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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #60 on: February 14, 2015, 05:15:28 PM »

I have Inflator in os 9.


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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #61 on: February 17, 2015, 09:49:48 AM »

As some are requesting, attached is a .sit version (with the resource fork OK) Of Sony Oxford TDM Demo plugins.
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #62 on: February 17, 2015, 10:56:09 AM »

Thanks, MacTron!

They haven't that resource fork trouble!

I have tested them 3 on Protools LE 5.2.1, and the 3 are seen as Plugs for PT (It says me that is a 15 days demo on all plugs load at start) but only Oxford EQ&Filters seem to be RTAS compatible, at least with Audiomedia III. I will test on Digi001 soon. I hope someone could test it in Protools Free just for the sake of Free users
I have also checked AudioSuite, and only EQ&Filters appear.

Should I delete preferences or something to try if they "appear" in plug list? I never needed to make that to make plugs compatible run.

It is strange, because, normally, when I load a TDM only plug the machine froze s.  And I have restart the machine and take the TDM plug outside the plug's folder to run PT LE. But these 2 do not froze the machine, but simply, aren't available.

Shame Inflator! Shame Dynamics! You should be RTAS!  >:(

Probably all TDM users are LOL XD   ;D  ;D  ;D
Buy a TDM rig, boy! What are you waiting for?

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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #63 on: February 18, 2015, 10:14:06 AM »

... I hope someone could test it in Protools Free just for the sake of Free users

Yes, it works in Pro Tools free. But Sony Oxford EQ pluging only.
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #64 on: February 18, 2015, 01:13:30 PM »

BTW: The Mac Os 9 method of iLok resetting for this Sony Oxford plugins doesn't work.
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #65 on: February 18, 2015, 02:10:14 PM »

BTW: The Mac Os 9 method of iLok resetting for this Sony Oxford plugins doesn't work.

Here are 2 methods AFAIK:

So ...

Filebuddy 7.6 on Mac OS 9.2.2
files are :

Desktop DB
Desktop DF

after this you got 14 days to compress and equalize properly
My system is dual boot.
I have these Sonnox plugs in os9. Fully functional demo mode. When I start them, there is this window and I press Try. The windows shows number of days left for trial period.
In Osx i have this Ilok reset utility.
When time comes i boot into Osx, start disc utility, select os9 partition and close startup disk without restarting.
Then launch Ilok reset, click Manual Reset and system restarts into os9 with renewed Ilok date.

I got to say that I tested OSX version and get outdated in only one day, after using the ilok reseter tool on Panther.

Can Greg's browser see hidden folders?

Did you tried the hidden files method?

What was the OS9 method you mention as non working, MacTron?
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #66 on: February 18, 2015, 02:23:15 PM »

The deleting hidden files method doesn't work.

The reinstalling DAE folder and iLok extensions method doesn't work.

The erase the full HD partition and reinstall everything from start doesn't work.

May be the re-format/re-partition the full HD may work, but I haven't tried it yet ... LOL
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #67 on: February 18, 2015, 02:47:49 PM »

The deleting hidden files method doesn't work.

The reinstalling DAE folder and iLok extensions method doesn't work.

The erase the full HD partition and reinstall everything from start doesn't work.

May be the re-format/re-partition the full HD may work, but I haven't tried it yet ... LOL

The erase the full HD method always worked for me on Panther. Maybe if this don't worked for you is because it writes something in the ApplePartitionMap itself.

I guess our best method is to build our own instant DAW with all plugs but these iloked demos. Restore the instant DAW and install the demos. It is not the worst workflow every 15 days. In fact, Protools 6 OSX users have to do it every 15 days or use ilok resseters.

There are 2 ilok resseters Panther compatible AFAIK. I have to test the second one.

What is the path of these 3 hidden files?

he is right it also works manually. it is different files on every computer. i dont inow by heart but i think its all in root/hfsextenttables/. check this with resedit or any other app which lets you browse invisible folders, then just watch out what the installer adds to it.
(and again: dont delete anything inside this folder of which you dont know where it belongs to in case you also have also bought products which use the same method.)

I have no product bought but the Digi interfaces (001 and AM3) and the Logic XSKey. I doubt changing root/hfsextanttables could damage anything in the hardware side.

I got no licenses of software but the Protools LE ones.

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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #68 on: February 18, 2015, 05:19:10 PM »

I think that we do not meet Sanek and Ferridirection way to do.

I think they both have OSX and OS9 on same drive and same partition.

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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #69 on: February 18, 2015, 05:27:30 PM »

Restore the instant DAW and install the demos.

the other option is not to use these few plug-ins affected by the "not available problem".

or buy them... as for waves 4, i think it should be possible to buy a license today for around USD 100 for the whole bundle.

there are plug-ins like antares filter where the demo period is only 7 days, do you really want to reformat your harddrive every week?

I doubt changing root/hfsextanttables could damage anything in the hardware side.

i am not talking about hardware, i was talking about other demos and/or licenses you may have bought. there are several folders there for different products.

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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #70 on: February 18, 2015, 06:02:15 PM »

Restore the instant DAW and install the demos.

the other option is not to use these few plug-ins affected by the "not available problem".

We start from the premise than we want to use SonyEQ&Filters for more than 14 days.  ;D

How to keep using those demos without having to format the partition/drive every 14 days?

Restore the instant DAW and install the demos.

or buy them... as for waves 4, i think it should be possible to buy a license today for around USD 100 for the whole bundle.

I would love to have a market were Waves 4 would cost 100 USD. I see more like 1000$  ;D

They have declared them obsoletes or abandonware.

I am reading betwen the  lines that every file in

Filebuddy 7.6 on Mac OS 9.2.2
files are :

Desktop DB
Desktop DF

after this you got 14 days to compress and equalize properly

Are iloked products that maybe are working and I didn't realize they were working.

i am not talking about hardware, i was talking about other demos and/or licenses you may have bought. there are several folders there for different products.

So you sugest to be careful with the content of these and delete them one by one having a backup elsewhere just in case other plug already authored ask for auth. , don't you?

If it allows me to use in Protools Waves 4 and Oxford EQ on OS9, I wouldn't mind if iMovie 2.0.2 ask me for the serial number each time it prompts, for example. What are your concerns about that, IIO? Yours answers seem to tell that we are playing with dinamyte or antrax... Most of us are musicians/enthusiast just focused on make music with the most tools available
« Last Edit: February 18, 2015, 06:17:11 PM by Protools5LEGuy »
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #71 on: February 19, 2015, 07:31:24 AM »

well, you gave the best example yourself: you installed the sony demos and tried to reset them after only one day, and now they are gone.

so my general advise is that if you want to use software more or less without problems, use either freeware, fullcracks, or buy it.

or, alternatively, know what you are doing.

in the case of sony, we dont know what we are doing. there is no easy how-to from a trusted source. nobody can give you a guarantee that you dont knock out another product if you fiddle with these funny pace folders (or the later partition map stuff)
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #72 on: February 19, 2015, 08:26:25 AM »

well, you gave the best example yourself: you installed the sony demos and tried to reset them after only one day, and now they are gone.

Yes, that happened to me on Panther trying that app that have an ilok inside an trash can.

With that app, Echoboy 14 days of demo do not get reseted. And Sony directly says Demo run out. It should work with oher plugs, but I am afraid my OSX reseter is not the tool everybody out there uses.

I want to get the ferridirection approach-method on a OS9 only partition in a drive with Panther, Tiger and Leo partitions... Yes, I know is the worst possible scenario to make tests.
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #73 on: February 19, 2015, 08:26:42 AM »

well, you gave the best example yourself: you installed the sony demos and tried to reset them after only one day, and now they are gone.

so my general advise is that if you want to use software more or less without problems, use either freeware, fullcracks, or buy it.

or, alternatively, know what you are doing.

in the case of sony, we dont know what we are doing. there is no easy how-to from a trusted source. nobody can give you a guarantee that you dont knock out another product if you fiddle with these funny pace folders (or the later partition map stuff)

I have done this just to try to help (or may be just for fun) , because -as everybody knows - I don't care a shit about Pro Tools. And of course I know what I'm doing. I'm using one MDDs that I usually use for testing purposes, so no problem into reformat the full system or disassemble it up to the power source.
To isolate the study I only have in this Mac a startup volume with a basic System folder Pro Tools Free and the Sony Oxford plugins.
... so my conclusion is that there is no iLok demo reset on Sony Oxford plugins on Mac Os 9. Unless you reformat your entire hard disk and erase the NVRAM.
I hope this help to prevent some people into breaking his head with no senses like erasing the TheVolumesettingsfolder, Desktop DB, Desktop DF...

If some one wish to really solve this in Mac Os 9, they have to begin with MacBugs, HexEdit and memory dumps.
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #74 on: February 19, 2015, 08:39:18 AM »

To isolate the study I only have in this Mac a startup volume with a basic System folder Pro Tools Free and the Sony Oxford plugins.
... so my conclusion is that there is no iLok demo reset on Sony Oxford plugins on Mac Os 9. Unless you reformat your entire hard disk and erase the NVRAM.
I hope this help to prevent some people into breaking his head with no senses like erasing the TheVolumesettingsfolder, Desktop DB, Desktop DF...

If some one wish to really solve this in Mac Os 9, they have to begin with MacBugs, HexEdit and memory dumps.

If iLok reach the NVRAM level... Maybe the reseting PRAM and the CUDA button on motherboard can do something...

What damage (aside the bought iloked licenced software) can do to a pure OS9 install to delete those 3 folders?  Is it something like rebuilding the desktop?

You got more clues than me, maybe you are just not combining those methods: Delete the 3 stuff+PRAM reset+CUDA reset+some prayers...  ;D

When you say reformat the entire HD is because you already tried t wipe a partition?

I wonder if something get written in the same APM or in the PRAM or NVRAM.

Thanks for your efforts, MacTron. We all know for you is disgusting to handle digidesign stuff. Thank you.

Soon we will have a time for the true/truth post of yours.  :D
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 08:49:39 AM by Protools5LEGuy »
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #75 on: February 19, 2015, 09:01:09 AM »

MacTron, would you consider to use a ASR restore over the demoed run out install?

What other tools do you use to delete those files? Greg's browser or Filebuddy.

I have never heard about MacBugs...

I guess that the whole audio industry would not trust iLok if hacking it were just deleting 3 hidden, easy to find folders. But since we have decripted ASR, I see no reason why we couldn't.
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #76 on: February 19, 2015, 09:32:51 AM »

When you say reformat the entire HD is because you already tried t wipe a partition?

Yes, I do.

MacTron, would you consider to use a ASR restore over the demoed run out install?

ASR can't do nothing here, I think.

What other tools do you use to delete those files? Greg's browser or Filebuddy.

None of those ...
I use to delete invisible files on my startup volumes just for fun. I use to start with all the files beginning with "."  :)

I have never heard about MacBugs...

I guess that the whole audio industry would not trust iLok if hacking it were just deleting 3 hidden, easy to find folders. But since we have decripted ASR, I see no reason why we couldn't.

iLok is based on USB secure storage and code that is decrypter only on runtime. Otherwise this Sony Oxford plugins, even though they are "iLocked", uses a very simple challenge response scheme. This doesn't means that this easy to break ... just easiest.

Even Though I'm not interested in Pro Tools, this Sony EQ is very good, may be deserves a few more tries while we dont' have it in VST format, at least ... LOL
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #77 on: February 19, 2015, 10:14:41 AM »

ASR can't do nothing here, I think.
Disagree. An ASR image will always give a "virgin" list to compare/restore.

If the demo "touch" the APM itself, then a full drive wipe should be needed. Other OS9 backup system in other drive should make restoring a system quicker with ASR.

I think you start with a drag n drop install, later install pt free and the last step is to install SonyEQ.  In my study  ;D I start with an ASR with all my UVI libraries and PRO51 from NI installed.

I wish SonyEQ don't mess with the nvram. My main G4 is a DA that needs nvram hacks to wear bigger drives on OSX, and that could be a trouble for me in the future. At this time I only use "smaller" drives on it.
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #78 on: February 19, 2015, 11:13:04 AM »

And Sony directly says Demo run out.

or maybe you were missing the readme file, which says that you you can only reset expired demos. :)

not the tool everybody out there uses.

if it is called after the wvs product it should be the right one. but i can not tell you by heart if it will work with the sony TDM installers. the number of "compatible" products is low. sony TDM was most likely using the dongle already. if it works, then for native products.

Yes, I know is the worst possible scenario to make tests.

for testing it would be okay if it is a lot of work. but for everyday use?
« Last Edit: February 19, 2015, 11:31:58 AM by IIO »
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Re: Sony Oxford Dynamics
« Reply #79 on: February 19, 2015, 11:22:43 AM »

I have done this just to try to help (or may be just for fun) , because -as everybody knows - I don't care a shit about Pro Tools.

of course. if it is not VST, it is secondary. :)

but what we have here is a user who claims that he is using it with exactly this method ("wvs 4 reset for OSX"). we should at last wait for a third report until we post the final truth as wikipedia article.
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