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Author Topic: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags  (Read 31499 times)


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Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« on: September 25, 2016, 08:39:38 AM »

Hi there,

So I figure my first time installing was brute force and while it did go smooth i have some software not acting right and i figure after spinning my wheels awhile i'd start with a clean install of OS9 in case there are any problems from other drivers.. or something i messed up in the program's settings that i can't find and "uninstall / delete"..

So.. i have the disk I used to install the first time..  so my first step was to turn it on.. hold the option key and select the OS9 lives disk.. it boots up and i get a gray screen for awhile.. after some time of not seeing anything but a mouse i get a squeeky duck sound and i can right click and see basic right click options.. but not one icon or a bar across the top. 

I also have OSX on a partition (10.4 i think) and of course the existing OS9Lives HD partition that still boots fine, but i want to overwrite / delete / reinstall that partition

i was using this as my reference for installation..



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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2016, 03:50:58 PM »

How did you install OS9 the first time? Was it a 9.2.1 from ebay or was it one of ours?

The obvious procedure here is to stop trying to fix what 's not broken. If the OS9 install is working, thank your God and leave it alone!


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2016, 04:31:16 PM »

One of yours.  It was a disk image I burned myself from a 9.2.2 ISO (i think that's the right version) 


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2016, 04:44:27 PM »

its been said of course but its always best to keep osx + os9 on their own drives......
and not to access osx partition AT ALL while booted into os9
and also not to access os9 while booted into osx
like tothe point of.. if u need to move files.. email them to yourself.. or put them on a cd or external network location on your network, DO NOT COPY FILES BETWEEN THE TWO
of course u can, but when problems happen. u will remember that you were warned not to!

in my experience its best to just choose one or the other.. either os9 or osx...
dont install both.
its fun + intersting to install both but when u get the dreaded BTREE error.. or other wierdness and booting issues. its NOT FUN to stop working on music + troubleshoot..
easier to just sidestep the problems entirely with the simple strategy i just outlined


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2016, 05:15:43 PM »

i was using this as my reference for installation..

keep in mind that that page predates the entire forum
and there was alot of other installation sources made available since that
text was written back in 2010? 2011? or whenever diehard wrote that?


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2016, 04:25:52 AM »

Does anyone have a link to what would be considered the latest / most correct how too?  I've done some searching around. 

I saw one that was saying to install OS9 "In" OSX and I'm pretty sure I don't want that.. I really don't want OSX but it was there when I bought it and I figure it was helpful when OS9 video drivers were acting up and for the time being until i get OS9 kinks and Digital Performer 3 working on it, I'll keep it around.

However my hope is that I can simply do a boot from DVD and format the OS9 partition and do it from scratch like I would when I install Windows. 

Maybe I need to get one of those official disks after all?  I installed it once before using the OS9Lives Image so I'm not sure what's different this time around? 


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2016, 06:12:21 AM »

If you're interested in Cubase why not try the 'Instant DAW' installation... the whole process takes like 2 MINUTES(!) and you get a fresh 9.2.2 along with Cubase/plugs and a bunch of other useful stuff!! Crazy cool!!! ;D ;D ;D

Check it out.,2716.0.html


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2016, 07:09:44 AM »

awesome yea i might go that route..  I'm nostalgic for DP3 because I had this setup around 2001..  only back then I didn't have a MOTU 828 like i do now! :)

my question about Cubase is will it work with MOTU Midi devices.  With DP3 + FreeMIDI I have this setup all hooked up at once:

x1 MOTU MidiExpress XT (USB)  8 in / 8 out
x2 MOTU MTP AV (USB / Serial networked) 16 in / 16 out

My worry about other DAW is that they won't be able to talk to all my devices like I can do it in DP3.. 

but right now I just have to figure out how to reinstall OS 9.2.2   and it seems reasonable that I did it once before with this disk so I should be able to reinstall it.  I can't remember what I did last time. 

Because I have a working OSX partition, is there a way to install OS9 from OSX but to be clear I will never intentionally boot up to OSX so it's not like I'm looking for a "classic" solution.  I want a native pure OS9 (OS9 lives counts in my book).

« Last Edit: September 26, 2016, 07:27:07 AM by part12studios »


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2016, 07:28:13 AM »

all the info you need is here on the site.. try reading the sticky posts first
theres many threads on how to install mac os 9.22 as far as i know!

check the "HELP!" board here:,22.0.html

perhaps someone needs to rewrite a more clear instruction if people are having difficulty still. maybe u could help us to clarify what it is u dont understand or wish to have clarified? :)

most people here on this site are firmly rooted in the  OMS +  CUBASE camp..  many of the core members (diehard! mactron etc) DO NOT use  other programs such as LIVE!, DP! on a regular basis
therefore they dont have much to say re: FREEMIDI - there have been posts made on installing freemidi i think though, use the search engine here on the forums, make sure u are searching from the top top level of the forums or no results will appear (annoying bug int he search function)


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2016, 07:49:46 AM »

many users have a difference of opinion on whats the best way to install so u will get conflicting opinions if u ask

re: installing fresh/clean/new from CD
not all mac G3/G4 will let u install from a new fresh CD for example the general.dmg installers are for the MDD g4's, mactron + other users suggest that this is the best + only installation u should be using for ANY g3/g4 and claim that it supports ALL preceding hardware while other users claim that using the machine-specific installers made by apple provide better performance and like to find the original Installer/Restore discs for that SPECIFIC machine.

i personally like to use the specific installler or Restore disks if possible for whatever machine im using, be it a Quicksilver, or an MDD, or a Sawtooth, or a B+W G3. but for most people this can prove to be a difficult task and requires alot of detective work to sleuth out.



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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2016, 07:57:39 AM »

which mac do u have?


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2016, 08:11:56 AM »

ah ok that helps make sense of the confusion..  like there should just be one way that works with all G4 Sawtooth machines right? 

Ok here is the skinny on my setup:

G4 Sawtooth
x2 IDE hard drives (not partitions)
     - one with OSX (10.4 I think)
     - one with OS9 Lives
x1 Zip Drive
x1 Supderdrive (i'm pretty sure
768mb ram
x1 Rage 128 card

Everything is working, but I'm having some weirdness with the software i want to run so I just wanted to come up with a quick / straight forward way to blow out the OS in case I jinxed something in the installation process and it would be faster to just redo the OS than get into the tinkering with files / drivers at this point..  maybe I'll get better at understanding what's going wrong but right now the behavior is weird and no one really knows DP3 well enough anymore to be able to help me directly with the program. 

Is it better that I look for one of those official Disks?   I'm not doing anything fancy with my mac..  I want it to a few music programs is all. 


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2016, 09:46:54 AM »

One suggestion would be to use the "Instant DAW" as a base installation (even if you don't use CuBase") and then Install DP and/or other apps.


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2016, 10:01:44 AM »

I found this video [youtube][/youtube] and it looks cool :)

but where would i find said image?  are you saying this is a complete 9.2.2 image WITH various music software pre-installed?  that sounds brilliant!

Also OT question..  will cubase talk to MOTU Midi Express and MTP AV?  This hardware is briliant as it lets me chain various devices to go WAY beyond the 16 midi channel limit of MIDI..  because each MIDI IN and MIDI OUT (8 pair on each unit) has it's own 16 channels.. which is great also because it allows me to do sysex dumps / push / gets to many devices at once..  I'm willing to abandon DP3 for another image..

but right now i just gotta figure out why my OS9 disk fails to give me options to reinstall..  maybe i need to be in OSX after all?  that doesn't seem right.

so here are some screenshots from my system:



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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2016, 02:24:23 PM »

do a search for "Diehard Instant DAW" in the search box
u might not be able to find it if the admins have the instant daw hidden away in the silver/vault VIP area...? i forget where they posted it

if u are using a sawtooth tho, i really suggest using the sawtooth specific mac os 9.04 installation and patching up with the updates to 9.2.2 from there, some other opinionated users on the site will disagree with me but that is my opinion, having tested both on my Sawtooth AGP system! other users have agreed with me aswell that when using a machine specific version for the quicksilver 933mhz mac, the original install/restore seems to perform better.. i really believe that those installations were slightly tweaked for performance on that specific hardware


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2016, 02:49:41 PM »

Thanks for the insight.. my Sawtooth is 450mhz..  it's not one of the latest / greatest of the G4's, but it was $25 and it's a fantastic machine.  :)

is the 9.0.4 disk one I find on ebay or also in a silver / vault area?  I believe the 9.2.2 image I got was also a private link (which i greatly appreciated!)  so yes o OS9 Lives Gods out there if you hear my plea..  hook a brotha up (says a white guy) ;)



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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2016, 03:04:11 PM »

and yea my "Diehard Instant DAW" search just leads to a few threads of people talking about it but no links..   

i'm still kinda mystified that i'm having trouble at all with this image..  i installed it before.. it went smooth as anything..  but i just can't remember if i started in OSX.. or off disk..  i think i did it from OSX, but this time around I didn't catch any clear

Also i see a lot of OS9 - ish disks on ebay, but not clear which one would be the right one..  I know some Mac disks are pretty damn picky about what machine they do / don't install on.  Anyone know some ebay listings that are..

I'm going downstairs to see if I can install this disk from OSX.. that must have been how I did it.. the whole process is a blur in hindsight :) 


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2016, 03:14:21 PM »

Hi there, I only just last week used the instant DAW disks and love the result, it's great!  I used that as my base install & have since installed Pro Tools (from this site, I have a Digi001) and Logic 4.8.1.  I'm about to install Reason 2 and some other bits and bobs, plugins etc, I'm nearly up to full strength ready to open up all my old logic songs!

If you want any help let me know as it's fresh in my mind as I only did it a couple of days ago.

Cheers, Steve,
Powermac MDD dual 1.25ghz (9.2.2/10.4.11)/Powermac MDD 867mhz (9.2.2)/12 inch Powerbook G4 (9.2.2)/15 inch Powerbook G4 (10.4.11)/Powermac G5 (10.7.5)


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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2016, 03:20:04 PM »

Steve that sounds so awesome!  How did you get the image.  Maybe PM me if that's more discreet..  I'm not an apple employee...  yea that sounds legit. 

but seriously.. that sounds right up my alley. 

I do want to see if I can make DP3 work but I'm definitely interested in other DAW.

Does anyone know if MOTU Midi patch bays are universal enough to work with other DAW like Cubase Logic and the rest?  it seems like MOTU wouldn't make their hardware overly specialized to only work with their software..  but maybe they do?  Protools I think was known for being like that.



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Re: Looking to reinstall OS9Lives but hitting snags
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2016, 03:24:32 PM »

Diehard Instant DAW Link,2716.0.html

DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) Downloads » Host Applications »

It is the first Download under
DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) Downloads » Host Applications »
   Marked Bold & Stickied :) 

I thought easy to find
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