Anyway, weird stuff. Now time to see if drives bigger than 2 TB can also work. 
there are 3000 members in the facebook group, but noone seems to be able to hook iup a spare 10 TB drive to his mac. would be great if some of us could one day actually test that: connect it, format it with silverlining with 8-times the normal sector size, copy at least 2,5 TB data on it, read these files again, and and and ... it is quite some work.
yes, and then t here are media composer, protools, disk repair utils ... those need a practice test, too.
afp? well that is not exactly the same as using a drive
under OS9, but you know that.

1) For newbies, the large drive obsession where some of our senior members are pushing the limits of OS 9, is a great 'theoretical" discussion; and a "cool experiment" but it's best to stick to Volumes of 200GB or less in the real world of an OS9 Audio / Video G4 that has a mechanical drive
i guess you are right that the boot drive or the "audio" drive should not be something in an experimental status with yet to discover boundaries or problems.
however, if you are a collector or if you work with data mining, you might need more than a total of 2*120 Gb in your house.
the use of a 20 TB HD which is also redable under MacOS9 has reasoning:
- it might be easier to maintain or
- it might be even cheaper to buy 2*20 TB compared to 20*2 TB.
for example for 2*20 TB you would need 2 8-port firewire hubs, and that is not really funny to work like that, and it is not really fun to buy those new for 180 euros because you just dont find them second hand.
however, if you really need 40 TB of storage, you are good advised not to do that with 400 100gb drives if you know what i mean. and i am not only talking about the women acceptance factor here.
if you load that up with all the stuff you bought and torrented you can easily hit the max of 32,767 files or files/folders under that folder. So again, the smaller volume sizes
that is an important advise, too. i have had smaller and bigger issues several times with b-tree errors on disks after unstuffing thousands of files or similar tasks. and that is with 1.5 gig RAM and no other apps open.
and btw. it only happens in OS9, not 10.4.
general rule in 110 land for is to try not to have more than 2000 files in one folder and not to process more than 500-1000 at the same time / in a single task.
storage of textfiles and images in larger amounts happens using toast image file here.
i recently had a broken volume on a 1,5 Tb disk. it was one of 3 of 500 mb each. we all know what would have happened if there would have only 1 partition.
always work with compromises when organizing modular structures, graphs and trees.