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Author Topic: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...  (Read 11562 times)


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Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« on: March 29, 2014, 12:24:03 PM »

OK, I have an G4 ( QuickSilver ) PowerPC and a LG monitor ( puny small screen ).

Me and my Yamaha PSR keyboard ( synthesizer ) are in front of the monitor.

Is it possible for the G4 to use an LCD monitor to help MR MAGOO and also so he could sell his magnifying lens to help pay for the purchase ?

IF yes, are there special external adapters for the connection of the monitor to the computer  ?  And what are the adapters he would need ?

LC520(my first iMac @ 25 MHz ), 8500/SonnetG4, Performa6360, QuickSilver PowerPC G4 ( 933MHz ), iMac PowerPC G3 500 MHz ,iMac @ 3.06 GHz, AND a plethora of midi/audio/recording gear and software and oh! let's not forget all those acoustical music instruments


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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2014, 01:02:31 PM »

hey mr magoo

they do make adapters for ADC (your current card) -> DVI (99% of flatscreens)
here is the pic of what u would need .. but it may be just as cheap to get a new video card and forget about the adapter

Click this link to view auctions on ebay of "ADC to DVI" adapters
prices seem to range from 25-60$

if u have a geforce2mx or geforce4mx video card (x4 AGP)
then you most likely have a  ADC apple connector.. there are adapters available but its cheaper to just
install a video card that has a dvi port such as a radeon 8500 or find a higher end geforce4 (such as a ti4200, ti4400, or ti4600) or u could
find a radeon 9000 on ebay cheap.

if i were u id just look for ADC apple lcd monitors for sale...!
they are available cheap because they cant be used with newer computers due to the ADC connection.
thats your best bet! i say u should try to find a genuine apple lcd for cheap! they
can go for 50$ and under because people dont want to shell out for the adapters

why dont u check craigslist to find some lcd monitors for sale in your area?

« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 08:42:39 AM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 03:24:32 AM »

All the ADC cards have a DVI-connector as well, so no need to buy a new card. Just so you know. :)

Otherwise pretty much any DVI or VGA flatscreen will work just fine. eBay or craigslist is where you should look :)
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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2014, 08:23:02 AM »

All the ADC cards have a DVI-connector as well, so no need to buy a new card. Just so you know. :)

Otherwise pretty much any DVI or VGA flatscreen will work just fine. eBay or craigslist is where you should look :)

hey knez
this isnt true..

the card that comes with the 933 quicksilver has  VGA + ADC i think its the NV17 Geforce2MX
the Geforce4MX has DVI + ADC and it is the card that was put in the later QS's + MDD
but the original Quicksilver bunch came with Geforce2MX which doesnt have DVI
hence mr magoo's post + interest on the topic because he doesnt have one;)

actually i think they might  both be geforce4mx...  whatever the name i know one is NV17
and another is NV18 (gpu chip)

interestingly enuff this gpureview site says they are part of the "geforce 2" series and not "geforce 4"

would be nice to have a flashed pc version so to have vga/dvi because i dotn think u can get that with a real mac version

this one i have in my sawtooth right now.. but i got it in my DP 867 MDD so pretty sure most mdd's came with this card or the radeon 9000


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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2014, 09:13:41 AM »

Aha... I have never seen the VGA+ADC cards here in Sweden and have taken apart quite a few Macs.
Perhaps these low-end cards never made it here. I even had a ATi Rage 128 16mb with DVI+ADC in my G4 "Gigabit Ethernet", so I never thought they went back to VGA on the newer machines.

Good to know about the other cards I guess. Sorry to mislead anyone :)
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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2014, 09:39:20 AM »

Thanks guys for the excellent information with pictures to guide me along.

How do i ascertain what VGA "card" my quicksilver has ?

Should i buy a LCD flashlite to flip down the side door and look somewhere inside ?

Or is there some diagnostic software that could/would tell me ?

OK, three question in a row: that's it for  MR MAGOO for now we're going down into out Mac Museum to check out some specs on the QS.
LC520(my first iMac @ 25 MHz ), 8500/SonnetG4, Performa6360, QuickSilver PowerPC G4 ( 933MHz ), iMac PowerPC G3 500 MHz ,iMac @ 3.06 GHz, AND a plethora of midi/audio/recording gear and software and oh! let's not forget all those acoustical music instruments


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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2014, 10:19:24 AM »

Would this information from Mother Apple  (  )   help you guys help me ?
LC520(my first iMac @ 25 MHz ), 8500/SonnetG4, Performa6360, QuickSilver PowerPC G4 ( 933MHz ), iMac PowerPC G3 500 MHz ,iMac @ 3.06 GHz, AND a plethora of midi/audio/recording gear and software and oh! let's not forget all those acoustical music instruments


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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2014, 10:38:54 AM »

How do i ascertain what VGA "card" my quicksilver has ?

Should i buy a LCD flashlite to flip down the side door and look somewhere inside ?

Or is there some diagnostic software that could/would tell me ?

u can just look at the ports on the back of the machine

as the image says it is possible to use an adapter (cheap one) to get a vga signal out of a DVI adapter whereas u cant do this the other way around turning a vga into a dvi is not possible

so perhaps the most flexible scenario for you is to simply upgrade to a ADC/DVI card
(like the geforce4mx or radeon 9000) and get yourself a DVI/VGA adapter



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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2014, 10:46:16 AM »

Aha... I have never seen the VGA+ADC cards here in Sweden and have taken apart quite a few Macs.
Perhaps these low-end cards never made it here. I even had a ATi Rage 128 16mb with DVI+ADC in my G4 "Gigabit Ethernet", so I never thought they went back to VGA on the newer machines.

Good to know about the other cards I guess. Sorry to mislead anyone :)

I have a ATI rage 128 PRO 16mb with VGA+ADC AGPx4 original from my PMG4 Digital Audio 466.

 I thougt ADC started with DA machines, not "Gigabit Ethenet" ones. Has the GE motherboard the big "gap" for +28 volts? Or are you using a ADC card on a non ADC-AGP port  thru VGA?
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 11:08:16 AM by chrisNova777 »
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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2014, 11:05:34 AM »

Ports of ATI Rage 128 Pro . It is the only ADC card that cant suport cinema 23" I think.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 11:08:25 AM by chrisNova777 »
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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #10 on: March 30, 2014, 11:09:28 AM »

I thougt ADC started with DA machines, not "Gigabit Ethenet" ones. Has the GE motherboard the big "gap" for +28 volts? Or are you using a ADC card on a non ADC-AGP port  thru VGA?

pretty sure the "digital audio" models were the start of ADC... meaning gigabit ethernet models would have no ADC power connection



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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #11 on: March 30, 2014, 11:10:42 AM »

I was wrong. Acording Everymac   8)  8)  8)  Gigabit Ethernet where the first ADC machines. They were AGPx2.
So there is 2 versions on ATI rage 128 ADC, one agp2 from GE and the DA agp4 version

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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #12 on: March 30, 2014, 04:02:31 PM »

I was wrong. Acording Everymac   8)  8)  8)  Gigabit Ethernet where the first ADC machines. They were AGPx2.
So there is 2 versions on ATI rage 128 ADC, one agp2 from GE and the DA agp4 version


my rage 128 that came originally in my g4 450mhz sawtooth was VGA/DVI
no ADC... and it says R128P on the chip

heres a pic of it exactly

too bad this card is not so great tho ;) i would prefer a card with these connnectors .. especially for sawtooth which has no adc power anyway
so the adc port is totally non functional in my g4...
« Last Edit: April 01, 2014, 12:31:23 PM by chrisNova777 »


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Re: Let's see about this MR MAGOO...
« Reply #13 on: March 31, 2014, 02:34:59 AM »

Yes, It was a "Gigabit Ethernet". I still have it and it works just fine. It has the Radeon 9000 from a MDD in it now (and has for some years), and it works just as well as the Rage 128 did, just faster ;).

Pro Tools addict and staff member at Mac OS 9 Lives!, System 7 Today and Macintosh Garden.
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