I'm back after a week of seeking an occasion to download the old Firewire extensions. Rather stupid situation of having to download a 450M package for two measly drivers totalling 370K. Especially since it does not work!!. After installing the two 2.8.1 drivers, my Digidesign hardware could not be found... So I reverted back to the 2.8.7 drivers. I also upgraded my DAE to version 5.3.2cs2.
Now for more fun: every time I start ProTools on this system, it nags me with the following message:"The firmware on the DIGI 002 does not match the current version. Would you like to download the current version? etc.". The 002 is running system firmware 1.21, which I believe is the latest version. Will this "download" operation is just gonna downgrade me to the "current" version ProTools 5.3.2 is aware of? should I do it?
I also have issues with plug-ins. I started to transplant plug-ins I have on my main studio's DA/DIGI001/ProTools LE 5.2.1 system, but they don't work anymore (channel strip, amongst others). I even downloaded RTAS plug-ins from this site, but still no joy.
I'm starting to wonder if all that iLock shit is interfering: I have none of this on my studio rig...
What exactly is that iLock/interLock stuff used for on a PT5.3.2 LE setup?
sorry if I have more questions than answers...