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Author Topic: Mac OS 9 can't booting, grey screen only  (Read 41204 times)


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Re: Mac OS 9 can't booting, grey screen only
« Reply #100 on: October 31, 2022, 10:04:51 AM »

OK... so apparently we are seeing things in 2022 that we have never seen before...

1st:  The famous 1.25 Dual that only ran at 917Mhz.,6443.msg48360.html#msg48360

2nd: Now the 1.25 that hates OS9

Since Mactron and I have literally tested many dozens of MDD daughterboards over the years, and even throwing Xserve CPUs in MDDs without issue, I don't think it is a "rev" of the CPU that is causing the issue of "Not Booting or OS 9", I think more likely, our precious MDD CPU daughter boards are getting old, just like me, and are starting to have "health" issues after 20 years.  We have already proven, that old macs can die a total death or start to produce some strange anomalies and decide to "work, but not as expected"

It makes sense that heat kills; micro-cracks and transistor failure on a microscopic level will continue to plague our CPU daughterboards.  Just because we cannot recognize or pinpoint the CPU feature that "OS 9 needs" as opposed to what "OS X Needs" does not mean it doesn't exist and perhaps that "feature" is going bad.  That fact that OS 9 has booted and then froze supports the argument that we have intermittent electronic failure and NOT a missing feature from this particular CPU revision, otherwise, it would be more consistent and just never attempt it.

At this point, I usually stick to a rule with Old PPC hardware.  If the part displays intermittent issues, and I cannot fix it on a component level, then it gets trashed immediately. In the old days, I made a terrible habit of re-shelving parts and forgetting to label them "maybe bad" and hoping God would fix it, or it would fix itself, only to re-use it months later and get bit in the ass all over again. Now, those parts get a dirt nap, or a label if they are rare, but it is done immediately.  If a labeled part displays the same or a different issue at a later time, there is no third strike, it gets tossed.

In other words, I personally would not use this CPU in OS X, even if it appeared to work correctly.  If I was on a serious budget, then I would run the Mac MDD diagnostics in "extended" mode at least 2 times (even if that took several hours) before I would rely of this computer for anything of importance.  I would not want to be in a position of loosing work/time on something that is not reliable. You did the right thing and bought a different CPU.  I think we all got analysis paralysis on this one so I think in the future, we better go with our gut... swap out memory, then duaghterboard, then logic board, all while testing with the diagnostic CD.


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Re: Mac OS 9 can't booting, grey screen only
« Reply #101 on: September 10, 2023, 02:52:29 PM »

Не мог загрузить систему  Но обратил внимание что шлейф IDE не корректно отображает переферию Снял HD и перенес на шлейф DVD :HD -Master DVD-Slave Инсталляция корректная Система работает Может поможет?


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Re: Mac OS 9 can't booting, grey screen only
« Reply #102 on: September 10, 2023, 03:57:29 PM »

You see? This is how they take over everything.  >:(
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


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Re: Mac OS 9 can't booting, grey screen only
« Reply #103 on: September 11, 2023, 12:34:13 AM »

On a Quicksilver I have had setups that work with both OSX + OS9 and it would boot to OS9 no problems on the first boot, but upon restarting it would only find the OSX partition/disk as bootable. I would then have to do a proper shut-down and turn it back on again to restart in OS9.

Not the same exact problem but the characteristic is the same as one of my "Bribge" adapters: it only works properly in first boot.

In both of these cases, you guys are exhibiting the exact symptoms of a cable select (CS) issue. There is a small difference in the ATA parallel ribbon cable when used for CS. The symptoms you describe are exactly what you get when you set a drive to master or slave and use a ribbon made for CS. If you use the original cable, your drive must be able to recognize it. It must have a CS jumper setting.

This is why some SATA bridge adapters work on the QS and MDD and some don't. Most of them only have "master" and "slave" settings.
There are three solutions - which is two more than you usually get… You can:
1) Get SATA bridge(s) that have CS capability. Yes, they will cost maybe 10 bucks more than the little 3-buck green wonders.
2) Buy (a) plain old" IDE cable(s) to replace the Mac CS one(s).
3) Modify your Mac CS cable back into a "regular" IDE. Actually, Don't do this! If you must use a master/slave setup, buy a new plain IDE cable.

I remember getting some flak from people a while ago when I said something like "Geez! What's the big deal? I bought the red Startech bridge and I've had NO issues at all" Apparently, the ease with which I parted with $15 instead of $3 made me some kind of haughty elite looking down my nose at the poor masses! Rather than feed the beast by pointing out that they could evidently afford the much larger amounts to buy SATA SSD's and a $15 bridge was only a fraction of that, I just let it go. Then, I watched while people went 'round and 'round literally for weeks buying, testing, mostly discarding and endlessly discussing which ones worked (almost none of them) and even more recently, which ones are faster then others. (They're all pretty much the same)

Pass up Starbucks just once and you'll have the price of a great (probably the best) bridge still in your pocket.
Note: That was a while ago. I see that they're now up to $20-25. You may have to forgo Starbucks twice…

Basic CS info:

Identifying/modifying IDE cables:

The Startech bridge:


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Re: Mac OS 9 can't booting, grey screen only
« Reply #104 on: September 11, 2023, 04:21:40 AM »

In both of these cases, you guys are exhibiting the exact symptoms of a cable select (CS) issue. There is a small difference in the ATA parallel ribbon cable when used for CS. The symptoms you describe are exactly what you get when you set a drive to master or slave and use a ribbon made for CS. If you use the original cable, your drive must be able to recognize it. It must have a CS jumper setting.

This is why some SATA bridge adapters work on the QS and MDD and some don't. Most of them only have "master" and "slave" settings.
There are three solutions - which is two more than you usually get… You can:
1) Get SATA bridge(s) that have CS capability. Yes, they will cost maybe 10 bucks more than the little 3-buck green wonders.
2) Buy (a) plain old" IDE cable(s) to replace the Mac CS one(s).
3) Modify your Mac CS cable back into a "regular" IDE. Actually, Don't do this! If you must use a master/slave setup, buy a new plain IDE cable.

I remember getting some flak from people a while ago when I said something like "Geez! What's the big deal? I bought the red Startech bridge and I've had NO issues at all" Apparently, the ease with which I parted with $15 instead of $3 made me some kind of haughty elite looking down my nose at the poor masses! Rather than feed the beast by pointing out that they could evidently afford the much larger amounts to buy SATA SSD's and a $15 bridge was only a fraction of that, I just let it go. Then, I watched while people went 'round and 'round literally for weeks buying, testing, mostly discarding and endlessly discussing which ones worked (almost none of them) and even more recently, which ones are faster then others. (They're all pretty much the same)

Pass up Starbucks just once and you'll have the price of a great (probably the best) bridge still in your pocket.
Note: That was a while ago. I see that they're now up to $20-25. You may have to forgo Starbucks twice…

Basic CS info:

Identifying/modifying IDE cables:

The Startech bridge:

I just replaced the faulty adapter with another "Bribge" adapter and there is no problem since.

I would buy the StarTech's adapters only when I want to connect two drives on the same cable and boot OS 9 from one of them. Because shipping from the US (or UK) to my place is even pricier than the product.

UK's shipping used to be very friendly, BTW.
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