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Author Topic: patch names for Roland SC-8820  (Read 7307 times)


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patch names for Roland SC-8820
« on: February 24, 2020, 03:23:47 AM »

Hi all,

I have just (rather excitedly) connected the iPad Roland Sound Canvas app to my VST 32 system via my TASCAM US-428 interface, a very cheap midi-USB interface, & 'camera connection kit' (female USB to lightning adapter).

It works marvellously. But OMS doesn't have an instrument map for the SC-8820 (which appears to be the best bank of sounds in the Sound Canvas app).

Is there somewhere I can just get this? I found a text file with the patch names but it's not the same format as the other instrument patch name documents for OMS and I don't want to manually edit a text file of this!



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Re: patch names for Roland SC-8820
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2020, 04:29:07 AM »

So I found the OMS drivers for the SC-8820 (both serial and USB available).

I installed both, but the installers don't seem to install the 'factory names' for the device.

Am I missing something?


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Re: patch names for Roland SC-8820
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2020, 04:35:22 PM »

For reference, in case anyone in the future is interested, here is the information I have on this issue.

Opcode Systems became defunct in 1998 (

The Roland SC-8820 sound module was released in 1999 (

This perhaps explains why I can't find OMS Factory Names for the SC-8820, they would have to have been manually created by someone. Though it does seem strange that OMS installers exist without including a factory names document.

I did find this page ( where the SC-8820 instrument names are in a text based document, but it's not the same format as an OMS Factory Names document. You can also find manuals for the SC-8820 which list the instrument names, but it's probably harder to extract the text from those pdfs.

If I have time I might create an OMS factory names document for the SC-8820, but otherwise I can still use the iPad Sound Canvas app in another mode and have compatible factory names in OMS/Cubase (eg. the SC-88Pro). If I create one I'll share it here of course.

As I write it occurs to me that I could search further for SC-8850 factory names (I understand the two models have essentially the same sound bank) and this yields forum post here ( with a tantalising web archived page link ... with a broken link to factory names for the sc-8850!  :-[

Oh, and I realise it might be borderline offensive on these boards to add an IPAD as a stand-in for a classic era hardware module but I'm just after a workable solution with no noticeable latency (my G4 quicksilver can't manage that on it's own) :-)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 04:51:35 PM by kharm »


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Re: patch names for Roland SC-8820
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2020, 08:07:02 PM »

Just an observation…

In the time you've spent looking for a filled-out Names doc, you could have typed it in… how many times? Really? At least that many.
ALL of the existing Names docs for post-1998 synths and modules etc. were first typed in manually by somebody then shared on the Internet.
I, and everybody I know who dabbles in 30-year old MIDI has had to manually type a few Names docs here and there.

It goes with the turf.



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Re: patch names for Roland SC-8820
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2020, 12:35:13 PM »

 ;D   ;D

It’s over 1600 patches so I was hoping to avoid it, but yeah you’re right. Lesson learned (maybe!)  8)
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