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Author Topic: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)  (Read 39962 times)


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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (August 2000)
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2013, 03:28:37 PM »


Nuendo 1.5.2 added the following features and fixes:

- MOTU 1296 adaption.

- Mixdown now allows sample rates greater then 96kHz. (176400/192000/352800/384000)

- Additional sample rates for file conversion in Pool (64000/176400/192000)

- Solo of MIDI tracks routed to VST instruments did not work correctly after setting the track to record.

- When a Surround Panner was used on a channel, the previous pan settings would affect the level of the signal.

- Automation of Surround Panner could produce unsteady movements of the signal in the panner.

- Length accuracy was improved for time stretching with MPEX algorithm.

- Freezes related to disc overload situations on certain Macintosh systems have been fixed.

- 9-pin devices would occasionally stop after the right locator.

- On enabling inputs, insert plug-ins where reset.


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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2014, 12:01:53 PM »

just wondering why we dont have nuendo 1.5 posted in the daw hosts section?
this version works pretty good from what i have tested..
alot more dependable then battery vst or halion 1 even!


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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2014, 12:57:29 PM »

Nuendo_161_Patcher.hqx update to v1.61
found (miraculously) backed up here

ive attached the file aswell


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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #4 on: August 01, 2014, 09:48:33 AM »

just wondering why we dont have nuendo 1.5 posted in the daw hosts section?
Here it is:

this version works pretty good from what i have tested..
Did you remember this thread:

I'd used Nuendo for a while, and I like it, it have some things better than Cubase VST 5, but Nuendo 1.5.2 is buggy, I have lost some works even after saving it to disk :(
Cubase SX and up, was based in Nuendo. In fact, the first versions of Cubase SX has less capabilities than Cubase VST 5

Chris, I am sure you would agree that there are many great tools for producing music on Mac OS. As far as the Cubase vs Nuendo debate, I would add that although Nuendo 1.5.2 is amazingly innovative (Supports 5.1 Mix) and although it is a great program (I was on the Beta Test team for Nuendo on PC), is was in it's infancy when OS 9 was shelved; it was a complete re-write from scratch (as compared to VST), so it is very buggy under Mac 0S 9 (I have also lost projects/time with then never ending Nuendo crashes). 

Cubase VST 5 is so much more solid since it was the final version with a long history on Mac OS.  Cubase "VST" was released first on the mac, was developed for mac, and was improved from 1996 thru 2001.  Its 5 year run as a Virtual Studio got better and better as PowerMacs got faster.  It may not have surround sound (like Nuendo), but it wins hands down in the stability & features department.

... and the 1.6.x versions are  "iLocked"  :'(
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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #5 on: August 01, 2014, 12:13:09 PM »

i do remember this
but i hadnt expeirened thsi yet myslef

the 1.61 updatr results in requiring ilok?


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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #6 on: August 01, 2014, 12:25:13 PM »

the 1.61 updatr results in requiring ilok?
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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2014, 01:17:57 PM »



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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2014, 01:36:34 PM »

... and the 1.6.x versions are  "iLocked"  :'(

both 1.5 and 1.6 are using the elicenser/sychrosoft dongle, but 160 (and 153 for that matter) has never been cracked to give steinberg a chance to sell some copies. remember, this was the first version of a new, industry professionals targeted product.

what i find nice is that you can import cubase projects easily, so that you can find processes how to use both applications for a project, for example if you for some reason find that you want to use the IPS (lol...) first and then do stem mastering in nuendo.

nuendo was also always a nice compromise when you wanted a protools person to finish your cubase (audio) work.

last but not least is nuendo the only program on OS9 which has "preload waves" and a nicely working plug-in validation option.

but of course there are also missing a few things which you are used when coming from VST4 and VST5.
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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2014, 01:51:00 PM »

both 1.5 and 1.6 are using the elicenser/sychrosoft dongle, but 160 (and 153 for that matter) has never been cracked to give steinberg a chance to sell some copies. remember, this was the first version of a new, industry professionals targeted product.

Just for clarification: 1.5.2 it is the only version that was cracked:
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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2014, 12:17:57 PM »

nuendo was originally released in april of 2000,
the 1.5 update was released july of 2001...
the 1.6 updates were released  in july of 2002

both diehard + mactron claim that nuendo itself is buggy as hell
i personally have never experienced any of this file saving problems

could it be possible that there is some problem that is not 'activated' for everyone?
now guys, are u suggesting that this is perhaps a problem with the specific 'warez' copy of it?
or with the actual 100% legit version aswell.. (2002 1.6 ilok'd versions too?)
i knew a guy who is a successfull producer and he swears by nuendo
saying that nuendo is better then cubase .. he usd to use cubase but has been a hardcore nuendo fanatic
since 2001... he also loves digital performer.. for him those are his weapons of choice. digital performer+ nuendo are his tools 100%
i always ask him why he doesnt like cubase .. and he just says.. i like nuendo better.  he says nuendo sounds better to him.

 to me it logically doesnt make sense when u compare the development times/release dates
the evidence is clear that steinberg was focused on making nuendo. and literally stopped working on cubase for a good period of time..
how could they be so focused on developing a product that fails to save files properly??
i mean it could be believable what u guys are proposign if they were a different company... surely they learned frm cubase and made everything better then before in nuendo... how could they make SUCH A DRASTIC error as this?

isnt it more plausable that u were both using the same failed copy of the software that was cracked in a way that produced some type of error that u both experienced?

diehard has made the comment that nuendo was in its infancy on os9 when compared to cubase..
but how can it be in its infancy when this program frm first release to final update was over a period of 2 years..
and its also not the first product of this type made by STEINBERG programmers.. who are benefitting frm all tehir experience creating cubase itself... for more the a decade before attempting to create nuendo

surely steinberg itself couldnt hide such a huge problem without releasijng sokme type of press release apology if its true



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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2014, 01:29:42 PM »

When Nuendo was first released I can still remember the reaction.
It was more expensive and every Cubase user wanted it - that's
how it was. Alot had been written about it sounding better - just
like the differences between Cubase VST(OS9) vs Cubase SX(OSX)
These were the type of things that were going on at the time.
Even I wanted to buy it - but not long after it's release the excitement
was short lived - there were alot of bugs and updates were very
frequent at the time if I can recall correctly. I ended up giving it a
miss - but I don't know how stable the last versions on macos9 were
and if they were iLok I'm glad I didn't end up buying it.


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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2014, 02:45:54 PM »

stability is not really a problem but there were several bugs regarding simpler tasks such as remembering the IO setup when in multichannel mode, automation, or GUI related issues such as the partial inability to properly resize a window when a plug-in requests it.
but one must say that such things are totally normal for a program written new from scratch, compared to a program such as cubase, which had a 10 years long history of development and practice testing.
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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2014, 02:48:28 PM »

stability is not really a problem but there were several bugs regarding simpler tasks such as remembering the IO setup when in multichannel mode, automation, or GUI related issues such as the partial inability to properly resize a window when a plug-in requests it.
but one must say that such things are totally normal for a program written new from scratch, compared to a program such as cubase, which had a 10 years long history of development and practice testing.

in opposite to the total desaster SX was, the minor bugs of nuendo OS9 are easily to excuse because you got several other nice new features.
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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #14 on: September 20, 2014, 12:36:15 AM »

demo project for download here for those of you new to nuendo 1 + looking to familiarize yourself with it
download the demo!

amaybe it would make sense to package this demo with our downloadable installer


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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2015, 08:58:55 AM »

well from what i remember it can be used with a video track to synch or work on a soundtrack

just checked it out. pretty good for post production with the video track. can handle omf
« Last Edit: April 23, 2015, 09:47:09 AM by devils_advisor »


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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2015, 11:24:27 AM »

well from what i remember it can be used with a video track to synch or work on a soundtrack

just checked it out. pretty good for post production with the video track. can handle omf

and may be it have some video (or audio?) MPEG capabilities which I  never have achieved to make it to work ...  :'(
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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2015, 11:33:46 AM »

it has some limited ways to deal with it but it beats a full blown digi avoption xl in price and is easy to get these days. i missed out on the avotion a few months back but who would know i get my hands on a avid system.


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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #18 on: December 26, 2017, 01:36:38 PM »

are there any users on the macos9lives site that has tried to use a "Real" Nuendo audio interface
with this 1.52 macos9 version of nuendo?

perhaps this "Buggyness" referred to by diehard + mactron is actually a result of 3rd party hardware not interfacing "as specified" by steinberg.... it wouldnt be the first time that happened.

I think its very likely that using the actual "nuendo" branded hardware would have a positive impact on system stability + performance!! because even tho we have the freedom to use Steinberg Nuendo with other ASIO Capable hardware devices, nuendo was marketted as a package, and if it was sold to a company, i think they very much pushed the hardware + software as a package combination..

its very logically possible that the instability reported by some, might be minimized using a real "nuendo" branded interface (or even a similar RME product from that timeline) Steinberg CHOSE RME hardware because of their rock solid dependability + performance! and probably built this entire application around the use of the RME hardware.

in my experience i have come to learn that there is no accidents...even if its not immediately apparent to you, there is no black magic voodoo, if something creates an error its 9 times out of ten, due to a real reason that hopefully can be rectified! only for alot of us, those reasons are hard to diagnose and harder to locate in the first place, either we dont have the experience required to observe, or the equipment even, to make those observations (ie: profesional diagnostic equipment)


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Re: Nuendo v1.52 (October 2001)
« Reply #19 on: December 26, 2017, 03:16:39 PM »

might be minimized using a real "nuendo" branded interface (or even a similar RME product from that timeline) Steinberg CHOSE RME hardware because of their rock solid dependability + performance! and probably built this entire application around the use of the RME hardware.

Unfortunately, for the Mac OS, I ran it with Genuine Nuendo hardware and it was still NOT ready for primetime... 

We ran 4 Nuendo in-house testing DAWS which were (2) Dual IBM PIII Clones (800 Mhz.) and (2) Dual G4s (think 500s).  These machines were used as demonstration and were carted around by sales people. The interface in each unit was a Nuendo 96/52 (actually made by RME and re-branded).

We had to manually change the eproms on the Nuendo 9652s with separate eproms for Mac/PC. Nuendo was all a very new thing back then and it was very exciting time back in 2000.  It was clear that many of the new features in Nuendo would not only make it a Powerhouse in the DAW world, but would break barriers in the TV/Film, post production world and offer superior Surround sound manipulation.

Nuendo (as I previously mentioned) was NOT originally written for mac and was ported from another platform.  Unlike, the flagship, Cubase, it was all new code.  The development team quickly addressed any issues on the PC side and the Dual 800 PII machines loaded over 40 tracks and ran without a hickup.  On the mac side, we could duplicate errors and crash it at will and these bugs did NOT plauge the PC versions. The infamous Mac 1.5.2 version was after many fixes and was still not usable in a real studio setting even with the Nuendo hardware.  This depressed many of us, and the decision to only offer Nuendo on windows was what we eventually did. 

As I have stated before, Nuendo had an "all new" audio engine, it had tons of undo features, powerful sample-level audio editing, and a ton surround sound and voice-over features, but alas, while the Mac OS was transitioning, the resources on the Mac side were a smaller team, with days numbered for Mac OS 9, More expensive mac hardware, and so on. 

So 1.5.2 for Mac OS 9 is basically a very nice piece of DAW Beta-ware.  Never to be fully de-bugged, and to remain an un-finished piece of history.
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