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Author Topic: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?  (Read 13129 times)


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loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« on: June 24, 2014, 11:56:22 AM »

heh, there is no VST panel like in cubase 5.. how do u do it???  :o
is there limited vst support? ie: does it only support some vst 1.0 type plugins only for effects?


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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2014, 02:07:34 PM »

heh, there is no VST panel like in cubase 5.. how do u do it???  :o
is there limited vst support? ie: does it only support some vst 1.0 type plugins only for effects?
There is no VST instruments support in Cubase VST 3.5.
(only VST effects)... and "my trick" to load VST instruments as insert effects doesn't work in this version...
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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2014, 02:25:12 PM »

VST 4 was the first to add instruments


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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2014, 08:26:01 PM »

riiiiiiight i knew that;)  8) 8) lol


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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2014, 11:05:24 PM »

and "my trick" to load VST instruments as insert effects doesn't work in this version...

its the midi input to plug-ins whats mainly missing here. :)
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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2014, 09:20:54 AM »

VST 4 was the first to add instruments

does anyone know off the top of the head..
is it the vst spec v1 vs v2 vs v3 that determines whether or not its compatible with cubase 4.0

5.0 was compatible with vst spec 2.0 right?
whereas v4 was only compatible with vst spec 1.0?

or something like this? my memory isnt recalling this information accurately;) (i think i read about it)


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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2014, 11:21:56 AM »

From Wikipedia:
Steinberg released the VST interface specification and SDK in 1996. They released it at the same time as Steinberg Cubase 3.02, which included the first VST format plugins: Espacial (a reverb), Choirus (a chorus effect), Stereo Echo, and Auto-Panner.
Steinberg updated the VST interface specification to version 2.0 in 1999. One addition was the ability for plugins to receive MIDI data. This supported the introduction of Virtual Studio Technology Instrument (VSTi) format plugins. VST Instruments can act as standalone software synthesizers, samplers, or drum machines.
Neon[3] was the first available VST Instrument (included with Cubase VST 3.7). It was a 16-voice, 2-oscillator virtual analog synthesizer. The VST interface specification was updated to version 2.4 in 2006. Changes included the ability to process audio with 64 bit precision.
VST 3.0 came out in 2008. Changes included:
-Audio Inputs for VST Instruments
-Multiple MIDI inputs/outputs
-Optional SKI (Steinberg Kernel Interface) integration
VST 3.5 came out in February, 2011. Changes included note expression, which provides extensive articulation information in individual note events in a polyphonic arrangement. This supports performance flexibility and a more natural playing feel.
In September, 2013, Steinberg discontinued maintenance of the VST 2 SDK. In December, Steinberg stopped distributing the SDK.
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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2014, 09:20:43 AM »

when i remember right: 3.5 was VST 2.0 and 4.0 was 2.1
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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #8 on: June 26, 2014, 09:21:40 AM »

the quote from wikipedia refers to  the windows version, which had different cubase versions than mac until 5.0
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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #9 on: June 26, 2014, 09:44:53 AM »

VST 4 was the first to add instruments
Cubase VST 4.1 to be more exact.  -afro-
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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #10 on: June 27, 2014, 02:57:35 AM »

steinberg has got to be THE WORST company when it comes to naming conventions...
they made things so problematic for future reference.

so stupidly approached + unspecific in how they refer to each program version
and how the specification for the tech has similar version numbers..



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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #11 on: June 27, 2014, 09:13:12 AM »

with the years we steinberg users learned that .0 means alpha and .1 means beta. so we buy new products not before .1 and then happily do a beta test for them.
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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #12 on: June 27, 2014, 10:21:15 PM »


OK, Spock (Chris)… I have to admit that you are correct.

The main problem is that the Software engineers and the marketing Dept. (like many companies) were not in sync with each other. 

I remeber helping out Steinberg run the Cubase booth at MacWorld 2000 in New York (my company was chosen to develop custom Dual PIII systems for Nuendo) so I was tight with some of the inner Steinberg circle)… it was an amazingly exciting time… the "New" Apple Cube was introduced, and Apple lent us some to load apps on... and we were showing off some new VSTis like Pro-Five and PPG Wave…

Anyway, I'll get to the point… soon… I remember briefly meeting a bunch of the programmers… including Wolfgang (think it was Wolfgang Kundrus) and Charlie Steinberg and most of these guys were from another planet… they didn't ever comb their hair; they were extremely intelligent, but lacked many social skills, and right there were some people from the Marketing Dept. and they seemed to be in heated debate (although I do not speak German)… a few of my Steinberg friends said that that was the typical scenario, that the programmers did not agree with corporate naming conventions and versions.  My guess is that the programming team was told to focus on code while the people that could not even comprehend the product, named it, and sold it.


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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2014, 01:24:01 AM »

yep that makes total sense and i believe it 1000% because i got totally dissatisfied with my own work when i was coding web sites for big name companies because of the idiot marketing people at the web companies were entirey fucking clueless and they would make the hugest mistakes in verbal reference to everything they were the biggest idiots..  i totally abhor and detest advertising in almsot everyway because of people like this. they are the biggest opportunist slime scum in the world they come in.. get a job /role and do nothing but pass off other peoples ideas as their own.. and then get paid and gtfo..  and move on to the next role bragging about how much they did for the last company and how successful they were after their genius meanwhile its all total lies and bullshit and they havent a real fucking clue about anything;)

these people make their living literally bullshitting their way thru everything!!!! and using buzzwords and talking to other people who they know know less thent hey do and acting 'for show' dropping 'buzzwords' every setnence to appear like they know what they are talking about..  theres a special place in hell for "advertising" people ;)


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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #14 on: June 28, 2014, 01:58:36 PM »

My guess is that the programming team was told to focus on code while the people that could not even comprehend the product, named it, and sold it. [/b]

probably worse than that. the marketing guys are telling the product quality guys that the should tell the product development guys that they should tell the programmers to build a "drum tightness sampler with ABF export" only because AKAI seems to be developing something similar and withouth knowing what it is, but then they complain when the developers dont build it perfectly after the marketing idiots (missing) vision.

and at the same time all the cool things the progammers already have built are killed by decisions of those product quality monks.

if you want to get an idea about how this works at steinberg and many other companies you only have to look at the range of plug-ins coming with the various cubase versions. there is absolutely no concept visible, things come and go, the light version comes after the pro version, the new version looks like the old version while another plug-in still does the same but has been renamed and redesigned ... a complete mess.

you have seen what happened to the solaris platform, and you have seen that it took 12 years until the wavelab editor came to mac. you have seen all the different versions of TDM supporting cubases  - at exhibitions - but never in stores.

did you know that steinberg once sold a program called "remix" which was a downgraded ableton live 4.0? no person with an IQ of over 30 would have made such decisions. it must have been the quality managment. :D

some of the best products on earth (like ermm ... the koblo tokyo runtime?) disappered because of this capitalism crap.

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Re: loading vst's in cubase 3.5?
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2014, 02:53:31 PM »

hah! that just goes to show u how steinbergs marketting dept has no credibility how are u gonna take a program by another company and slap ur logo
and a different name on it..
thinking ur so much larger then ableton and they will never get "known" lol
the ignorance + audacity;)
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