Cool! How's it going? Do I get a copy?
Of Course you can, Everything is in the downloads sections, If you can't' find something just let me know.

Another question for you, MacTron. If you reduce Cubase's allocation in the Memory Info panel (say to 512MB), does this actually reduce the number of instruments you can use?
If I reduce the Cubase allocation in the Memory Info panel, the amount of memory available is reduced accordingly.
Cubase - as most applications - fill its allocation memory with the contents of its files, in this case with scores, mixing setups, virtual effects and instruments etc ... the virtual samplers ( loaded inside Cubase) besides the memory they use for its code and resources, uses memory to store the samples that conform the Sampler instruments, as they are loaded inside Cubase they only have access to the memory in the Cubase partition, not outside it.
Or does Cubase possibly use the Temporary Memory allocation scheme to get around this limit?
No Cubase can't do this. Emagic Logic Audio does.
I have edited this post to add a typical example of sampled instruments memory usage:
500Mb -> Women choir (with all consonants and vowels)
500Mb -> String section ( violin, violas , cellos, etc) with several articulations (staccato, sustained ...)
500 Mb -> Brass, Woodwind and Percussion.
As you can see a basic setup fill 1.5 Gb of memory and it's hard to insert a piano, an harp or even church organ

A workaround of this is to play the samples directly from disk instead of loading them to RAM, or at least in part, but the polyphony decreases heavily because this process implies that the samples have to travel from the HD througth the PCI bus etc, and this heavily slowdown the playback performance .
I you have Youtube access here you can see an example of this setup. Everything is rendered in real time in a Mac Os 9 machine -even the video- :