im just reading the sunrise page shared by ProToolsLEGuy Mac OS ROM or System problem
Dropping a file on an application may not open the file in that application.
this is something ive wondered about for a very long time! i posted about this didnt i? and i was really surprised that NOONE responded..
i thought this was something to do with the desktop file needing to be rebuilt.
this problem happened to me when i cloned the hd of my mdd and put it on to my quicksilver...
i thought it was a problem to do with the clone!!!! this makes total sense
this text from the sunrise guy (or group? whoevers site this is?) semi-confirms my suspicion that having the wrong mac os rom for a machine
can have bad consequences.. perhaps some roms are written to be universal (like those on the retail or universal install cds) but roms coming
on machine specific installers (such as the 10.2.1 rom on our circulated "fresh drag install") may have bad effects on other older macs!!!!!
also from what ive read of whats hes written here,
hes saying that from os 9.1 going forward the goal of apple was not stability for older machines under os 9.2.2 but that he suspects that they were purposely
not supporting older hardware and removing tried + true rock solid stable support code for older g3s out of the os itself, focusing purely on the performance
of mac os 9 when used alongside mac os x.. and that compatibility with X was more their priority then stability + performance under the old mac os.
There is also another reason: to encourage users to upgrade to the latest software. With OS X just around the corner, there has to be an incentive to force people to upgrade. So why not leave a number of bugs in the latest OS 9?
this kind of makes sense to me too..!
there is alot to read on this page tho!! i remember when i saw this page first i was like wow this is crazy .. way too long.. thats why i didnt read it at first LOL
still reading all of this it makes me question the sanity of this sunrise guy just a bit.. the writing style is somewhat eratic.. and how hes chosen to relay this information
is a bit unorganized..... clearly this guy had no idea of how to use ASR otherwise why wouldnt he just post his own "Sunrise system" restore image? and take all the multi-stepped instructions out of the equation..
like take this for example:
The preferred solution to this OS9 problem is simply to install OS8.6 on your G3 computer (which is much more stable and highly recommended in our opinion as this is the best pre-OSX system ever made). This necessitates finding a copy of the MacOS8.6 folder because OS9 does not allow you to install an older OS version.
wtf? why reccomend this instead of formatting + reinstalling from a proper install source to a new partition?