2002 Quicksilver with an 820-1342-
B motherboard?
[NOT a 820-1276-
A motherboard.]
Just tested here with a 933 GHz QS and “
B” mobo.
Had it set up as Cable Select with a Western Digital 3.5”
80 GB HDD on bottom and a Crucial 500 GB SSD on top
(with a StarTech adapter also set to Cable Select.) OK.
Changed Western Digital jumper to “Master w/ Slave Present”
and the Crucial SSD attached to an RXD-629A7-7
its’ jumper set to “Slave”. NO boot problems.Check all actual available jumper settings for your “bottom”
drive and set accordingly. (This Western Digital also offers
“Single or Master” setting… which would be wrong.)
Problems persist? Provide pic of that “
similar to” adapter.
What gets me is that you said it will boot with no problem
if you remove the power cable between boots. This could
be a possible symptom of another un-related problem.
IF you follow the blue text section above and it still will not
boot… try booting again from a loaded installer CD to see
if either HD or SSD will appear as a selectable boot disc -
and if so, reboot after that selection.
Also, I know that you have reset PRAM.
Have you pressed the PMU?

And then there’s always the Apple Hardware Test 1.2.6
http://macos9lives.com/smforum/index.php/topic,818.0.html (Toast CD Image)
https://archive.org/details/applehardwaretestpowermacg4sw126_6913623a (.iso)