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Author Topic: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2  (Read 20247 times)


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Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« on: July 06, 2014, 03:21:34 PM »

2004 software. Perhaps was posted before...May worth looking deep, no? I have only bluetooth phones.

What USB/Bluetooth adapters would work with this?
 Maybe this?
There should be a ton out there on ebay really cheap, but maybe this software can open us a gate...

To emulate HID keyboards/mouse info:

Android platform

Linux box, PDA or tablet

« Last Edit: July 06, 2014, 04:17:54 PM by Protools5LEGuy »
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Re: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2014, 07:16:29 PM »

as the image shows i would guess its just for basics, mouse + keyboard etc
interesting find!


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Re: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2015, 02:52:00 PM »

Anyone had tested a bluetooth OS9 setup?

Do we have a list of USB-Bluetooth sticks or compatible devices?

I just have seen on eBay and that is cheaper than a black or white or coloured keyboard from the G3-4-5 age.

But I will hate to buy that and being tied to Intel machines.
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Re: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2015, 03:09:07 PM »

Wayback machine to rescue...


Update 11/14/05: Source Code released

I decided to release all the source code that I worked on in case somebody else wants to work on it. It doesn't do much, but it would serve as a good starting point. It consists of two Metrowerks Codewarrior 8.3 Projects, one for the USB driver and one for the Bluetooth Control Center application (Powerplant Framework). Do not email me about it, I will not answer questions about it.

OS 9 USB Bluetooth Driver and Bluetooth Control Center Source Code (3.6 MB)

Update 5/11/04: Bluetooth Mice and Keyboards already work in OS 9!!!

Well, it seems that I've wasted a lot of time getting Bluetooth devices to work in OS 9, because they have worked since 10/15/2003...its just that nobody noticed. And who was responsible for adding this support? None other than Apple themselves. On October 15th of last year, Apple released firmware update 1.0.2 for the D-Link Bluetooth adapters. The release notes noted that the firmware update will render the adapter unusable under Windows systems. I had always wondered about this, but never looked into it further because I had a Belkin adapter...not a D-Link. It turns out that this firmware update turns the adapter into a generic composite USB device with 2 HID interfaces, one for the keyboard and one for the mouse. Apple did this because they needed to be able to use the mice and keyboards earlier in the boot process, particularly at the open firmware prompt. This tricks the system into thinking that the Bluetooth USB dongle is really just a mouse and a keyboard. That way they didnt have to write an openfirmware driver for the bluetooth devices since they already had an open firmware driver for USB devices.

The side effect of all this is that OS 9 sees the device as 2 HIDs, and loads the USB keyboard and mouse drivers for them. I can't believe nobody ever noticed this (by the way, thanks to Tim Porter for alerting me to this so I didn't waste any more time).

This only works with the D-Link bluetooth adapter that Apple supports. All other USB Bluetooth adapters can't do this without a firmware update.

The other caveat is that you have to have paired your devices in OS X before you can use them in 9. This is because the Bluetooth module needs to save your encrypted link key so it can be used in 'pseudo-usb mode'. So I guess there still is some room for a configuration utility to be developed so that you don't have to boot into OS X to configure your devices, but I'll be less likely to work on that now.

So, there were an "official" Apple designed D-Link BT adapter... And a firmware to make it "mac only" and OS9 usable if previously OSX "paired".

Is this?

This is 40$ while there should be more cheap/generic ones ready to be firmware OS9fied I guess.
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Re: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2015, 03:45:06 PM »
 david christmass said:
The only known apple approved bluetooth device is the DBT-120 Dlink which appears currently out of stock in the uk as stated by dlink to me on the telephone as or the time of posting 2009 Nov. Other bluetooth adapters are in d link range, currently uncertain and untested use with os9. Os 9 forever site posts a control panel and source code is available for os9 as a driver, this pack of source is a) an unfinished project and b) requires metroworks code warrier not macintosh programmers workshop to compile, the source is not documented, no instructions are available for porting to compile with MPW, and the package ostensibly presented as is, only the control panel works as a compiled binary, and without the driver, just sits as a front end gui control panel without much else occuring. Sorry to be vague, but these are facts not fiction. Dlink 120, as apple support and sales suggest, requires the firmware update to use with mac os 9, apple support and d link support, advise me that the blue and grey unit in the preferred unit to purchase for os 9, if you can find someone who has stock and can sell. Avoid IVT bluesoile dongles as they just present driver not found, and the mac os just sits looking online for the driver to install, nothing occurs in finding it, france ivt said they will not support mac as they offer windows only solutions, that was 2006. Recently china hq at ivt said they might consider the option an put it to the board, but as yet their support people have not be able to acquire the code necessary to complete the package, ivt bluesoile for mac os 9 and above. What appears to me to be the facts is that third party product developers seem to expect apple to produce drivers for their product. I know the efforts it takes to build a driver for a product which can take even the best apple team of dev up to 6 months. On the other hand, if an apple dev team does spend time on producing a solution, they have to make some thing out of it to justify the time. Bluetooth support came with x later because apple spent time on providing the solution. This done, it appears that third party product people are content to rest on their laurels and not provide drivers themselves because, they argue, Apples solution exists already. It is an age old chicken and egg situation whereby third party companies provide only solutions offered by apple themselves, I don't think apple is in a position to offer everyone who produces a device, free development time to produce a driver for their devices. It is 3rd party developers responsibility to provide drivers for their devices, themselves, or, to pay apple their license fee to distribute the apple solutions provided by apple, as part of their product. That is the state of play of bluetooth support for os 9, in facts. The D-link bluetooth device is the solution offered by apple for os 9 people, that is what apple have posted in the past, there must be a reason for this, an that is probably the matter of licensing issues, ie dlink support apple. Don't waste your time trying to challenge the position, of find a work around yourself, when you hit a brick wall on a problem, like I have done, it is for a good reason, that reason is dlink support apple for os 9, no one else out there can be bothered. DBT-120 is the established solution. Good luck David

That DBT-120 had 4 revisions...

More info in

xmiinc said :

As promised, I return with my 'findings':
1. Bluetooth connectivity DOES work in OS9 but...
2. You need to find a pre-revC1 DBT-120. Having said this (and done so), I haven't gone the extra mile and actually tried to flash the revC1 module with Apple's Firmware Update 1.2. I'm just regurgitating what I've read on other forums about the revC1 being 'un-updateable'.

Having gotten ahold of a revB4, it still took me a day and a half to figure out how to flash the thing. Long story short: the Firmware Update is *Panther Only*--specifically 10.3.7 as Apple no longer supplies ComboUpdate-10.3.6, the stated requirement for the updater. [Chalk one up for the utility of keeping an all-purpose 15gig partition on my 120gig HD!] Trying to flash the DBT-120 with the firmware update from Tiger failed repeatedly. Luckily, I already had an old 10.3.4 OS disk and just had to run the comboupdater on that install.

So, to get OS9 Bluetooth, get a revB2-B4 DBT-120 module (talk about a niche market on eBay!), install a minimal version of Panther (10.3.7 to be exact), and run the Bluetooth Firmware 1.2 updater. In my case, I'd already paired my mouse/keyboard before doing this, but I don't think that matters. In fact, I inadvertantly ran the updater from my wireless m/k. In OSX it duly disconnected upon updating the firmware, and reconnected upon completion.

Sure enough, in OS9 the BT-wireless devices work! Two things are missing, however: you can't use the Option key to choose between startup volumes, IOW you'll need to get used to using the Startup CP's again. No biggie for me. The other thing missing in OS9 that is great in OSX is trackball scrolling. Also no biggie for me. Just being able to use wireless tech in OS9 is good enough, and when you think about it, is an expected consequence of the updater 'fooling' the OS into seeing standard USB HID's. Back in 2004 I don't believe Apple made a mouse with trackball, so Apple had no reason to accommodate that in OS9 for its own gear. On the other hand, there is one benefit you get with the firmware update that you don't get with the revC1 module (mentioned many times in this forum): Keyboard wake from Sleep.

So, I'm out a total of $50 for two DBT-120's but with OS9 Bluetooth enabled I'm a happy camper! Hope this helps any others seeking OS9 or Wake-From-Sleep functionality.--Tom

We have to find chinese clones of the working rev. of the DBT-120.

Flashing the D-Link DBT-120 to become a HID proxy-capable USB bluetooth adapter on OSX or Win ...

Some more general info

xlr8 your mac info

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Re: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2016, 08:52:31 PM »

Thank you a lot PT5LEGuy for the hints.

I just got it to work with this specific USB Bluetooth dongle from D-Link.
I'm using what seems to be the first generation wireless (bluetooth) white keyboard from Apple (the one which is working with 4x AA type batteries)

I can confirm that it works under OS9.

I could even enter the partition boot selector screen so the option key is working as a start-up key but I couldn't select actually any partition as the keyboard seems dead as soon as I'm into the boot selector screen so the above comment seems half right about that it isn't working.

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Franz de Silentio

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Re: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2018, 08:43:09 AM »

2004 software. Perhaps was posted before...May worth looking deep, no? I have only bluetooth phones.

Hello and best wishes.  Does anybody could guide me in compiling the source code of this Bluetooth Control Center?  I've got a D-Link BT USB adapter which works perfectly well with OS X Tiger and Leopard, but don't know how to make it work with OS 9.

Thank you so much in advance!
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Re: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2018, 05:53:39 AM »

I just got it to work with this specific USB Bluetooth dongle from D-Link.
I'm using what seems to be the first generation wireless (bluetooth) white keyboard from Apple (the one which is working with 4x AA type batteries)

I can confirm that it works under OS9.

wow.. im surprised. would be great if u can upload a photo to illustrate this?
re: which keyboard and dongle it is


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Re: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2018, 07:13:57 AM »

I just got it to work with this specific USB Bluetooth dongle from D-Link.

Yeah, it DOES sound interesting! I looked around and found a D-link dongle in it's packaging, which had the OS9 logo on it, so I went ahead and bought it. I'm interested to see what's up when it arrives. ;D


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Re: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2018, 08:07:00 AM »

I'm using this setup.
The important stuff is that you have to use a certain hardware version of the dongle and you can only flash it in Osx Panther (minimum 10.3.7) like mentioned earlier.
*G4 MDD 1.25GHz (Single 2003)* with 2x 80Gb harddrives, 1Gb RAM, Tascam US-428 and Edirol FA-101 USB/Firewire soundcards-*iMac G3 DV 400MHz* with installs from OS 8.6-OSX Tiger on different harddrives-*Powerbook G4 1.67Ghz* with new SSD ! Love it.

Franz de Silentio

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Re: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2018, 08:18:24 AM »

I'm using this setup.
The important stuff is that you have to use a certain hardware version of the dongle and you can only flash it in Osx Panther (minimum 10.3.7) like mentioned earlier.

Hi there. Thanks for following (it has spared me time and effort). My devices are just the same as Philgood, except that my DBT-120 is rev C1. It worked fairly well with Jaguar, Panther, Tiger, and Leopard with my iMac Bondi Blue, Power Mac G3 (beige), and my Power Mac G4 MDD. But I can strongly confirm that rev C1 remains an unknown soldier to OS 9. So, to other things that will bring me peace of mind instead.
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Re: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« Reply #11 on: November 25, 2018, 09:38:26 AM »

I just wanted to add that there is a version of Bluetooth Firmware Update that works in Tiger, namely version 1.2.1.
Added it to this post in a zip file for anyone who might need it.

The firmware version is the same as the one in the Panther only application, so there's no need to use this version if you already have flashed your bluetooth dongle in Panther.
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Re: Bluetooth Control Center 1.0.2
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2020, 02:55:15 PM »

I know this is an old thread. I couldn't find any forum rules about replying to old threads, but thought this might be relevant...

I've been working on getting my PowerMac G4 DA ready for an OS 9 installation, read through this thread, and promptly went about looking for some D-Link DBT-120s rev B2-B4 bluetooth adapters. After finding & purchasing two (just in case I brick one of them) on Fleabay, I realized that these adapters would only work with pre-Bluetooth 4.0/LE devices, which isn't a huge problem, but is definitely limiting.

After going back through and reading the post at and reading the previous post which goes into a bit more detail it seems that the key issue here is that the pre-rev C1 D-Link DBT-120 adapters use a CSR chipset, and CSR chipsets are the only ones that implement HID-proxy mode.

So it begged the question: were there any Bluetooth 4.0 adapters that used a CSR chipset implementing HID proxy mode? It winds up there is: the Laird BT820, whose product description states the following:

As an additional benefit of the BT800 series, Laird has implemented CSR’s HID (Human Interface Device) Proxy Mode enabling out of the box HID connectivity for BLE pointing devices and / or BLE keyboard functionality, requiring zero host device software or configuration...NOTE: HID Proxy mode on the BT820 works with “Just Works” devices and will not pair with BT devices that require a pincode or passkey

I found this device via a wiki page describing providing BT4.0 connectivity for a portable keyboard device called a TextBlade to devices that don't support BT4.0, which bundles the Laird BT820. There are a couple other mentions of similar use cases on Hackintosh pages.

At any rate, the wiki page describes a lengthy process of getting all this to work, but I would imagine that the processes are similar for getting most BT4.0 devices working with OS9. It seems like the main challenge is getting a BT4.0 keyboard to pair, and setting the dongle to HID proxy mode without losing the pairing.

I've procured a Laird BT820 but still need to get an OS9-compatible video card before I can proceed with testing. One thing I don't completely understand is, if one manages to set up the pairing (presumably while it's still in HCI -native bluetooth stack- mode), and switch the device to HID proxy mode while retaining the pairing, will the dongle continue to present the keyboard & mouse as HID devices no matter the OS?

To put it another way, for those of you who have paired a keyboard & mouse with your D-Link DBT-120s, can you use your keyboard & mouse say, everywhere that accepts a usb kb/mouse?
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