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Author Topic: Day-to-day os9  (Read 160 times)


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Day-to-day os9
« on: October 08, 2024, 07:00:29 PM »

so after seeing some threads on MacRumors about people using there powerpc and early intel core duo based mac's on a day to day basis i thought why not create a thread where we post what were up to under os9 day to day ill start i powered on my pismo to connect to protoweb and stream some classic 1930's era music and im going to replace the hdd on my summer 2000 indigo imac g3 with a msata to ide adapter


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Re: Day-to-day os9
« Reply #1 on: Yesterday at 08:55:08 AM »

I am using my machine as a text editor, both in the literary sense, and programing sense. Though I find myself, using it as a communication machine, with people in this form of course, but also on  Blue Dwarf, the cheapskates social media that runs on a raspberry pie 3b. I use it as a multi-media machine as well, I repaired some dell speakers/sub woofer combo, that matches with my dell monitor, So it works great for music and for DVD's that I am working on getting a bigger collection of.

All in all, if I was better able to get PDF files of my computer, or had a working printer, I would be using my Power Mac G4 for everything.


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Re: Day-to-day os9
« Reply #2 on: Yesterday at 10:05:32 AM »

Well normally I would be listening to iTunes or working on a project in Illustrator, but today I am having to put in a new drive as the old one would not work anymore, and restoring.   SIgh.
15 Macs (13 of them ranging from an SE to a MDD), 2 iPads, 2 iPhones, 1 Hackintosh. Small house getting smaller with each Mac. . . . .  .Husband shakes his head but supports my habit.


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Re: Day-to-day os9
« Reply #3 on: Yesterday at 10:20:23 AM »

Rip drive, I was lucky I came across my Power Mac with a replaced drive from 2005, so I worry a bit less than average when it comes to that.

Have you heard any good things about replacing your hard drive with a Solid State piece of tech?

I keep on seeing things about Compact Flash to IDE drive cards or boards.


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Re: Day-to-day os9
« Reply #4 on: Yesterday at 03:04:17 PM »

I have re-formatted my Mac to use 10.4.11 with Classic, but I also have a 120 GB hard disk I took out of an old computer I used to use. Considering getting a SATA to IDE adapter to add that in. I'll have to re-format both, put the OS 9 Lives distribution on the smaller 60 GB drive, OS X 10.4.11 on the larger one.
Jacob Davis, "AutisticTechie" on this forum and the X Network

"Old Longing's nomadic leap,
Chafing at custom's chain,
Again, from its brumal sleep,
Wakens the ferine strain."
Jack London, "Call of the Wild"
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