Before I go down this rabbit hole even further (he says whilst patching the ROM again) has anyone here ever done this and it worked? I'm trying to install a bunch of operating systems on a PowerBook G4 5,4 for tinkering purposes and having a play around with them out of interest. In total there's: OS9, 10.4,10.5 (Sorbet), MorphOS because I used to own an Amiga, Debian 12 (because it's brand new for PPC), Adelie (because of watching Action Retro's videos), Lubuntu Remix (because it may be the best linux a PPC mac can get) and OpenBSD (because of Action Retro again and also because BSD is the subsystem of OSX).
IF I start from OS9Lives (for previously unsupported G4's,2143.0.html) and create 5 partitions I can get OS9 on partition 1, then 10.4, 10.5 but as soon as I install MorphOS it breaks the partition table and I can't install the others. IF I skip MorphOS I can install all the rest including OpenBSD. But then installing MorphOS at the end still messes up the partition table.
IF I start with Tiger and partition using that, installing MorphOS doesn't break anything, I am able to install the others but then OS9 can't boot. Which is what brought me to this thread

So what I'm currently doing to save time is keep everything simple and simply concentrate on getting OS9 to boot without drivers. I've used the Tiger installer to create a couple of partitions, one for 9 and one for 10.4. I can use Disk Utility to restore" the OS9Lives CD image to the first partition. When holding the alt key during power on I am able to see both systems on the early boot selector. Clicking on OS9 boots but has the floppy disk with the question mark on it.
Using Tiger Brew ( i am able to patch the Mac OS ROM file using but then OS9 no longer shows when holding down the alt key during power on. I have tried blessing the system folder but that didn't work although I am unfamiliar with the bless command. At this point the rom file just shows up as a "document file" on Tiger so I have used Filetype ( to change the creator and type and it changes the icon to the ROM icon. But the OS9 still does not show when holding down the alt key.
That's where I'm at currently. So has anyone ever got this to work? Is it because I'm patching an already patched OS9Lives ROM which is "version 10.x"? If anyone has managed to get this one working OR knows where I can download a working ROM for a G4 which does not need to have OS9 drivers installed on the drive that would be amazing.