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Author Topic: Alice - an interactive museum  (Read 514 times)


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Alice - an interactive museum
« on: December 31, 2024, 02:14:05 AM »

Still exploring the world of vintage CD-roms, I've stumbled upon that crazy piece at the Garden:

A game or sort of, with riddles, labyrinths and surrealistic animations, the work of 3 Japanese artists. Must take a few hours to complete the quest for 53 cards to end the game and get out of the museum through countless point&clicks !!! Quite a daring piece for the time: early 1990s, though sources differ on the actual year/date of creation, depending on the platform port -win or mac- I guess.

Animations range from classic artwork to erotic and eerie, quite an experience, with music too. No menu, no hints, you have to explore and if you're too bored or can't afford spending too much time, the only way out is Command +Q

If you like old stuff that is creative and original, I really recommend it
Hardware = vintage station: Pismo 400 + 1 FW Drive + 1 FW DVD Writer (region free) - Pismo 500 + 1 FW Drive + 1 FW DVD Writer (on both Pismos volumes with MacOS9.2.2, MacOS9.2.1, MacOS 9.0.4)

Emulators: MacOS9 App - Sheepshaver


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Re: Alice - an interactive museum
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2024, 03:17:05 AM »

Another connaisseur for early 90's Macintosh CD-ROM titles - I salute you! I've played (and uploaded) my fair share of it, lately I've become especially fond of some of the edutainment CD-ROMs. Downloading some all the time. It's a pity they get so little attention for there are some real gems to be found there. Alice sounds like it could be one such, thanks for the tip!


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Re: Alice - an interactive museum
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2025, 12:46:22 AM »

I've downloaded more than 25 so far. Some work directly by copying all the files to a dedicated folder, others require you mount the .iso or .toast image.

A few proved to be disappointing like the Marvel Series for instance (fun for the record though), others are really impressive like The Little Prince or the Louvre Museum with which you can set/organize customized virtual visits.

Found most at The Garden and some at the Internet Archive, searching and browsing is kind of difficult there though.

If you have other sources, please share. I like educational/reference CD-roms but I'm more interested in odd/original ones like The Little Prince or Alice-The Interactive Museum which ranks at the top imb :)
« Last Edit: January 01, 2025, 05:50:15 AM by MigMac »
Hardware = vintage station: Pismo 400 + 1 FW Drive + 1 FW DVD Writer (region free) - Pismo 500 + 1 FW Drive + 1 FW DVD Writer (on both Pismos volumes with MacOS9.2.2, MacOS9.2.1, MacOS 9.0.4)

Emulators: MacOS9 App - Sheepshaver
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