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Author Topic: Digidesign Sound Designer II  (Read 47266 times)


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #60 on: October 26, 2022, 03:36:41 PM »

(posting from macos9 now because there is the screenshot)

right there is nowhere a list to find - and there wasnt one in 1999 when i started with this kind of thing.

it is basically those you mentioned, plus DUY, then there is a bridge for ensoniq paris, and deep in my memory there is a rumor about one more thing which i dont have and which i am not able to name.

Looks very impressive!

Is there a possibility to get it?


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #61 on: October 26, 2022, 06:24:04 PM »

i am begging for ages to no avail, just got myself a quadra 700 to turn into a sound designer rig just for SDII in anticipation


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #62 on: November 22, 2022, 02:18:18 AM »

i´ve made a screenshot of my archives long ago after your PM but i have yet to copy the files off the CDs.

as far i would answer this question there is nothing for SDII which would not also exist for later platforms.

please do


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #63 on: November 22, 2022, 09:45:01 AM »

Speaking of SDII/Samplecell, anyone heard of InVision before? they had a samplecell exclusive version of the Lightware Stratus library, along with a wholly original disc called Command Central.


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #64 on: November 22, 2022, 07:38:56 PM »

Speaking of SDII/Samplecell, anyone heard of InVision before? they had a samplecell exclusive version of the Lightware Stratus library, along with a wholly original disc called Command Central.

Yesterday i stumbled across them in an article about BIAS Peak 2.5.


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #65 on: November 23, 2022, 09:04:38 AM »

Interesting... Let's home someday we can see some of these rare treasures preserved!


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #66 on: December 14, 2022, 12:17:47 PM »

(posting from macos9 now because there is the screenshot)

right there is nowhere a list to find - and there wasnt one in 1999 when i started with this kind of thing.

it is basically those you mentioned, plus DUY, then there is a bridge for ensoniq paris, and deep in my memory there is a rumor about one more thing which i dont have and which i am not able to name.

Can you please share your collection of plugins?
This is truly a unique collection.


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #67 on: December 14, 2022, 01:20:48 PM »

 There is nothing for SDII which would not also exist for later platforms.


Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #68 on: December 14, 2022, 10:29:30 PM »

such a pity IIO never posted that SDII plugins he teased
they are one of a kind and shared nowhere


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #69 on: December 20, 2022, 02:34:55 AM »

Speaking of SDII/Samplecell, anyone heard of InVision before? they had a samplecell exclusive version of the Lightware Stratus library, along with a wholly original disc called Command Central.

Invision made sample cds called 'lightware' for Akai and EMU (i have some original Akai cds) they were purchased by northstar who amalgamated those samples into their 'phase' libraries and such.  Northstar still have a website up.


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #70 on: December 20, 2022, 10:28:27 AM »

Invision made sample cds called 'lightware' for Akai and EMU (i have some original Akai cds) they were purchased by northstar who amalgamated those samples into their 'phase' libraries and such.  Northstar still have a website up.

Yeah I know. Do you happen to have any Samplecell discs also?


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #71 on: December 26, 2022, 10:18:26 PM »

(posting from macos9 now because there is the screenshot)

right there is nowhere a list to find - and there wasnt one in 1999 when i started with this kind of thing.

it is basically those you mentioned, plus DUY, then there is a bridge for ensoniq paris, and deep in my memory there is a rumor about one more thing which i dont have and which i am not able to name.

Can you please share your collection of plugins?
This is truly a unique collection.

i guess hes keeping it to himself


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #72 on: December 30, 2022, 07:09:12 PM »

Can you please share your collection of plugins?
This is truly a unique collection.
i guess hes keeping it to himself

You guys should really work on your internet search skills. ;) Instead of begging for goodies in every second thread (or so), head to garden and search for "PPC_AUDIO_software_OS7_-_OSX.5.8_some_68K_apps". It is a 4GB Toast image that someone pulled from demonoid and put up there. It looks like HL server backup to me and is full of stuff many of us here have or had back then. There you'll find your SDII plugs, Cubase XT+patches and whatnot for your retro computing needs. The archive needs sorting, there are duplicates etc., so this should keep you occupied for at least a week. :D
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #73 on: December 31, 2022, 01:43:24 AM »

im in the process of sorting this and other packs locally for a sorted reupload, this is a major undertaking since i try to include older than os9 versions as well for "maybe we can get them working somehow nevertheless step 2 and 3 purposes"

there are SDII plugins IIO mentioned that are not in that list
there are early versions of SDII that feature enhanced hardware support that was later dropped ... its a interesting big topic that cannot be wiped aside with a simple "you guys are lazy lookatdatallthere"


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #74 on: January 02, 2023, 08:07:37 AM »

Can you please share your collection of plugins?
This is truly a unique collection.
i guess hes keeping it to himself

You guys should really work on your internet search skills. ;) Instead of begging for goodies in every second thread (or so), head to garden and search for "PPC_AUDIO_software_OS7_-_OSX.5.8_some_68K_apps". It is a 4GB Toast image that someone pulled from demonoid and put up there. It looks like HL server backup to me and is full of stuff many of us here have or had back then. There you'll find your SDII plugs, Cubase XT+patches and whatnot for your retro computing needs. The archive needs sorting, there are duplicates etc., so this should keep you occupied for at least a week. :D

Turn down the degree of your haughtiness mister, this image does not have the entire "IIO" list of plugins


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #75 on: January 03, 2023, 06:54:48 AM »

There is an astounding lack of information about historic Digidesign setups. I'm in the middle of this right now, trying to find info on cards and interfaces that are unidentifiable and/or have no information on them, and setups that are at best vague.

By the way, in this undertaking, I am looking for copies of original "ProDeck" and "ProEdit" that made up the first ProTools Digidesign package, as described here:   Any clues? Nevermind, I found PT 1.1 on The Garden.

I am getting a real kick to recreate a four track digital audio setup that cost some $15 000 at the time...


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #76 on: January 03, 2023, 08:52:47 AM »

There is an astounding lack of information about historic Digidesign setups. I'm in the middle of this right now, trying to find info on cards and interfaces that are unidentifiable and/or have no information on them, and setups that are at best vague.

By the way, in this undertaking, I am looking for copies of original "ProDeck" and "ProEdit" that made up the first ProTools Digidesign package, as described here:   Any clues? Nevermind, I found PT 1.1 on The Garden.

I am getting a real kick to recreate a four track digital audio setup that cost some $15 000 at the time...

join the club man, im trying to applesauce/greaseweasle/kryoflux those old pace protected floppies but here in EU its even harder to come by them. if you get your hand on anything put em on the garden. this will also spark interest in old apple computers because at the time they were the only ones running digidesign stuff.



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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #77 on: January 03, 2023, 10:23:37 AM »

if you get your hand on anything put em on the garden. this will also spark interest in old apple computers because at the time they were the only ones running digidesign stuff.

At the time, circa 1996 to 2000, it was an amazing era and the really cool thing about old Mac computers and audio was the variety or setups and pricepoints on hardware and software.  I was setting up so many different setups for clients... Expensive PT "hardware tape machines" with hardware DSP, or PT Lite (with native processing) or VST with native processing, or VST hybrid (with UAD-1, Powercore hardware DSP) or MIDI only with Performer or DOS Voyetra... it was only a few years earlier, that many of us that were using using hardware sequencers like a Roland MC500 and then graduated to Voyetra or Performer and tape sync (7 tracks of tape audio, 1 Track FSK) with computers as sequencer (40 plus MIDI tracks), hardware samplers, and outboard mixers... and then evolved to attempting to produce all those results all "within the box" on a mac G3/G4.

The complexities of patch bays, racks of outboard gear, tube replacements, soldering cables were now replaced with the complexities or Master clocks, interfaces, motorized faders, delay timing charts, digital master 2 tracks, HD client backups, etc.  Then like a collapsing super nova, the racks dis-appeared as Snow Leopard hit in 2009, as did many mixers, hardware samplers, racks of romplers, racks of effects... it was clear in 2010 that the Mac Pro (or equivalent) could do it all natively and be the virtual tape machine, virtual effects rack, virtual mixer and virtual sampler ALL at the same time.

Now the dust settled, some would rebel the single master computer "Audio GOD" approach, they would clean and re-rack some old samplers/romplers, buy some real synths, re-buy their favorite tube compressor and make their Mac share the glory with some other hardware.  Like the past, their is a wide variety of setups, but it is clear that for the majority of young beginning musicians, they would never get to hear the "real" instruments or play with the "real" knobs, the effects of that on their psyche can now be debated :)     

« Last Edit: January 03, 2023, 10:58:37 AM by DieHard »


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #78 on: January 03, 2023, 12:27:53 PM »

As far as the zenith of legacy DigiDesign, PT 5.1.3 and OS9; both TAD and Knez have shown that is can still exist in the modern world as a real means of production and NOT just a thrilling "experiment"...,6467

Hell, even guys like "BT" that are widely known, explain their reasons for using some old software that has features that were unique...and not duplicated today,1611

Fron Knez...
Not really. I ended up switching from Mac OS 9.2.2 on the MDD and my big Pro Tools MIX|24 system to a Mac Pro 2.1 running OSX Mavericks and a Pro Tools HD3 system.
Now we're in the process to switch back to the MDD because it sounded soooo much better than the HD3 system does, and we had more plugs. It was a more distinct sound.

After that has been done I'm hoping that the final switch has been made and we can stay like that for a couple of years.


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Re: Digidesign Sound Designer II
« Reply #79 on: January 03, 2023, 01:16:23 PM »

theres definately 2 approaches here

- the latest and greatest
- period-correct maxed out systems

in recent years the period correct retro approach has surfaced which means best rig possible in say 1994.
- Quadra 950 with max upgrades
- Digidesign ADAT Digital Interface (1994)
- Audiomedia II (1991)
- Cubase Audio 2.0 (1994)
- Cubase Score 2.0 (1994)
- MasterList CD 1.0 (1994)
- Pro Tools 2.5.1 (Aug 3, 1994)
- Pro Tools II System Accelerator (SysAxe) (Grey Matter Response) (1992)
- Pro Tools III 888 IO Audio Interface (Nov 1994)
- Pro Tools III Disk IO, NuBus
- SampleCell II Nubus (1993)

you get the idea

same approach for say a IIfx or a G4 450 upgraded to 1.8, which i now finally can plug 2 Sonnet Express PCI in that I finally found and are on the way to me :D

its not about whats actually useful any longer its a appreciation of technology, a keeping alive of technology

its basically kids -yes compared to some people who lived through the time and gratefully are still around- instead of repairing classic cars are repairing and maintaining classic computers, its whats happening now.
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