ive already sorted him out with links to the rare hard to find original cds that shipped with the sawtooth AGP machine for mac os 8.6 + 9.0.2
https://www.mediafire.com/folder/calxk3ticozkv/1999_sawtoothG4honestly tho caleb i dont know what the problem is
i just downloaded one of the bin file again just to check it for u and u can literally just download it and double click it on any osx mac and it opens "unarchiver" utility and it expands on its own.. no stress.. 2 clicks.. thats all it takes.
im on my 2008 imac using El Capitain OS.. it should work on any mac osx from snow leopard to el cap.. just download it on any other mac + the image gets extracted, do a cmd-i on the file and it shows the toast icon + logo.. its associated to TOAST on my mac... if u have toast installed it will be there aswell. check the attached images and you can see that macosx automatically recognizes it as a toast image file regardless of "file extension"
the restore image works the exact same as the diehard instant daw, (using ASR restore software) except that its an official restore image from apple and its BOOTABLE - after u burn the cd u can restore the os9.0.2 installation that the sawtooth originally shipped with in early 2000, in about 5-10minutes... its really fast. its only 250mb. also u dont need both the install or the restore.. u need choose one or the other.. the install version installs from scratch as u would be familiar with doing on a windows pc.