its not a nightmare to get working at all if u have the right installer 100% complete for the right mac.
i have a limited number of disks obviously, but tell you what i can do;
if u can spring some $$$ for me to buy some 800k Diskettes
i can contact my friend who has the ability to copy master floppy diskettes with auths intact
i would have to ship him my floppies in the mail (packaged well)
and then i can get him to make up a new batch of vision installer floppies for any who are interested enought to help fund this endeavour
and send you a couple for safe keeping
that way you will be good even if your mac hd dies somehow and u lose the auth
ill send him a msg now;
we just have to make sure to buy the right size floppy disks; let me know if u are interested
i have floppy installers of v1.1, v1.32, v1.4 as an upgrade, and v1.4 as standalone product
i have a working vision 1.4 install on my performa 5200CD which is running 7.6.2
maybe we can get someone to hack this properly aswell if we make a bunch of floppies up and get them to the right people
take a look back at THIS old thread :