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Author Topic: Os9 Installation Hard Drive won't mount AGP G4  (Read 3076 times)


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Os9 Installation Hard Drive won't mount AGP G4
« on: May 16, 2020, 01:34:41 AM »

Howdy folks,

I have a blue and white AGP G4 I am trying to install Os9 on. I have both the Os9.1 orange and white DVD from Apple and the Os9.2.2 copy from here burned to CD. I have been using an iBook G3 with Tiger 10.4.11 that dual boots into Os9 using the 9.2.2 copy from here to format a 120GB IDE drive using APM and the Os9 drivers.

If I clone the iBook G3 with Tiger 10.4.11 hard drive onto the 120GB HD, the G4 boots into Tiger fine but continually glitches if I try to boot into the Os9.2.2 'drive' and wont boot Os9.  If I try a clean install of Os9 onto the 120GB IDE drive using the Os9.1 orange and white DVD from Apple or the Os9.2.2 copy from here burned to CD it starts the installation but always stalls at the point where the hard drive would mount - apparent a a flashing disk or folder icon with a question mark. During the installation from the Apple Os9.1 DVD it also comes up with an 'unimplemented trap' system error and prompts to reboot while holding down the shift key to temporarily turn off extensions. Open firmware reports DEFAULT CATCH!, code=300.

I have tried resetting the PRAM, NVRAM, have reset the PMU and replaced the battery on the logic board. I have also tried partitioning the 120GB drive all to no avail. I don't think the hard drive is bad, it did require repair after cloning the iBook hard drive but otherwise has behaved.

Any suggestions?, is it something simple like 'blessing' the System folder (i only just read about it). Or it this a hardware issue on an aged G4?




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Re: Os9 Installation Hard Drive won't mount AGP G4
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2020, 05:56:50 AM »

>blue and white AGP G4

At least one part of this description is incorrect.

Did you install OS9 drivers when formatting the drive?


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Re: Os9 Installation Hard Drive won't mount AGP G4
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2020, 03:46:35 PM »

Yes I always installed the OS9 drivers when formatting the drive in Tiger using Disk Utility. Presumably the drivers maybe erased when cloning to the formated hard drive. This still doesn't explain why the drive wont mount when a clean install of Os9 using the Os9.1 orange and white DVD from Apple or the Os9.2.2 copy from here burned to CD as in both cases the Os9 drivers were installed and the drive is formated using APM (HFS+).


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Re: Os9 Installation Hard Drive won't mount AGP G4
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2020, 04:38:52 PM »

>Presumably the drivers maybe erased when cloning to the formated hard drive.

My experiencee has been:

The OS 9 drivers are installed on THEIR OWN invisible, and un-mounted partitions.

Cloning a partition does not either install or erase OS 9 driver partitions.

Both SuperDuper! and CarbonCopyCloner are only able to copy or clone partitions.

Drive Genius IS able to clone a DRIVE to another DRIVE, and I haven't tested it, but I presume will clone the OS 9 driver partitions too.



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Re: Os9 Installation Hard Drive won't mount AGP G4
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2020, 01:07:21 AM »

so i created 2 partitions on my 120GB HD and cloned Tiger to one and copied the Os9.2.2 System and Application folders to the second partition. While in Tiger I used Startup Drive to select the second partition with the copy of Os9.2.2. It boots up to the desktop and then the video glitches - the screen goes black. Would anyone be able to suggest o possible solution for this? thanks
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