales, support and distribution was the responsibility of SEK'D. SEK'D
Soft- und Hardware Vetriebs GmbH Germany closed down appr. 3 years ago
and SEK'D products are now distributed by the California based company
plus24 (, who also ownes the SEK'D brand name.
Nevertheless, Marian continued the support and driver development in the
interest of the users for over one year even when no of this products
were sold.
Exclusively for Prodif 96 PRO and Prodif PLUS users Marian offers
special updates to much more modern products of our product range. You
save up tp app. 260,- € towards the normal purchase price! Please
contact mailto:
[email protected], if you are interested in such a product