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Author Topic: Recent Developments of MidiShare  (Read 3910 times)


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Recent Developments of MidiShare
« on: March 10, 2014, 09:10:46 PM »
MidiShare communication scheme has been extented to real-time communication over Ethernet
[Fober, 1994] in order to enlarge inter-applications collaboration to inter-stations collaboration.
Our implementation respects the traditional services of the network while allowing at least 25 stations to transmit a full MIDIdata flow. Users can see the remote stations like any other MidiShare applications and can include them within their communication scheme using the same way and the same tools.

Since MidiShare first version, several other musical operating systems appeared (and sometimes disappeared). On the Macintosh, the main ones are Apple Midi Manager [AppleComputer Inc., 1990] and Opcode OMS[Opcode, 1993].

Open Share has been developed to allow applications from these different systems to run simultaneously on the same machine and to collaborate using the MidiShare inter-application
communication manager. Via Open Share, MidiManager and OMS applications can also benefit
of the Ethernet support.


Several new developments are related to Internet:
¥ msNetPlayer, a MidiShare based MIDIfile
player Plug-in for Netscape 2.0.
¥ a set of MidiShare-JAVA classes for
Macintosh and PC/Windows platforms.
¥ an extension of MidiShare inter-application
communications over TCP/IP
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4
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