no, thank you. OS9lives brings my attention back to cubase and the like, normally i´ve worked only with programming languages during the last years.
I'm very interested on read about your "ResEdit works" ....
i remember projects/compositions with 20 instances of "scorpion FX" and "mda piano FX".
but soon i will try them all and maybe provide an updater. seems i dont have vise updater installed, with rescompare it is a mess (because of the version thing i was talking above.) wasnt there an updater utility for OS9 which gave you some if-then-else and search functions? was could have been its name?
- How to use NI standalone Apps to make standalone versions of other VSTis.
that will be some more work than changing 2 bits of code. and it does not sound like a good idea to use half an app of another company. it would be less work to write your own i think!
may i ask why would it be no solution for you to just host a plug-in in a host? (which already has ASIO, which lets you open more than one instance, and which has total recall for presets?)
- How to load most of the Kompakt based libraries on NI Kompakt, even those that never were available for Mac Os 9.
there is a working solution but only for a few of them. please send me an email for more info. for the majority of libraries it can not work, for they require the new functions in newer versions of the kontakt engine.
there are a few, even free ones, which i´d also like to have running, but most of the NI stuff was available as AKAI, too, afaik.
what i really, really, surprisingly good, is the standard piano coming with K2 OSX. it is by far better than all of the dedicated piano plug-ins and worth alone to buy K2. well, if you have OSX, and if you really want to use this multitasking bullshit with aqua buttons to make music.

Yes, I've done that already
right. and use the same naming convention which NI did for their "FX", fine.