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Author Topic: Mac Os 9 booting on: G4 Tower MDD FW800 (Detailed Posts)  (Read 311895 times)


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #160 on: June 17, 2014, 01:25:13 PM »

I re-join this thread to ask to FW800 users still with original firmware (non OS9 bootable) if after throwing to a dedicated (OS9 drivers blessed) partition the OS9General.dmg from MDD2003 and replacing the Mac OS ROM with the v9.5.1 modded in the other iMac thread their machine becomes OS9 bootable and fully functional: if verified there will be no more need to flash the FW800 with the MDD2003 firmware. Could someone kindly do this experiment? Many thanks in advance :-)


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #161 on: June 17, 2014, 02:03:36 PM »

Maybe changing MacRISC # with a few Open Firmware commands is all we needed...
The process is showed here:
... but in the opposite direction...
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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #162 on: June 18, 2014, 08:02:33 PM »

Just an update on my MDD dual 1.42 with a rolled back firmware version for anyone who is interested.

The firewire800 ports and the firewire 400 are working without any problems now with a DVD-RAM on the firewire400 port and a HD on the firewire800 port.

Was having trouble previously with the firewire 400 ports so don't know what happened?

The system feels more stable than before don't know why but everything just works well.

Anyway take it easy peoples...:-)



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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #163 on: June 18, 2014, 08:34:34 PM »

Code: [Select]
” PowerBook2,2″ encode-string ” MacRISC” encode-string encode+ ” MacRISC2″ encode-string encode+ ” Power Macintosh” encode-string encode+ ” compatible” property
It is based on FORTH, a programming language, where the actual command what to do with a value follows that value. (Like calculating with a HP-28.) So ” PowerBook2,2″ is the string, and encode-string is what to do with it.

^^ this is the real reason why not many people are able to do much with open firmware..
not understanding the structure of the commands.. this is very much backward to every other style of programming/scripting we are familiar with these days in both dos/win + unix/mac

we are used to [command] [values] [switches]
and this language's structure, as illusrtated in the above quote...
is set up like this: [values] [command]
totally backward
this sheds alot of light on the situation for me!

i guess the + operator simply means "append this value to the last" such as the "." operator is used in many ecmascript/javascript .. concatenating many strings to a longer string value.

it is a strange language with a unique structure.

if anyone was truly interested in mastering its structure this would be a good book to start with

the megawolf site says something about them obtaining "macforth" >
MegaWolf is very pleased to announce that it has acquired the MacForth programming environment!! For more details, go to


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #164 on: June 18, 2014, 09:30:56 PM »

Seeing how much this thread has evolved… I will now make a prediction…

By 2015 it will we 18 pages long and the last page will have a post about success with a Dual 2.7 CPU G5 running Mac OS 9.2.2 !!

But I regret to say it will only have 16 colors available and have no working ports (Firewire or USB), No Audio and No ethernet…

but who cares about all that crap… it will be the fastest OS 9 Machine ever :)


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #165 on: June 19, 2014, 01:40:53 AM »

i used to believe in 'wierd' errors before i knew more about programming.back in my youngre days
but the more i looked the more i realized theres always something u dont understand thats actually going on
and that 99.9% of the time  theres an actual reason as to why something happened.. or doesnt work etc.

nowadays i usually approach things with that belief! and u just gotta keep asking the right questions
that lead u to that better more indepth understanding or answer!

re: this thread;
Just goes to show.. more heads are better then 1;)

this page is pretty basic but at least it shows that the owner of is still alive its dated 2014!
(even tho they dont answer their customer support emails)
« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 01:56:42 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #166 on: July 27, 2014, 02:00:24 PM »

dont know if it has ben said aready, but i also believe to know that it is two things you need:

 - the ROM from the classic enviroment .dmg which came with the fw800 computer

 - mac os9 harddisk drivers, which you can only get on your fw800´s HDs by connecting them to a "real" os9 machine.

i haver never tried it myself though, mainly because i dont see the need to replace a apple dual 1.25 with a apple dual 1.4 when there are sonnet dual 1.6´s for "real" os9 computers (also for ZIP when i am not wrong, and the older sonnet dual 1.8 were even ZIP only)

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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #167 on: July 27, 2014, 02:14:53 PM »

By 2015 it will we 18 pages long and the last page will have a post about success with a Dual 2.7 CPU G5 running Mac OS 9.2.2 !!

But I regret to say it will only have 16 colors available and have no working ports (Firewire or USB), No Audio and No ethernet…

lol, but will launch simpletext faster than ever, even when infected with sevendust. :)

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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #168 on: August 13, 2014, 12:00:47 PM »

back to the topic..
did anyone ever try this with a powerbook g4 (2005)?
would be awesome to have a 1.6ghz powerbook os9 booting?
surely the same thing can be done IF we can find a compatible firmware downgrade?

both 2004 + 2005 powerbooks have radeon 9700 or geforce fx5200 video tho..
and the 2003 powerbooks had radeon 9600 but some had gf4mx
lists the most powerful os9 bootable powerbook at 800mhz (radeon 7500)

Introduction Date:    April 29, 2002    Discontinued Date:    November 6, 2002

lists the fastest as the g4 1ghz ti (radeon 9000)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2014, 12:13:25 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #169 on: August 13, 2014, 04:12:20 PM »

back to the topic..
lists the fastest as the g4 1ghz ti (radeon 9000)

I agree, the next target should be Alu PowerBooks VS TI PowerBooks but on OTHER post.
iBooksG4 can not boot OS9 as ALU PB

As there is some people interested in to Mac os 9 boot on other unsupported Macs I'll open new threads to discuss each specific model issues, and to keep this important thread in to his original sense "MDD Firewire 800" and to solve further questions on this topic.

So for Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iMac G4 please post on :

and for Mac Os 9 boot on unsupported iBook G4 please post on:

and for Mac Os 9 boot on other unsupported models, please open new threads...
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #170 on: September 25, 2014, 08:48:39 PM »

i believe it would be possible to use openfirmware programming in forth language to extract and save out copy of existing firmware
from any mac g4 . ie: emac, powerbook, ibook, imac
meaning that any non-mac os 9 booting mac that has another similar model in its range/series that can boot os 9
can be enabled to boot os 9 by overwriting its firmware with this older model, or if we really had someone with some real hacking expertise..these firmwares could be hacked without even copying the old, and simply 'flicking the switch' back on that apple purposely turned off - thats right we know now for certain there was no real hardware limitation that forced them to be incompatible this was a purposefull thing they did not want anyone continuing to use the classic mac os.. they buried it;) so since its discarded we can feel no guilt in digging it up;)

we got lucky in that there was a downloadable firmware already existing as an easy download in this scenario
but i believe the same techniques can be extended to make powerbook boot mac os9
and also the 2005 emac with 1.42 cpu

theresa huge list of macs that support 'classic mode only'
and they are all more powerful then any other mac os 9 computer

we have solved only 3 of these;) who is thirsty for more?
all g4s that support classic mode but not booting
eMac G4/1.25 (USB 2.0)
Intro. Date:    April 13, 2004         Disc. Date:    May 3, 2005
Order No:    M9425LL/A*         Model No:    A1002
Subfamily:    eMac USB 2.0         Model ID:    PowerMac6,4
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    40, 80 GB         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"*
eMac G4/1.42 (2005)
Intro. Date:    May 3, 2005         Disc. Date:    October 12, 2005*
Order No:    M9834LL/A*         Model No:    A1002
Subfamily:    eMac 2005         Model ID:    PowerMac6,4
Std. RAM:    256 MB, 512 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    80, 160 GB         Std. Optical:    12X "Combo Drive"*

iBook G4/800 12-Inch (Original - Op)
Intro. Date:    October 22, 2003         Disc. Date:    April 19, 2004
Order No:    M9164LL/A         Model No:    A1054
Subfamily:    iBook G4         Model ID:    PowerBook6,3
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    30.0 GB         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
iBook G4/933 14-Inch (Original - Op)
Intro. Date:    October 22, 2003         Disc. Date:    April 19, 2004
Order No:    M9388LL/A         Model No:    A1055
Subfamily:    iBook G4 14-Inch         Model ID:    PowerBook6,3
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    40.0 GB         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
iBook G4/1.0 14-Inch (Original - Op)
Intro. Date:    October 22, 2003         Disc. Date:    April 19, 2004
Order No:    M9165LL/A         Model No:    A1055
Subfamily:    iBook G4 14-Inch         Model ID:    PowerBook6,3
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    60.0 GB         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
iBook G4/1.0 12-Inch (Early 2004 - Op)
Intro. Date:    April 19, 2004         Disc. Date:    October 19, 2004
Order No:    M9426LL/A         Model No:    A1054
Subfamily:    Early 2004         Model ID:    PowerBook6,5
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    30 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
iBook G4/1.0 14-Inch (Early 2004 - Op)
Intro. Date:    April 19, 2004         Disc. Date:    October 19, 2004
Order No:    M9418LL/A         Model No:    A1055
Subfamily:    Early 2004 14-Inch         Model ID:    PowerBook6,5
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    40 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
iBook G4/1.2 14-Inch (Early 2004 - Op)
Intro. Date:    April 19, 2004         Disc. Date:    October 19, 2004
Order No:    M9419LL/A         Model No:    A1055
Subfamily:    Early 2004 14-Inch         Model ID:    PowerBook6,5
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    60 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
iBook G4/1.2 12-Inch (Late 2004 - Op)
Intro. Date:    October 19, 2004         Disc. Date:    July 26, 2005
Order No:    M9623LL/A         Model No:    A1054
Subfamily:    Late 2004 12-Inch         Model ID:    PowerBook6,5
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    30 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
iBook G4/1.33 14-Inch (Late 2004 - Op)
Intro. Date:    October 19, 2004         Disc. Date:    July 26, 2005
Order No:    M9627LL/A*         Model No:    A1055
Subfamily:    Late 2004 14-Inch         Model ID:    PowerBook6,5
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    60 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"*
iBook G4/1.33 12-Inch (Mid-2005 - Op)
Intro. Date:    July 26, 2005         Disc. Date:    May 16, 2006
Order No:    M9846LL/A         Model No:    A1133
Subfamily:    Mid-2005 12-Inch         Model ID:    PowerBook6,7
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    40 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
iBook G4/1.42 14-Inch (Mid-2005 - Op)
Intro. Date:    July 26, 2005         Disc. Date:    May 16, 2006
Order No:    M9848LL/A         Model No:    A1134
Subfamily:    Mid-2005 14-Inch         Model ID:    PowerBook6,7
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    60 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    4X "SuperDrive"

iMac G4/800 - X Only (Flat Panel)
Intro. Date:    February 4, 2003         Disc. Date:    September 8, 2003
Order No:    M9105LL/A         Model No:    M6498
Subfamily:    iMac Spring 2003         Model ID:    PowerMac4,2
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    60 GB (7200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    32X "Combo Drive"
iMac G4/1.0 17-Inch (Flat Panel)
Intro. Date:    February 4, 2003         Disc. Date:    September 8, 2003
Order No:    M8935LL/A         Model No:    M6498
Subfamily:    iMac 17" 1 GHz         Model ID:    PowerMac6,1
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    80 GB (7200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    4X "SuperDrive"
iMac G4/1.0 15-Inch "FP" (USB 2.0)
Intro. Date:    September 8, 2003         Disc. Date:    July 1, 2004
Order No:    M9285LL/A         Model No:    N/A
Subfamily:    iMac USB 2.0         Model ID:    PowerMac6,1
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    80 GB (7200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    32X "Combo Drive"
iMac G4/1.25 17-Inch "FP" (USB 2.0)
Intro. Date:    September 8, 2003         Disc. Date:    July 1, 2004
Order No:    M9168LL/A         Model No:    N/A
Subfamily:    iMac USB 2.0         Model ID:    PowerMac6,1
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    80 GB (7200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    4X "SuperDrive"
iMac G4/1.25 20-Inch "FP" (USB 2.0)
Intro. Date:    November 18, 2003         Disc. Date:    July 1, 2004
Order No:    M9290LL/A         Model No:    N/A
Subfamily:    iMac USB 2.0         Model ID:    PowerMac6,3
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    80 GB (7200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    4X "SuperDrive"

Mac mini G4/1.42
Intro. Date:    January 11, 2005*         Disc. Date:    September 27, 2005
Order No:    M9687LL/A*         Model No:    A1103
Subfamily:    Mac mini         Model ID:    PowerMac10,1
Std. RAM:    256 MB, 512 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    80.0 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
Mac mini G4/1.33
Intro. Date:    September 27, 2005         Disc. Date:    February 28, 2006
Order No:    M9686LL/B*         Model No:    A1103
Subfamily:    Late 2005         Model ID:    PowerMac10,2
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    40.0 GB (5400 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
Mac mini G4/1.5
Intro. Date:    September 27, 2005         Disc. Date:    February 28, 2006
Order No:    M9687LL/B*         Model No:    A1103
Subfamily:    Late 2005         Model ID:    PowerMac10,2
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    80.0 GB (5400 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"

PowerBook G4 867 12" (Al)
Intro. Date:    January 7, 2003         Disc. Date:    September 16, 2003
Order No:    M8760LL/A         Model No:    A1010
Subfamily:    12-Inch         Model ID:    PowerBook6,1
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    40 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
PowerBook G4 1.0 17" (Al)
Intro. Date:    January 7, 2003         Disc. Date:    September 16, 2003
Order No:    M8793LL/A         Model No:    A1013
Subfamily:    17-Inch         Model ID:    PowerBook5,1
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    60 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    2X "SuperDrive"
PowerBook G4 1.0 12" (DVI - Al)
Intro. Date:    September 16, 2003         Disc. Date:    April 19, 2004
Order No:    M9007LL/A*         Model No:    A1010
Subfamily:    12-Inch DVI         Model ID:    PowerBook6,2
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    32 MB
Std. HD:    40 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"*
PowerBook G4 1.0 15" (FW800 - Al)
Intro. Date:    September 16, 2003         Disc. Date:    April 19, 2004
Order No:    M8980LL/A         Model No:    A1046
Subfamily:    15-Inch FW800         Model ID:    PowerBook5,2
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    60 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
PowerBook G4 1.25 15" (FW800 - Al)
Intro. Date:    September 16, 2003         Disc. Date:    April 19, 2004
Order No:    M8981LL/A         Model No:    A1046
Subfamily:    15-Inch FW800         Model ID:    PowerBook5,2
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    80 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    2X "SuperDrive"
PowerBook G4 1.33 17" (Al)
Intro. Date:    September 16, 2003         Disc. Date:    April 19, 2004
Order No:    M9110LL/A         Model No:    A1052
Subfamily:    17-Inch 1.33 GHz         Model ID:    PowerBook5,3
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    80 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    2X "SuperDrive"
PowerBook G4 1.33 12" (Al)
Intro. Date:    April 19, 2004         Disc. Date:    January 31, 2005
Order No:    M9183LL/A*         Model No:    A1010
Subfamily:    12-Inch 1.33 GHz         Model ID:    PowerBook6,4
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    60 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"*
PowerBook G4 1.33 15" (Al)
Intro. Date:    April 19, 2004         Disc. Date:    January 31, 2005
Order No:    M9421LL/A         Model No:    A1095
Subfamily:    15-Inch 1.5/1.33         Model ID:    PowerBook5,4
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    60 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
PowerBook G4 1.5 15" (Al)
Intro. Date:    April 19, 2004         Disc. Date:    January 31, 2005
Order No:    M9422LL/A         Model No:    A1095
Subfamily:    15-Inch 1.5/1.33         Model ID:    PowerBook5,4
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    80 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    4X "SuperDrive"
PowerBook G4 1.5 17" (Al)
Intro. Date:    April 19, 2004         Disc. Date:    January 31, 2005
Order No:    M9462LL/A         Model No:    A1085
Subfamily:    17-Inch 1.5 GHz         Model ID:    PowerBook5,5
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    80 GB (4200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    4X "SuperDrive"
PowerBook G4 1.5 12" (Al)
Intro. Date:    January 31, 2005         Disc. Date:    May 16, 2006*
Order No:    M9690LL/A*         Model No:    A1104
Subfamily:    12-Inch 1.5 GHz         Model ID:    PowerBook6,8
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    60, 80 GB (5400 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"*
PowerBook G4 1.5 15" (SMS/BT2 - Al)
Intro. Date:    January 31, 2005         Disc. Date:    October 19, 2005
Order No:    M9676LL/A         Model No:    A1106
Subfamily:    15-Inch 1.67/1.5         Model ID:    PowerBook5,6
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    80 GB (5400 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "Combo Drive"
PowerBook G4 1.67 15" (Al)
Intro. Date:    January 31, 2005         Disc. Date:    October 19, 2005
Order No:    M9677LL/A         Model No:    A1106
Subfamily:    15-Inch 1.67/1.5         Model ID:    PowerBook5,6
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    80 GB (5400 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "SuperDrive"
PowerBook G4 1.67 17" (Al)
Intro. Date:    January 31, 2005         Disc. Date:    October 19, 2005
Order No:    M9689LL/A         Model No:    A1107
Subfamily:    17-Inch 1.67 GHz         Model ID:    PowerBook5,7
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    128 MB
Std. HD:    100 GB (5400 RPM)         Std. Optical:    8X "SuperDrive"
PowerBook G4 1.67 15" (DLSD/HR - Al)
Intro. Date:    October 19, 2005         Disc. Date:    January 10, 2006*
Order No:    M9969LL/A         Model No:    A1138
Subfamily:    15-Inch DL SD         Model ID:    PowerBook5,8
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    128 MB
Std. HD:    80 GB (5400 RPM)         Std. Optical:    2.4X DL "SuperDrive"
PowerBook G4 1.67 17" (DLSD/HR - Al)
Intro. Date:    October 19, 2005         Disc. Date:    April 24, 2006
Order No:    M9970LL/A         Model No:    A1139
Subfamily:    17-Inch DL SD         Model ID:    PowerBook5,9
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    128 MB
Std. HD:    120 GB (5400 RPM)         Std. Optical:    2.4X DL "SuperDrive"

Power Macintosh G4 1.0 (FW 800)
Intro. Date:    January 28, 2003         Disc. Date:    June 23, 2003
Order No:    M8839LL/A         Model No:    M8570
Subfamily:    Firewire 800         Model ID:    PowerMac3,6
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    60 GB (7200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    12X "Combo Drive"
Power Macintosh G4 1.25 DP (FW 800)
Intro. Date:    January 28, 2003         Disc. Date:    June 23, 2003
Order No:    M8840LL/A         Model No:    M8570
Subfamily:    Firewire 800         Model ID:    PowerMac3,6
Std. RAM:    256 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    80 GB (7200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    12X "Combo Drive"
Power Macintosh G4 1.42 DP (FW 800)
Intro. Date:    January 28, 2003         Disc. Date:    June 23, 2003
Order No:    M8841LL/A         Model No:    M8570
Subfamily:    Firewire 800         Model ID:    PowerMac3,6
Std. RAM:    512 MB         Std. VRAM:    64 MB
Std. HD:    120 GB (7200 RPM)         Std. Optical:    4X "SuperDrive"

who will be the first to boot mac os 9 on some of these machines? emac, ibook, imac, powerbook -- these are all waiting to be set free;)
the powerbooks + the ibooks.. so many models

iBook G4/1.42 14" screen

iMac G4/1.25 20" screen

PowerBook G4 1.67 17" screen
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 09:07:44 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #171 on: September 27, 2014, 01:55:52 PM »

ok that last list was a bit much to handle
heres a minimized list version of all macs that were blocked from booting mac os 9 (X only)

eMac G4/1.25 (USB 2.0)
eMac G4/1.42 (2005)

iBook G4/800 12-Inch (Original - Op)
iBook G4/933 14-Inch (Original - Op)
iBook G4/1.0 14-Inch (Original - Op)
iBook G4/1.0 12-Inch (Early 2004 - Op)
iBook G4/1.0 14-Inch (Early 2004 - Op)
iBook G4/1.2 14-Inch (Early 2004 - Op)
iBook G4/1.2 12-Inch (Late 2004 - Op)
iBook G4/1.33 14-Inch (Late 2004 - Op)
iBook G4/1.33 12-Inch (Mid-2005 - Op)
iBook G4/1.42 14-Inch (Mid-2005 - Op)

iMac G4/800 - X Only (Flat Panel)
iMac G4/1.0 17-Inch (Flat Panel)
iMac G4/1.0 15-Inch "FP" (USB 2.0)
iMac G4/1.25 17-Inch "FP" (USB 2.0)
iMac G4/1.25 20-Inch "FP" (USB 2.0)

Mac mini G4/1.42
Mac mini G4/1.33
Mac mini G4/1.5

PowerBook G4 867 12" (Al)
PowerBook G4 1.0 17" (Al)
PowerBook G4 1.0 12" (DVI - Al)
PowerBook G4 1.0 15" (FW800 - Al)
PowerBook G4 1.25 15" (FW800 - Al)
PowerBook G4 1.33 17" (Al)
PowerBook G4 1.33 12" (Al)
PowerBook G4 1.33 15" (Al)
PowerBook G4 1.5 15" (Al)
PowerBook G4 1.5 17" (Al)
PowerBook G4 1.5 12" (Al)
PowerBook G4 1.5 15" (SMS/BT2 - Al)

PowerBook G4 1.67 15" (Al)
PowerBook G4 1.67 17" (Al)
PowerBook G4 1.67 15" (DLSD/HR - Al)
PowerBook G4 1.67 17" (DLSD/HR - Al)

Power Macintosh G4 1.0 (FW 800) *** unlocked
Power Macintosh G4 1.25 DP (FW 800) *** unlocked
Power Macintosh G4 1.42 DP (FW 800) *** unlocked
« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 03:17:09 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #172 on: September 27, 2014, 03:26:57 PM »

ive been reviewing some threads on 68kmla that seem to indicate there are a number of utilities that are able to flash firmware + also talk of a few that are able to save a copy of the firmware made by 3rd party cpu producers like powerlogix

heres an update for the 500-600mhz powerbook g4s (mac os 9 bootable)

pic of the powerbook g4 667mhz (os9 bootable)

the firmware update requires that you be booted into 9 but i read that there was a way to inject the firmware
by having the file on the drive and installing it via openfirmware which would bypass the version checking that would
take place by mac os 9... the real flashing happens ont he openfirmware level anyway.. so this is similar in theory to how one would open an osx installer app by displaying the contents of a package and directly launching an executable that gets called after the implemented version checks..

the procedure for writing the rom file was already detailed to us by blitter on this thread..
it should be pretty much the same thing to do it on a powerbook rather then a desktop g4.

question is, could flashing a powerbook above 1ghz with a firmware from a 667mhz powerbook
render the powerbook unbootable.. ? i think in this case the benefit to figuring htis out would outweigh the risk!!!!!
especially if a powerbook could be attained for under 50$ which is possible only pretty much for powerbooks under 1ghz
people still are asking 100-200$ for the g4 powerbooks in the 1.x ghz range in my area

it might be worthwhile to find a way to extract the firmware from 1 ghz powerbook g4 somehow
and save that to a file.. like i stated before i think this is totally possible in openfirmware but would require
some skill + perfect execution

and of cousre the only reason why we havent seen these running os 9 yet is.. noone has tried;)
and the cpus are soldered to the motherboard i think otherwise someone would have already swapped a cpu
from a 1.67 into a 1.0ghz

pic of the powerbook g4 1.0ghz
« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 03:37:27 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #173 on: September 30, 2014, 07:00:08 PM »

Hi Chris

I've got one of those 1,67 ghz Powerbooks and I would love to have a native Mac OS 9 on it  ;D

Are then the only two things to consider to install from another Mac OS 9 machine the apple hd driver and then to implant that MacOS ROM  9.8.1 on it?

I want to try soonish


hey raphael... are u ready to try this?
we should begin by comparing your model to the last os9 booting model..are there any large hardware differences?
or are they very similar?


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #175 on: November 09, 2014, 04:02:48 PM »

So, first post (should just introduce myself where appropriate)... But been following this thread and a few on other forums for some time and finally caved and purchased a MDD FW800 (and a board from a FW400 I was luck enough to find and put into the FW800 case) so I could run classic. Basically, purchased the machine strictly to run OS 9.2.2 as it was the last OS I ran on my Sonnet G3 upgraded Performance 6400/6500 back in 1997.

Reason I tell that story, as it might be related as 9.2.2 was not meant to run on that Mac (with G3 upgrade or not)... But back then there were a few tricks that later became part of a tool to run Mac OS 9.2.x on older Macs. The search for similar info led me to an interesting thread on another forum in the last few months that many of you may want to take a glance at:

Figure it might be a good way to get both forums/threads working together.

MacTron beat me to it ->
Only had the Mac at home (incomplete, dead pram battery etc) for about 2 weeks and I am falling behind before I even get to start.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2014, 04:16:34 PM by blemk »


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #176 on: November 09, 2014, 04:48:20 PM »

u didnt need to buy the fw400 board...
the whole pt of the thread was
that proper os9 booting was disabled by apple at the firmware level on purpose..
we have provided a workaround..
to avoid swapping cpus or motherboards..

but of course u are free to do what u feel is appropriate!

btw welcome to the site ;)


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #177 on: November 09, 2014, 10:58:41 PM »

Yeah, the FW400 board though guaranteed a working OS 9 machine though. As much as I want to study why the FW800 board, I wanted a OS 9 machine for sure plus planned on doing some lower level hardware modifications (adding dipswitches for clock adjustments, experimenting with making a water block mount for water cooling).. And I got it for less than $20.   ;D

If I don't damage the board(s) in any way, plan is to go back to the FW800 board for native Bluetooth and 802.11g, and will likely make a second machine out of the parts I have left from this endeavor.

Having both handy allows for comparison as well.

Thank you for the welcome. Look forward to reading/chatting. Would love to work out some of the issues that come with cross flashing the FW400 firmware on to the FW800 (small, but would rather have all the FW ports working in Classic as the point of the mod is to run Classic it makes more sense to have everything functional there vs in Mac OS X). If it can be done without firmware flash or hardware mod, al the better.

I think someone asked or commented that they could not confirm this, anyone flash the firmware here yet that has an airport extreme card and/or Bluetooth module? Do they work properly in Classic and/or Mac OS X?


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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #178 on: November 11, 2014, 10:26:40 AM »

Reason I tell that story, as it might be related as 9.2.2 was not meant to run on that Mac (with G3 upgrade or not)... But back then there were a few tricks that later became part of a tool to run Mac OS 9.2.x on older Macs. The search for similar info led me to an interesting thread on another forum in the last few months that many of you may want to take a glance at:

Figure it might be a good way to get both forums/threads working together.

I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm a site administrator over at ThinkClassic and the author of that thread. I was also iMac600 over at the 68kMLA forums, but I haven't been active there in quite some time.

It's been a while since I explored booting Mac OS 9 on that iBook G4. After reading this thread and some of the suggestions put forward here, I've managed to successfully boot Mac OS 9.2 on the iBook. It's not perfect, and there's still a few issues to be resolved, but I'm optimistic that it should be possible to get it to a usable state.

I'll continue posting more information as I work on it.

Unfortunately I don't have a FW800 MDD to perform any tests with. Perhaps this information may be of use to someone though, and if anyone's successful in installing and booting OS 9 on an unsupported machine, I'd be thrilled to hear it.




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Re: Downgrade firmware of FW800 for OS9 comp.
« Reply #179 on: November 11, 2014, 10:52:49 AM »

I suppose I should introduce myself. I'm a site administrator over at ThinkClassic and the author of that thread. I was also iMac600 over at the 68kMLA forums, but I haven't been active there in quite some time.

Welcome iMic and congratulations for your great job at

I have copy/pasted some of your work here, just for archiving purpose and ofcourse, pointing  the source.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2014, 11:45:07 AM by MacTron »
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