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Author Topic: whats the largest partition size/drive u have successfully used with pro tools?  (Read 7091 times)


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this question has come up from another thread..
lets find the definitive answer..

is there a hard drive size limit?
is there a partition size limit?

obviously we leave out intel / guid GPT drives from this discussion..  ;D

im interested in hearing results from powerpc machines...... using pt5.x or pt6.x
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 05:44:47 AM by chrisNova777 »


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400gb drive partitioned to one 400gb partition.
Tested in Pro Tools 5.1.3, 5.1.3cs11 (under 9.2.2) and 6.4.1 (under Panther).
Pro Tools addict and staff member at Mac OS 9 Lives!, System 7 Today and Macintosh Garden.

Ed Redfern

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  • Blind music producer

you can successfully use upto 1TB partitions / physical drives within PT 6.4.1. please be aware that raid is not a good idea with IDE or SATA drives. only SCSI. the reason for this is because of the support that's been relied upon since PT started using SCSI drives, it's been kept in until PT 7 where it's opened the doors to SATA and SAS with the invention of G5 powermacs, etc.

for the moment, I'm using 4 x 160gb drives mounted in a magma 4 slot chassis with 3 protools mix cards and it does fine for me.

though I wouldn't mind sorting out larger drives for show work, etc.

Blind Music Producer / Studio Engineer / Sound Designer using legacy technologies that most of today's users don't understand well enough. Rebuilding a recording studio after falling victim to a pro audio company who cleaned out an analogue studio for modern equipment upgrades that went wrong. With help from amazing people, manufacturers, etc, things are looking up. Now trying to rebuild the G3 / G4 side of the studio.
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