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Author Topic: first daw to support vst instruments mac vs pc... 2 year+4mths gap???  (Read 9780 times)


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mac 8/1/1997 Cubase 3.5 VST

pc 12/1/1999 Cubase 3.7 VST

was there really a 2 year + gap between vst instrument capability between mac + pc?
this seems absurd



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Re: first daw to support vst instruments mac vs pc... 2 year+4mths gap???
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2014, 06:30:56 AM »

was the first version on mac to support vst instruments 3.5, 3.7 or 4.0?


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Re: first daw to support vst instruments mac vs pc... 2 year+4mths gap???
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2014, 08:39:37 AM »

was the first version on mac to support vst instruments 3.5, 3.7 or 4.0?

If more tex is needed:
The VST instruments were introduced in Cubase VST 4.1.

Or even more:
Quote from: Wikipedia
Steinberg updated the VST interface specification to version 2.0 in 1999. One addition was the ability for plugins to receive MIDI data. This supported the introduction of Virtual Studio Technology Instrument (VSTi) format plugins. VST Instruments can act as standalone software synthesizers, samplers, or drum machines.

Quote from:
VST 2.0 And Virtual Instruments

For many people, the most interesting new feature in Cubase 3.7 will be VST Instruments. The new VST 2.0 specification allows plug-ins to receive MIDI data, which lets you automate effects via MIDI commands. However, before you rush off to try it, I must point out that only plug-ins written with VST 2.0 in mind will do this -- existing ones won't magically gain these functions.

If a VST 2.0 plug-in supports MIDI input, it will appear in the list of available MIDI outputs when you activate it, so that you can send it automation data. The ability to automate plug-ins via MIDI may not, of itself, sound like such an thrilling feature, but it's the other uses to which this architecture can be put that are creating excitement. Since you can now send MIDI data into a plug-in, it is possible to create stand-alone software synthesizers, samplers or drum machines that act as complete VST Instruments in their own right. Rather than attempting to run a stand-alone virtual instrument, moreover, VST 2.0 lets third-party developers use the Cubase VST engine instead. For the first time this means that rather than having to run a software synth on a second soundcard to avoid conflicts, you can let VST run it alongside your other audio tracks, all on the same soundcard.

Quote from:
Return Of The Mac   
    There is potential confusion in the fact that this latest upgrade to the PC version takes it from version 3.65 to version 3.7, while the imminent Mac release, though incorporating the same new features, will update version 4.03 to version 4.1. The explanation is that although version 3.7 for PC incorporates the major changes described in the text, it still lacks many of the features which were new in version 4 for the Mac, described in our review in October 1998. Some of the most important are:
The addition of a separate Marker track.
The Range Selection tool, which allows the selection of any portion of a song irrespective of where Parts start and finish.
Closer continuity between treatment of MIDI and audio tracks, including the addition of a MIDI Track Mixer.
Improved automation editing.
 A new Controller Editor.
Please don't PM about things that are not private.


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Re: first daw to support vst instruments mac vs pc... 2 year+4mths gap???
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2014, 09:16:46 AM »

the middle quote from soundonsound was in reference to 3.7 for pc (which was in 1999) i quoted it just the other day
3.5 for mac was out in 97 + 3.7 for mac maybe 1997 maybe 1998

i knew u have cubase 3.7 for mac
so i take it by your answer above of 4.1
that this 3.7 mac version indeed does not feature vsti capability
which is what i wanted to confirm
thank you;)

yes ok this must be correct becuase:

Cubase VST24 4.1 Macintosh    1999    Macintosh only. Downloadable as a free upgrade to owners of VST24 4.0. Introduced VST 2.0, ASIO 2.0, DSP Factory support, TDM support and more. In addition, the Cubase VST/24 Mixer/EQ section included an extension with five new real-time processing modules — Compressor, Limiter, Auto Gate, Auto Limit and Soft Clip. A number of VST elements could also now be controlled remotely via external devices such as the Yamaha 01-V.


so there we have the answer
12/1/1999 on pc: cubase 3.7
on mac : cubase 4.1
both first to include vst 2.0 spec and therefore vst instruments

the biggest gap however is in first introduction of vst 1.0 capability even
12/1/1996 cubase 3.02 VST mac (first vst "effects" capable version for mac)
10/1/1997 cubase 3.5 vst pc (first vst "effects" capable version for pc)

i will have to track down the mac 4.1 update release date
heres a press release! July 29, 1999

so the gap between mac + pc
7/29/1999 (mac v4.1) -> 12/1/1999 (pc v3.7)
not quite as bad as i thought
only 4-5months!!!!!!

summer of 1999 - VST instruments were born!

actually this date i have for pc 3.7 version may be wrong because the soundonsound article for 3.7 is from september 1999...
so it might be even closer together... almost simultaneous.. August 1999..
heres an article from september 1999 saying cubase 4.1 is jsut announced?
usually announce comes before actual release..
« Last Edit: September 09, 2014, 09:37:01 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: first daw to support vst instruments mac vs pc... 2 year+4mths gap???
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2014, 01:23:41 AM »

a round up of "first versions" of popular apps to support vst instruments

5/3/1999Fruity Loops 1.5.23
7/29/1999Cubase 4.1 mac / Cubase 3.7 pc
12/21/1999Logic 4.1.1
4/1/2000Nuendo 1.0
3/13/2002Sonar 2.0
8/19/2002Acid Pro 4.0
12/21/2002Samplitude 7
7/4/2004Ableton Live v4.0
9/6/2007Adobe Audition 3

digital performer allows the use of vst instruments via a wrapper

pro tools allows the use of vst instruments via a number of techniques
« Last Edit: September 13, 2014, 04:04:01 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: first daw to support vst instruments mac vs pc... 2 year+4mths gap???
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2014, 07:57:33 AM »

apparently my info of cubase 3.7 for pc was  abit off..
this date i have found is actually earlier in 1999
July 21, 1999
is noted in some documentation i just found
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