Restore the instant DAW and install the demos.
the other option is not to use these few plug-ins affected by the "not available problem".
We start from the premise than we want to use SonyEQ&Filters for more than 14 days.

How to
keep using those demos
without having to format the partition/drive every 14 days?
Restore the instant DAW and install the demos.
or buy them... as for waves 4, i think it should be possible to buy a license today for around USD 100 for the whole bundle.
I would love to have a market were Waves 4 would cost 100 USD. I see more like 1000$

They have declared them obsoletes or abandonware.
I am reading betwen the lines that every file in
Filebuddy 7.6 on Mac OS 9.2.2
files are :
Desktop DB
Desktop DF
after this you got 14 days to compress and equalize properly
Are iloked products that maybe are working and I didn't realize they were working.
i am not talking about hardware, i was talking about other demos and/or licenses you may have bought. there are several folders there for different products.
So you sugest to be careful with the content of these and delete them one by one having a backup elsewhere just in case
other plug already authored ask for auth. , don't you?
If it allows me to use in Protools Waves 4 and Oxford EQ on OS9, I wouldn't mind if iMovie 2.0.2 ask me for the serial number each time it prompts, for example. What are your concerns about that, IIO? Yours answers seem to tell that we are playing with dinamyte or antrax... Most of us are musicians/enthusiast just focused on make music with the most tools available