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Author Topic: USB boot -- frozen on Happy Mac  (Read 4661 times)


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USB boot -- frozen on Happy Mac
« on: August 17, 2021, 08:24:47 PM »


Laptop is an iBook G3 900MHz, 14.1 inches if that's important. I'm using the 2013 universal media from Macintosh Repository with the USB boot additions. Seem to have done it mostly properly, but my USB doesn't show any activity once I reach the Happy Mac image. It's been about half an hour and it's still on it.

Do I need to go get and install the laptop-specific media, is it my USB drive, or what?



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Re: USB boot -- frozen on Happy Mac
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2021, 11:39:23 AM »

IF… when you boot up holding down the option key, your USB stick does not
show up as a bootable source - then you may have to retry making the USB
boot stick. Be patient, give it time to possibly find your stick for booting.

IF… it does show up as a bootable drive when booting with the option key
down / but won’t fully boot from the stick when chosen as the boot device,
then again… try, try again to re-make a bootable USB stick.

Just did this recently using a USB 2.0 stick on an 800 MHz G3 iBook
and newer USB sticks would not work. And I was quite surprised that it
worked at all. And no, I did not need to use the laptop-specific install image.


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Re: USB boot -- frozen on Happy Mac
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2021, 03:00:09 PM »

IF… when you boot up holding down the option key, your USB stick does not
show up as a bootable source - then you may have to retry making the USB
boot stick. Be patient, give it time to possibly find your stick for booting.

IF… it does show up as a bootable drive when booting with the option key
down / but won’t fully boot from the stick when chosen as the boot device,
then again… try, try again to re-make a bootable USB stick.

Just did this recently using a USB 2.0 stick on an 800 MHz G3 iBook
and newer USB sticks would not work. And I was quite surprised that it
worked at all. And no, I did not need to use the laptop-specific install image.
It shows up as a bootable drive and starts to boot, but then never does. The drive is USB 2.0. I can't really think of anything else to consider besides just blindly reformatting the USB stick and trying again over and over. It just gets this far and then hangs. I'm half tempted to leave it like that for an hour or two just to see if it's just incredibly slow.


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Re: USB boot -- Happy Mac
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2021, 06:58:06 PM »

It shouldn’t take more than 10—15 minutes for the install to begin
and even possibly to complete. I used Mactron’s Bootable Rescue
CD & Disk Repair file for my USB.,1657.0.html

But you could also use the Universal Install:,2109.0.html

If you encounter same non-results using the Mac Repository Universal
- you might try either of the above. IF those don’t work for you...
let me know and I’ll try to retrace how I created mine.


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Re: USB boot -- Happy Mac
« Reply #4 on: August 18, 2021, 08:09:11 PM »

It shouldn’t take more than 10—15 minutes for the install to begin
and even possibly to complete. I used Mactron’s Bootable Rescue
CD & Disk Repair file for my USB.,1657.0.html

But you could also use the Universal Install:,2109.0.html

If you encounter same non-results using the Mac Repository Universal
- you might try either of the above. IF those don’t work for you...
let me know and I’ll try to retrace how I created mine.
Well, right away I've hit my first snag, Google Drive wants me to use a browser with both modern TLS and Javascript, a combination I don't think exists on Panther. I could probably install Tiger, and I plan to eventually, but I'd rather get OS 9 going first since I already have it downloaded as opposed to needing to download all four Tiger discs. Nevermind, this is what I decided to do. I'd use a newer computer but this is the newest computer I have on hand. Though nobody ever said this was going to be easy...
Trying to get my laptop to see my phone's hard drive and get files off of it turned out not as promising as I'd hoped.
I tried looking on MR and I don't see it, went to look on MG and it's not there either.
Side note, I think I'd been mixing up Panther and Cheetah on other forum posts, I'm on Panther.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2021, 08:35:30 PM by lepidotos »
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