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Author Topic: 888/24 line noise  (Read 17579 times)

Ed Redfern

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  • Blind music producer
Re: 888/24 line noise
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2015, 07:14:04 AM »

right, time to replace the offending card. there are occasions where a mix core or farm can fail. been there, done that, worn the t shirt.

here's one on sale. I was hoping to acquire it myself but as you're in more of a sticky situation and closer to it than me, here's the details.

I hope it helps you out.

by the way, if you're running a number of 888 or 882, etc, I advise running3 sync cables (wordclock) and use the USD unit as the driver for the interfaces. that way you're generating a steady sample clock throughout your interfaces. that's what I need to sort out soon for the replacement setup.

Blind Music Producer / Studio Engineer / Sound Designer using legacy technologies that most of today's users don't understand well enough. Rebuilding a recording studio after falling victim to a pro audio company who cleaned out an analogue studio for modern equipment upgrades that went wrong. With help from amazing people, manufacturers, etc, things are looking up. Now trying to rebuild the G3 / G4 side of the studio.


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Re: 888/24 line noise
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2015, 05:56:15 PM »

Just want to give a BIG thanks to all of you who made suggestions. I have finally gotten rid of the noise. I replaced the ribbon cable and I also have the two 888's connected via word clock now. Not sure what the problem was. The system is almost finished just gotta figure out how to use the USD with pro tools (I made a separate topic on that issue). You guys are awesome, I feel really good right now.  :)
"A mistake is only an error. It only becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it."  -John Lennon
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