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Author Topic: noise in "built in" audio connection for PTFREE from MDD  (Read 5483 times)


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noise in "built in" audio connection for PTFREE from MDD
« on: September 18, 2014, 07:40:43 PM »

guys... help;(
i got a cord to connect my built in audio for ptfree to my monitor mixer which drives my 2 fostex monitors
but im getting this nasty hum..
what can i do to get rid of this ? sounds like a grounding problem?

whats REALLY strange is the noise goes away for as long as i hold down the mouse button!!!!!!!! and then whenever i release the mouse
it starts again

are the mdd's known to have this hum when using the build in audio?

this was probably the reason they even started to try to do "Digital audio" models... to avoid this ground hum bullshit
u would think they would have perfected it by the mdd. several models later from the digital audio model itself
bah this is bullshit

its got to be related to usb somehow because the humm goes away completely when u press + hold the mouse
and returns once u let go



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Re: noise in "built in" audio connection for PTFREE from MDD
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2014, 03:21:22 PM »

I have three MDD's and two of them had not any kind of noise, in fact their output sound quality is really good IMHO.  I've just reassemble the third one and this MDD may have some sporadic noise...
We must take in to account that all are ten or more years old...
Please don't PM about things that are not private.


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Re: noise in "built in" audio connection for PTFREE from MDD
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2014, 10:28:36 PM »

i will have to test the built in audio out of my other mdd, the dual 867..
i didnt bother to try ptfree on that one because its dual processor
i have 2 other options, my sawtooth and my g3 450mhz b&w..
hopefully one of them will give me a clean audio out using the built in audio.
if not.. it could be my electrical in my house? i think i remember reading an article about
grounds in home electrical work having an impact on this..
i just hope i dont have to call an electrician over this
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