But those are third party OS 9 utilities that don't know about OS X.
Is it so?
Actually it
is so. That Alsoft realized that they could get away with saying the app
could work up to 10.3.9 didn't / doesn't mean you
They declared 10.4 officially unsupported because of the introduction of
Spotlight - otherwise known as the surest, fastest way to eff up your OS9 volume other than a bulk tape eraser.
As I recall, Norton - bless 'em - also was idiotic enough to sell an "upgraded" version of Norton Utilities (v 7.0) that wasted more early OSX installs that probably any other app.When Lord Jobs presented OSX to the world, there was a mess in the 3rd party app universe. Some figured out how to use Carbon to keep their app alive, some issued updates that more or less worked until they could
really rewrite the apps and some (especially those who had begun by porting their Windoze apps to Mac OS) just said "fuck it, this is more trouble that it's worth. Back to PC's."
Both Alsoft and Norton thought (hoped, prayed?) they could get away with quick, mostly cosmetic updates instead of a major rewrite for OSX because (as I have previously mentioned)
both ≤OS9 and OSX used HFS+ filesystems. The objective was to wait until Apple debugged OSX somewhat. That way, they wouldn't have to keep doing incremental fixes during the initial transition. That proved to be overly optimistic when little details like the OSX permissions structure clashed with the OS9 File Sharing permissions and some extended attributes issues.
Ok guys, just keep ignoring the issue, I don't care. But it would be kind of you not to teach bad habits to newcomers
(I come from part of the audio world, where everythig was/is considered "mission critical". For me this issue is a red flag, hence I would stick to network transfers only).
I'm also from audio and I
still use OS9 90% of the time. I know well the bliss of recording material bit by bit, instrument by instrument yada yada and having a sudden unrecoverable HDD volume error without a complete current backup. Even backing up
every night can leave you without the work you did
today and that can be a LOT of stuff you get to do over. Also, there are few things more humiliating than when other musicians were here
today and now you get to call them and ask if they could kindly find the time to come back and do it all again
As I said, my preferred method is networking. There's no issue with USB sticks and such however. A file is a file is a file and a file created in OSX and dumped onto a OS9 HFS+ volume simply becomes an OS9 HFS+ file. Resource forks are added to audio files dumped into OS9
by OS9 when opened or imported by an OS9 app. That's why after you open an AIFF from outside with your OS9 DAW, it magically becomes one of that DAW's files with the correct icon and all. That said, I've never once in all my years had a file contaminate or otherwise eff up my OS9 volume just by being transferred in over disc, USB, Firewire or any other method.**
**Excluding virus-infected apps on floppies way back when…