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Author Topic: Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?  (Read 12430 times)


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Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?
« on: December 28, 2014, 09:21:35 AM »

I got "LIVE! V.4" running as a host and "REASON 2.5" running as slave. Reason is chasing live but I cant hear anything I do in reason. Also, what are some of the advantages of using live as a host? I know reason fairly well but haven't really messed with live that much.
"A mistake is only an error. It only becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it."  -John Lennon


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Re: Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2014, 09:29:04 AM »

I got "LIVE! V.4" running as a host and "REASON 2.5" running as slave. Reason is chasing live but I cant hear anything I do in reason. Also, what are some of the advantages of using live as a host? I know reason fairly well but haven't really messed with live that much.

u have to select Reason as the input on the channel in a track on ableton..


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Re: Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2014, 09:29:56 AM »

I tried that still didn't work.
"A mistake is only an error. It only becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it."  -John Lennon


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Re: Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2014, 09:30:43 AM »

press the record Enable button at the bottom of an audio track channel strip it will light up red
also try changing the monitor settings (on/auto/off)

see the pdf:


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Re: Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2014, 09:35:01 AM »

 :) Its working now. thanks for the link too. That tutorial you put together is just what I needed.
"A mistake is only an error. It only becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it."  -John Lennon


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Re: Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2014, 09:35:53 AM »

:) Its working now. thanks

Rock n Roll Baby  8) 8)


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Re: Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2014, 09:40:22 AM »

I got "LIVE! V.4" running as a host and "REASON 2.5" running as slave. Reason is chasing live but I cant hear anything I do in reason. Also, what are some of the advantages of using live as a host? I know reason fairly well but haven't really messed with live that much.

the advantage is you can "print" waveform audio recordings from reason to live.. + use compression + other audio effects in ableton to process either the recorded waveforms or the live feed from reason..

live's mixer works alot better then using the "mixer" in reason..!!!!!!!
better EQ.. better Effects.. better mix

use the live browser on the left to find the compressor plugin and drag that to the audio track strip to add it to the plugin chain for that track
(seen at the bottom)

also u can use live's midi effects (transpose, chords etc) to control reason if u set reason up to recieve midi in from the IAC bus


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Re: Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2014, 09:51:12 AM »

also u can use live's midi effects (transpose, chords etc) to control reason if u set reason up to recieve midi in from the IAC bus

When you export the project as a song will the sound from reason be on the file or does it have to first be recorded into live?
"A mistake is only an error. It only becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it."  -John Lennon


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Re: Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2014, 09:54:37 AM »

also u can use live's midi effects (transpose, chords etc) to control reason if u set reason up to recieve midi in from the IAC bus

When you export the project as a song will the sound from reason be on the file or does it have to first be recorded into live?

saving a song file in reason doesnt save the audio.
only the setup of the reason rack + midi notes & patterns inside reasons sequencer.


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Re: Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2014, 09:57:30 AM »

Sorry I meant exporting the file in Live as a song. the sound that goes from reason to live does it have to be recorded first into live in order for it to be on the song when its done?
"A mistake is only an error. It only becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it."  -John Lennon


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Re: Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2014, 10:06:20 AM »

Sorry I meant exporting the file in Live as a song. the sound that goes from reason to live does it have to be recorded first into live in order for it to be on the song when its done?

i believe u can do it either way.. personal preference..
obviously reason has to be open + the proper reason file opened to hear it if u choose not to record it as wave..
i choose to do my sequencing in live rather then reason, sampling from reason into lives 'clip' containers and then mapping the
start/stop of those containers to keyboard + midi keys to start/stop the clips from playing


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Re: Best ways to use REWIRE with LIVE! and REASON?
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2014, 10:09:01 AM »

I'll have to try it out. I never really liked reasons arrangement view anyway. lol
"A mistake is only an error. It only becomes a mistake when you fail to correct it."  -John Lennon
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