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Author Topic: Anyone got IAC working?  (Read 7690 times)


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Anyone got IAC working?
« on: October 03, 2017, 06:05:54 PM »

Two questions:

1) Has anyone ever gotten the IAC bus to work in Cubase? As in composing in one program and having Cubase be the VST host. Mine freezes up and no audio comes through.

2) Similarly, is it difficult to have the same thing as above but without the IAC? I'm talking a physical midi interface on it.

I've tried this with Logic but I'm having some difficulties. I can't seem to get channeled midi information to various different VST instruments in Logic. Hopefully this works in Cubase though, so that I can have a multitrack midi file playing on one system and all of the appropriate midi data is sent to various VST instruments in Cubase on another system. VST instruments set to different midi channels, in other words.

dr bu

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Re: Anyone got IAC working?
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2017, 04:51:08 PM »

ive used the IAC bus in Cubase a lot. recording to and playing from, that is. although OMS have always been kinda shaky for me. and uncheck midithru in the options menu. 

BUT (as im sure youve already found out) a Vsti will create its own bus (by name) in the menu of devices, above the IAC busses (oddly enough it will respond to midi even if not chosen as "output" in the arrange window!). so playing Vsti from outside is not really done via IAC.
i suppose you are connecting your SV input thru the modem/printer port but i have no experience of this. OMS via USB is risky.
"special purpose" "late night composing" ok... are you planning to do elaborate mixing/fx after the Vstis? otherwise this thing is easy to do in Max. :)


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Re: Anyone got IAC working?
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2017, 07:49:41 PM »

By uncheck midi thru, are you talking about Options - Midi Setup - System - and uncheck 'Enabled'? I thought that disabled midi altogether. The Cubase VST 5 manual seems to be missing stuff like this.

My current setup is that I have the IAC input disabled (under 'input from'), and I've unchecked Enabled on midi thru. I tried this with and without the Enabled thing checked, and with and without a track in the arrange area. When I get SVP playing back, the audio stops in Cubase. Hmm...

There's gotta be something I'm doing wrong if you've succeeded in getting what I'm doing working right.

I'm currently not using any modem/printer port or anything. I'm using IAC or just virtual ports. If I can't get that working - midi from SVP into Cubase via IAC or virtual ports of some sort, then my next option will be using two different systems for it. If you got IAC/virtual ports working though, I think I'll stick with that. Just have to crack the code of what's going wrong first.


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Re: Anyone got IAC working?
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2017, 08:10:14 PM »

ive used the IAC bus in Cubase a lot. recording to and playing from, that is. although OMS have always been kinda shaky for me. and uncheck midithru in the options menu. 

BUT (as im sure youve already found out) a Vsti will create its own bus (by name) in the menu of devices, above the IAC busses (oddly enough it will respond to midi even if not chosen as "output" in the arrange window!). so playing Vsti from outside is not really done via IAC.
i suppose you are connecting your SV input thru the modem/printer port but i have no experience of this. OMS via USB is risky.
"special purpose" "late night composing" ok... are you planning to do elaborate mixing/fx after the Vstis? otherwise this thing is easy to do in Max. :)

See my previous post. But an update is that I found the culprit: Cubase just doesn't like SVP being open and playing midi into it (and it seems like vice versa too). I tried sending Logic midi into Cubase and it worked flawlessly the very first try.

What is this 'Max' you speak of? I think there was something by Opcode called Max.

dr bu

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Re: Anyone got IAC working?
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2017, 04:13:37 PM »

Well, my Cubase did not like SVP either. Even without midi. Type 3 error. ???

Anyway I made a Hosting patch in Max today. Just an example. If you have a copy of Edirol HyperCanvas at hand my patch will load this and respond to SVP output thru IAC. You can download a copy of Max/Msp 4.1 (last one for os9) from here . I only tested it with 4 midi channels but it worked flawlessly. Instructions included. :) Let me know how it works.

Edit: Forgot to mention in my instructions: the HQGM2rsrc folder including prefs and help files for HyperCanvas must live in the Max/MSP folder.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 04:57:26 PM by dr bu »


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Re: Anyone got IAC working?
« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2017, 04:31:22 PM »

Will get back to you in a bit, gonna try this out!
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