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Author Topic: Guide: Building a Logic TDM Setup  (Read 171 times)


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  • SCSI Hardware Sampler Junkie
Guide: Building a Logic TDM Setup
« on: November 24, 2024, 03:33:56 PM »

This is going to be a living document that will receive updates as additional questions are either asked or more information relating to the task is added.

Building a Logic TDM Setup

Q.Why Would I want to do this?

A: Working with CPU processors that are 20+ years old, we all know that there is not as much power to run native processes. This was one of the major selling points of the Pro Tools TDM platform. Hardware accelerated plugins that were hosted on Motorola 56K DSP chips. Offloading as much processing onto TDM chips allowed you to run with more CPU overhead for other tasks.

Pro Tools MIX or HD?
Logic TDM integration goes as far back as the NuBus era with Logic Audio 2.6 on 68K Macintosh platforms. We will be looking mostly at MIX and HD in this case.

Pro Tools MIX
It is possible to run this level of configuration with Pro Tools MIX:
32-64 Channels of DAE powered audio.
Up to 7 MIX Cards can be supported in a qualified Expansion Chassis. DSP Farms and SampleCell cards can also be added if your TDM Node cable is large enough to support it.
Possible Pro Tools pairing would include Pro Tools 5.1 for OS9 and Pro Tools 6.4.1 on OSX

Pro Tools HD
The differences from MIX are as follows
Up to 192 Channels of DAE powered audio channels.
Up to 7 HD Cards can be supported in a qualified Expansion Chassis (64 Bit Expansion Chassis for PCIX G4-G5s)
HD Core and HD Process cards are supported on Mac OS9 with Pro Tools 5.3.1 and Pro Tools 6 on OSX. Note that the HD Process cards have significantly less DSP power than whats offered by HD Accel.
HD Core and HD Accel Cards are supported on OSX 10.3 and above with Pro Tools 6.2.3 and newer.

Important notes
Logic HTDM plugins, which allow you to run native Logic instruments on TDM channels are supported through V5 to V6.9.2. Pro Tools 7 HD depreciated the HTDM standard and thus those plugins will not work.

Examples of working configurations

The Following are examples I have been able to put together and get these setups up and running.

Pro Tools MIX:
Macintosh PowerPC G4 Quicksilver and MDD. Dual Booting OS9/10.3.8
1/2GB RAM respectively
Digidesign Expansion Chassis (Magma PCI13R with 32bit PCI host card)

Example of running a single SampleCell II card in a fully expanded TDM MIX setup on OS9, Logic 6.4.

Pro Tools HD
Macintosh PowerPC G4 Quicksilver, MDD, G5 Dual 2.0 PCI-X (G5 dual booting 10.3.9/10.4.11)
8GB Ram
Digidesign 64bit Expansion Chassis (Magma P7R4 with 32bit PCI Host card - still searching for a 64bit interface card)


Pro Tools MIX
1. Install Mac OS9/OSX 10.3 depending if you want to use V5 or V6
2. Install Pro Tools 5.1 or 6.4.1 respectively.
3. Run Digitest to verify your hardware configuation is correct (MIX Core followed by MIX Farm or DSP farms). You must have at least one interface connected to the MIX Core in order to pass digitest successfully.
4.Once Pro Tools 5/6 has been installed, install Logic Pro 6.4
5. Install the EPIC TDM Plugins and HTDM Plugins for more MIX TDM Features. Otherwise you will be restricted to using ESB for native processes.

Pro Tools HD
1. Install Mac OS9/OSX 10.3 depending if you want to use V5 or V6 TDM HD
2. Install Pro Tools TDM 5.3 - 6.1 for HD Process only or 6.2 and above for Accel support.
3. Run Digitest to verify your hardware configuation is correct (HD Core followed by HD Accel or HD Process cards). You must have at least one interface connected to the HD Core in order to pass digitest successfully.
4.Once Pro Tools 5/6 has been installed, install Logic Pro 6.4-7.1 (7.2 does not support Pro Tools 6)
5. Install the EPIC TDM Plugins and HTDM Plugins for more HD TDM Features. Otherwise you will be restricted to using ESB for native processes.

Useful Links

Logic 6.4 (OS9/OSX)

Pro Tools 5 (OS9) MIX Pro Tools HD|Process

Pro Tools 6.x (OSX) Pro Tools HD and MIX (6.4.1)

EPIC and Host TDM Plugins (OS9/OSX)
« Last Edit: November 24, 2024, 06:31:44 PM by Architecture »
PowerMac G4 MDD (1.25 Dual). 2GB Ram, GeForce Ti 4600 Mac. 3x RME Digiface paired to 2x Ferrofish A32s. Seritek 1SE2 external SATA setup.

Power Mac G4 MDD (1.42 Dual) FW800 Modified for Mac OS9. 2GB Ram, Radeon GPU (32MB) Pro Tools MIX TDM (7 MIX farm with 3 SampleCells) with Magma 13 PCI Expander. ATTO UL3D SCSI controller.

PowerMacintosh G5 Dual 2.0 PCIX. 8 GB RAM, Pro Tools HD6 using 64Bit Expansion Chasis.

PowerMac G4 2002 Quicksilver and Powerbook G3 for SCSI applications.
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