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Author Topic: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS  (Read 82451 times)


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E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« on: March 19, 2015, 11:10:49 AM »

I've uploaded a series of 8 (missing vol 4)
of these E-mu Classic Series sample cds
originally developed for the E-mu Emulator III (EIIIX) (1993)

im not sure if they are converted to kontakt
they are mostly in .bin + .cue format
to be burned onto a CD (700mb size?)
(they expand to full disc images)

if anyone would like to take a crack at converting these to a usefull
format  (ie: kontakt, halion, etc)
please check one of them out
they are most likely all the same..
so if one is in kontakt format (.nki) already
the rest probably are the same

i have no idea how to convert..
i think they maybe in e-mu sampler native format
to be used via a scsi cdrom with a E-Mu '90s Sampler
such as E64, E6400, E5000, E4, E4XT, E-4000, ESI-32

heres an example link from one of the discs:

they seem to have cross referenced the products on this old 2003 website by compatible product
heres a few example urls but u can just use the dropdown menu top right corner:

this site was backed up from 2003 when E-Mu & Ensoniq were the same company and still active
alot of their content coming from and

heres some soundfonts available from digitalsoundfactory:
they also have kontakt products:
logic exs24
digidesign structure
reason refills
and more

heres a look at the old 2003 era version of syntaurs site:

another url:

big list of cds here:

attached is a pic of an e-mu sampler with some of the cds that i have uploaded in the pic

also i found out i do have vol 4 afterall

additional info:

• Emulator Standards
The granddaddy of Emu’s sample library, containing some of the original sounds from the first Emulator. A cross-section of instruments from orchestral to brass and percussive that is never hugely cutting-edge but includes some very useful material nonetheless.

• More Emulator Standards
More of the same but this time with perhaps a greater emphasis on orchestral sounds. The arco strings are of particular note as are the ethnic sounds, which include surdos, berimbaus and sitars.

• Orchestral
Pretty much the same type of sounds you will find on the Proteus 2 Protozoa library, but featuring much bigger and better examples of each instrument. Typical banks require 4-8Mb and there is a great range of all types of orchestral instrument from strings through to woodwind, brass and percussion as well as a couple of grand pianos and a wonderful harpsichord.

• Sound FX
Unless a sound effects library is 30 discs long it generally has only token value, but the selection of ambiences, water sounds and domestic noises on this disc might find a use somewhere. A well recorded and welcome inclusion if only to make you want to think about the other SFX disks in the Emu library.

• World Instruments
Like the Orchestral disc this one will be familiar to owners of one of the Proteus modules, this time the Proteus 3, but again it features larger and more comprehensive examples of each instrument. The selection includes kotos, whistles, bagpipes and flutes, and for the most part provides all the ethnic musicality you could ask for. The plucked instruments usually stand out as the best of the bunch.

• World Percussion Ensemble
Filling in all the gaps in the World Instruments disc, this one concentrates solely on ethnic drum and percussion sounds. Far more than just a bit of African drumming, this disc is as wide a study of global drum sounds as you could imagine, featuring sounds from Japan, Indonesia, Nepal, India, South America and many others.

• Emu Classics
A curious inclusion, as half of the disc features pretty much the same as the Protozoa library, namely Proteus 1, 2 and 3 sound sets. In addition, however, there are some great vintage keyboard sounds in the form of DX7s, Rhodes, and Mellotron choirs.

• Vintage
A few classic organs are included on this disc along with Prophet, ARP, Moog, Juno and Oberheim synths. There are also a few interesting guitar sounds and a couple of percussion sets. Not exactly a ground-breaking disc, but the sounds are well recorded and presented.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 06:48:06 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2015, 01:01:31 PM »

OK, I'll take a look ...
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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2015, 01:26:13 PM »

i think they need to be extracted from E-mu or Ensoniq Format first..
(using Ensoniq plugin for totalCommander (windows) or similar product able to read the ensoniq/e-mu proprietary formats)

I am getting more and some say kontakt..
if they are from 2003/2004 there is a chance they are kontakt 1.5 compatible (os9)

also there is a chance some reason refill will be reason 2.5 compatible (os9)

also there is a chance some soundfont will be compatible? (u said soundfont2 is not ??)
but if from 2003/2004 would that be .sf or .sf2?


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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2015, 03:34:38 PM »

Xtreme Sampler Converter sucessfully did the translation.
It can open the .bin file and translate the EMU instruments to the sampler format you wish.
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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2015, 03:48:56 PM »

hey great news  ;D 8)

coz im grabbing more of these things from online. ;)


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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2015, 04:08:21 PM »



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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2015, 04:12:37 PM »



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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2015, 08:45:34 PM »

theres now 13 of these cds uploaded by me..
and i also have found vol 16 which is a multi-cd percussion edition
 8)  8)  8)


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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2015, 04:45:29 AM »

i uploaded many more discs last nite..  i will check to make sure they transferred ok but im sure they did

attached is a jpeg showing the filenames of these

the emu "X" ones are for emulator X & proteus X PC only desktop sampling app..
we will see if these are able to be converted

the format is listed above (EXB) in the Xtreme Sampleconverter menu.. so i am optimistic!
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 05:16:03 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2015, 07:52:18 AM »

did u try CDEXTRACT?

Yes I did.

The good point about Extreme Sample Converter is that don't need a real recorded CD ROM, it works with the image file (.bin) directly. The bad point is that this App is for Windows only, AFAIK  :'(
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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2015, 08:32:59 AM »

so to use CDEXTRACT u have to burn to a real cd first..?

im sure CDEXTRACT would work in combination with Daemon Tools  or other virtual cd mounting app?


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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2015, 09:13:01 AM »

i also have this

Modern Symphonic Orchestra                                                 
    The Modern Symphonic Orchestra offers a comprehensive collection of over   
    10GB (five DVDs) of the finest string, brass, woodwind, and percussion     
    samples - all meticulously sampled for just the right expressiveness in     
    each recorded note to convey a truly realistic feel.                       
    The library has been set up so that the instrumental sounds of the         
    orchestra are laid out based on a live performance setup from the           
    Baroque era. While there are many ways to set up an orchestra on stage,     
    in working with orchestral samples, this pre-panned Baroque-style setup     
    works the best to give you the most realistic sound possible.               
    Programmed specifically for the powerful Emulator X/Proteus X sound         
    engine, each of the Modern Symphonic Orchestra's presets is mapped to       
    the MIDI real-time controllers for enhanced expression. The pitch wheel     
    and modulation wheel, and other continuous controllers create various       
    performance effects such as: bend-up/ down, voice switching, chorus, or     
    layer crossfade.                                                           
    Together with the included Overture 4 SE notation software, E-MU's         
    Modern Symphonic Orchestra offers a total "plug-and-play" soundset for     
    your Emulator X and Proteus X that lets you dial in the perfect             
    orchestral sound every time.                                          

but its 5 dvds + 7.6gb kind of a pain in the ass to upload but i can upload it.

Technical Specifications

Style: Orchestral / Symphonic
For use with Emulator X and Proteus X

Disc 1 - Strings
765 Presets

Disc 2 - Woodwinds
696 Presets

Disc 3 - Brass
728 Presets

Disc 4 - Percussion
26 Presets

Disc 5 - Symphonic
64 Presets
the only ones im missing is the Vintage X pro vol 1 /2 /3 of which i only have the first 2 discs of vol 1... I think each of those is 4 discs.. so 12 cds...

these can be used on a pc running emulator X or proteus X / Proteus VX using the pc as a standalone midi module.. or they can possibly be converted..
would love to find out from any of u other guys whether or not they are able to be converted.. as im devoting my time to digging up more of this sort of material.. it would be great if someone else could also try to convert... (other than mactron)

or perhaps some other members have the missing volumes that i have not been able to find.. to complete the collection


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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2015, 09:41:11 AM »

so to use CDEXTRACT u have to burn to a real cd first..?

Yes, it is. And for most of the others converters too.

im sure CDEXTRACT would work in combination with Daemon Tools  or other virtual cd mounting app?

I haven't tried this, but I bet that doesn't work. The .bin format can be a simple ISO, but can be complex as hell too. In this case is a EMU format. I don't know much about it, but this is not a ISO format for sure, so virtual mounting it may be very hard if no imposible, IMHO

i also have this


but its 5 dvds + 7.6gb kind of a pain in the ass to upload but i can upload it.

It will be great if you upload it. I use to write some symphonic themes from time to time, and there is a very few Symphonic Orchestra libraries ...

Anyway, you can upload the first DVD only to check about this EMU-X format ...

the only ones im missing is the Vintage X pro vol 1 /2 /3 of which i only have the first 2 discs of vol 1... I think each of those is 4 discs.. so 12 cds...

these can be used on a pc running emulator X or proteus X / Proteus VX using the pc as a standalone midi module.. or they can possibly be converted..
would love to find out from any of u other guys whether or not they are able to be converted.. as im devoting my time to digging up more of this sort of material.. it would be great if someone else could also try to convert... (other than mactron)

or perhaps some other members have the missing volumes that i have not been able to find.. to complete the collection

We are almost 1000, but contributing to the forum we are just a dozen ...  :( and usually even fewer ...  :'(
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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2015, 10:19:29 AM »

yes im pretty dissappointed in the lack of contributions by people that have a great deal of info to contribute and never take the effort to write more then 1-2 sentences. its like, why even come here.. ???if not to share hard to find information + knowledge + also recieve some great things in response..

the mondern symphonic orchestra is the same format as the other 8 or so discs that are undre the emulator X / Proteus X folder i uploaded
along with the proteus X / VX emulator X client i will finish uploading

ive started to upload the first dvd of the symphonic orchestra

in the meantime.. i encourage u guys to check out the libraries over here:
some of them are cheap..
such as

also there is one more point to make
i think there is a plugin vst that these sounds have been ported to already called "cakewalk dimension" vst Mac formats: AU (Universal Binary), RTAS (Pro Tools 6.x & up), VSTi; Windows formats: DXi (XP & x64), and VSTi
and its for mac/pc this would be a better way to make use of these sounds then having to use a standalone pc
running emulator X / Proteus X if it is able to be compatible with the same discs

some are already included in the materials i have uploaded
some we can find online..

im really curious about these
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 11:20:26 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #14 on: March 21, 2015, 07:53:02 AM »
im also collecting these cds for the ASR-10 & EPS ensoniq samplers.
at 70$ a pop these are not cheap;)
i have gotten a bunch of them.. kmost of them.. trying to get the ones im missing
and i will see about postign the entire collection.

symphonic orchestra 5 dvd set seems to be complete.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2015, 08:18:56 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2015, 08:21:53 AM »

im trying to find this one - it has a particularly lovely piano
patch i think its called "perfect piano"



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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2015, 08:39:59 AM »

the mondern symphonic orchestra is the same format as the other 8 or so discs that are undre the emulator X / Proteus X folder i uploaded
along with the proteus X / VX emulator X client i will finish uploading

ive started to upload the first dvd of the symphonic orchestra
symphonic orchestra 5 dvd set seems to be complete.

Thank you very much. I'm still downloading the second DVD ...
But I have already tested the first one. The library comes in a compressed (and/or encrypted ) file, the DVD contains a installer and must be installed into a windows machine. The instruments have an exb. extension and the samples .ebl . CdXtract can't open (nor convert) them,

the format is listed above (EXB) in the Xtreme Sampleconverter menu.. so i am optimistic!

... but Extreme Sampler Converter and ChickenSys Translator can. ;D
tested and confirmed! LOL

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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2015, 10:49:03 AM »

Extreme Sampler Converter and ChickenSys Translator can. ;D
tested and confirmed! LOL
Patch to Patch Conversions
    Yamaha TYROS 2 Custom Normal Import and Export
    Renoise XRNI instrument and XRNS song Import, XRNI instrument Export
    Dash Signature Import and Export
    VSTi Sampling using VSTi Converter
    Hardware Sampling using Hardware Converter
    SoundFont Import and Export
    GigaSampler Import and Export
    GigaStudio 1.0/2.0 Import
    GigaStudio 3.0 Import and Export, full support for accelerated 16-bit and 24-bit files and splitted giga files *.gx01
    Solton MS-40/50/60 Import and Export (special editor included)
    Sampletank 1.0 Import and Export
    DLS Downloadable Sounds Level 1 Import
    DLS Downloadable Sounds Level 2 Import and Export
    SampleFarm Import
    DS-404 Import and Export
    Creamware Pulsar STS Import and Export
    Akai S5000/S6000/Z4/Z8 Import and Export
    Halion 1 Import
    Halion 2 Import and Export

    Halion 3* Import (Steinberg Dongle required)
    Kontakt 1/2/3* Import and Export
    Wusikstation 1/2/3/4 Import and Export
    Sfz Import and Export
    EmulatorX* Import and Export
    ProteusX* Import and Export
    Samplelord Import and Export

* Factory Sound Banks, monolith HSB files, NKS files and derivative files are not supported.
SampleTank 1 and Halion 2 exporter!

So MacTron is converting this to kontakt only? Or DieHard to Halion? Or Chris to AKAI?

I have no tools to help. I already uploaded unnks software for Kontakt conversions on other post I think.
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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2015, 11:06:03 AM »

symphonic orchestra 5 dvd set seems to be complete.

Thank you very much. I'm still downloading the second DVD ...
But I have already tested the first one. The library comes in a compressed (and/or encrypted ) file, the DVD contains a installer and must be installed into a windows machine. The instruments have an exb. extension and the samples .ebl . CdXtract can't open (nor convert) them,

... but Extreme Sampler Converter and ChickenSys Translator can. ;D
tested and confirmed! LOL

Would you be so generous to convert them to a OS9-friendly format?

Are some conversion targets a downgrade in terms of quality?
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: E-Mu Classic Series Sample CDS
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2015, 11:21:05 AM »


heres a vid on the MSO

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