I have a PowerMac MDD with 1.25 DP (FW400), and a white MacBook core duo 2.0 with FW400 port.
The PowerMac had three physical drives (2xOWC SDDs and a spinning hard drive) which boot into os 9.2.2; Leopard and Tiger.
My issue is: when restarting in target disk mode on the MDD, with the Macbook connected via firewire, I ca only see the OS 9 disk and not the other two from the Macbook. Shouldn’t I see all three dives?
I want to make sure I understand this because it doesn't make sense to me.You say you are trying to boot your Macbook via target mode from drives in your MDD?
Aside from asking the obvious question… why? There are a couple of caveats to be considered.
Assuming for a second that all drives in the MDD
are visible to the MB, we ask: Why wouldn't Tiger or Leopard show up?
The first thing I can think of is that we must remember that both the later versions of Tiger and all versions of Leopard were packaged as both PPC AND Intel compatible. The installer in both would first look at what machine it was launched on then install the proper files for that machine.
That means if they were installed on a PPC machine, they won't boot an Intel and vice-versa.So, why would the OS9 System show up
at all since it certainly won't boot the Intel either? I have NO idea. Maybe there's some odd characteristic about it (the MDD Multiprocessing file?) that is basically unknown since virtually NObody would even try that anyway.
To resolve the "Is it the SSD or the ATA bus or the ghost of Jobs" question you need to boot the MacBook from it own OS
then start the MDD in TD mode to see if all 3 drives show up.
If they DO, the above is likely correct.
If they DON'T, maybe it IS a "Where and on which ATA are they all?
OR… more likely:
You didn't specify, but I'm guessing that OS9 is on the spinner and Tiger and Leopard are on the SSD's.
That would mean the ATA adapters or whatever you're using to connect the SSD's causes them to not show up in Target Mode.
OR, going back to my first sentence, am I misunderstanding what you're even trying to do in the first place?