I've noticed there have been some people who have to go in and use an nvramrc script to change the cpu-version to make 9 bootable.
This works well and is usefull, but if you ever have to reset the nvram or if your batteries die and it resets then you have to re-apply this patch. Yes it's not painful, but I'd rather not have to do it.
Now iMic did a lot of awesome work with hacking the boot script that loads the trampoline code that loads the toolbox. So since his updates worked well I followed the same path. I have updated the boot script in the rom file to check for a G4 cpu with a newer cpu-version that isn't supported and change it to one that is. This does the same thing as the nvramrc but will never have to be re-applyed and will make booting easier for people who are not familiar with open firmware or are scared of it.
Currently the file I modified doesn't boot for two reasons. One, when I edited it the creator/file types got messed up so you have to manually force open firmware to ignore that and load it anyway. Two, I didn't get the file adjusted to make the trampoline/elf portion re-aligned ok. It was really really late when I finished this up and needed to get to bed, but it was able to load and run the script and did set the cpu-version and did try to boot the trampoline code, it was just at the wrong location.
So once I get those two items fixed (hopefully this evening) I will have a new rom for people to test/enjoy.
This still doesn't provide full valid support for those cpu's, but it will get more machines the option too boot or at least boot far enough to figure out what else needs to be changed.