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Author Topic: IBOOK G3 Stuck on Grey start up screen  (Read 1630 times)


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IBOOK G3 Stuck on Grey start up screen
« on: August 18, 2023, 10:39:51 PM »

Heya, So recently I pulled out an old relic that was, my Ibook G3, to put old games and programs on it. I put this USB into it which works fine having used it on the same iBook in the past, bwhich worked fine when put into my MacBook Air, however this time when put into my iBook, it would freeze for a moment, then unfreeze with it not showing up in the desktop, I then selected Appletalk in the menu above causing it to freeze again, so, I forcibly shutdown the ibook, and turned it back on. It started it up with the usual startup chime and grey color showing up on the screen however would stay like that until a file graphic popped up, showing the Mac OS smiling face symbol and and a question mark symbol flashing each second. After a few minutes it will shutdown on its own. Can someone please help me? Thanks!

(Sorry if grammar is off, just typed this up late at night in my area)


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Re: IBOOK G3 Stuck on Grey start up screen
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2023, 10:29:28 AM »

Remove that USB stick (drive, etc.). And disconnect all other network cables, etc.
Attempt to boot holding down shift key + command key + the p and r keys (all together).
Release the four keys after 3 chimes (bongs, etc.). This = zapping the PRAM.

If you still have the flashing icon afterwards / and no boot, then…


Hold down the “click” button pad (green dot above) …upon yet another attempted restart to eject the CD tray.
Then place your original G3 iBook OS installer disc in the tray and close it. Hopefully the question mark
will then vanish and the machine will boot from the installer CD. THEN you can run Disk First Aid
(from Applications / Utilities on that installer disc) to check your HD and possibly repair or recover it.
If not, then it may be time to reinstall your OS to the HD - if it will allow this.

No original G3 iBook installer disc?
Check here for downloadable “others”:,62.0.html

Or more specifically… one of these two:,3176.0.html,3177.0.html

Good luck. ;)
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