You may as well delete it. As stated about a hundred times before... each plugin should be in a folder, with a text file and a screen shot, if you are too busy to do that, then delete it, I am sure the other PT users will understand 
200 plugins zipped together with no explanation is just a meaningless archive
PS: Took my Chris vitamins today
agreed... if this was the amount of effort all of us were investing in this site..
the site would not exist.. and it would be totally useless.. and non-educational.
this goes inline with what i said to IIO when he posted a million things in the vault..
one or two well explained things far outvalue 1000 unexplained things.
Knez u were the one who said over a year ago that u were going to sort them all immaculately
+ post them all.. and then Syntho ended up doing the work. (somehow? i dont even know how that happened)
lol chris vitamins?
a)so u can be a dick like me?
b)so u can tolerate me?
c)so u can be amazing like me