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Author Topic: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2  (Read 8654 times)


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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2023, 02:26:34 PM »

Hey ssp3

Since I have the 667MHz PowerBook G4 on the table with the top cover off, which makes swapping mSATA drives on an adapter a breeze, lets conduct the two tests.
Wow… I just wrote another loong post to bjorkj02 above and looking at your last one now is giving me a headache.
I'll get back to it tomorrow because there's just too much…
I'll just suggest you're "not seeing the forest for the trees." No, more like "down the rabbit hole so far you can't tell which way is up."
No offense intended man, I'm just really tired.
Now, lets take a look at invisible files on the same drive with OSX tools. Whaaaat? What's that? Some of that stuff wasn't there when we checked the invisible files in OS9 in prior step.

OK, lets boot the PB G4 back to OS9 and check the invisible files again. Bang! A couple of new items.

Now, if we try to run DiskWarrior, we get this.

What about Norton Disk Doctor?

Norton sometimes succeeds with the repairs, sometimes not, but, in any case, DiskWarrior will always say that the drive is damaged.

Draw you own conclusions.  ;)
But those are third party OS 9 utilities that don't know about OS X. Do the issues they find actually cause problems in OS 9? What about Apple utilities for OS 9 and OS X? Or third party OS X utilities (such as the latest version of DiskWarrior)?

The bold above from joevt is the essence of what I was going to say.

You're going around in circles trying to analyze and fix stuff on OS9 volumes caused by OSX using tools that pre-date OSX.

That simply CANNOT work


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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2023, 04:38:57 PM »

Tell that to a novice user or windows convert and you will get a blank stare  ;D

when OSX 10.0 came out 23 years ago i started having various issues with disk repair and defrag nonsense, and since i wanted to use both OS i simply stopped using disk repair and defrag nonsense, format everything under OSX, unjournalled, and then 9 and X happily coexist and use dozens of drives together without any problems.

about every 5 years (or in the case of huge issues with a drive) i just copy the data, reformat and copy the data back.

OS9 apps which could harm the OSX install (i´ve kept those repair nonsesne apps which i do no longer use) are installed in the OSX boot volume so that accidents can be ruled out.

but back to topic: the problem the OP has is quite common. people often have issues reading HFS+ media via USB with current macOS from 22/23. not sure what it could be.

as for sticks, mine are mostly small enough to use FAT, so that they can also be used in windows and linux. but i second your advise of "get an ethernet cable", this is the best solution of all.
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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2023, 04:53:17 PM »

But those are third party OS 9 utilities that don't know about OS X.

Is it so? ;)
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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2023, 05:06:06 PM »

Ok guys, just keep ignoring the issue, I don't care. But it would be kind of you not to teach bad habits to newcomers ;)

(I come from part of the audio world, where everythig was/is considered "mission critical". For me this issue is a red flag, hence I would stick to network transfers only).
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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2023, 03:10:27 PM »

But those are third party OS 9 utilities that don't know about OS X.

Is it so? ;)
Actually it is so. That Alsoft realized that they could get away with saying the app could work up to 10.3.9 didn't / doesn't mean you should.
They declared 10.4 officially unsupported because of the introduction of Spotlight - otherwise known as the surest, fastest way to eff up your OS9 volume other than a bulk tape eraser.

As I recall, Norton - bless 'em - also was idiotic enough to sell an "upgraded" version of Norton Utilities (v 7.0) that wasted more early OSX installs that probably any other app.

When Lord Jobs presented OSX to the world, there was a mess in the 3rd party app universe. Some figured out how to use Carbon to keep their app alive, some issued updates that more or less worked until they could really rewrite the apps and some (especially those who had begun by porting their Windoze apps to Mac OS) just said "fuck it, this is more trouble that it's worth. Back to PC's."

Both Alsoft and Norton thought (hoped, prayed?) they could get away with quick, mostly cosmetic updates instead of a major rewrite for OSX because (as I have previously mentioned) both ≤OS9 and OSX used HFS+ filesystems. The objective was to wait until Apple debugged OSX somewhat. That way, they wouldn't have to keep doing incremental fixes during the initial transition. That proved to be overly optimistic when little details like the OSX permissions structure clashed with the OS9 File Sharing permissions and some extended attributes issues.

Ok guys, just keep ignoring the issue, I don't care. But it would be kind of you not to teach bad habits to newcomers ;)

(I come from part of the audio world, where everythig was/is considered "mission critical". For me this issue is a red flag, hence I would stick to network transfers only).
I'm also from audio and I still use OS9 90% of the time. I know well the bliss of recording material bit by bit, instrument by instrument yada yada and having a sudden unrecoverable HDD volume error without a complete current backup. Even backing up every night can leave you without the work you did today and that can be a LOT of stuff you get to do over.  Also, there are few things more humiliating than when other musicians were here today and now you get to call them and ask if they could kindly find the time to come back and do it all again tomorrow.

As I said, my preferred method is networking. There's no issue with USB sticks and such however. A file is a file is a file and a file created in OSX and dumped onto a OS9 HFS+ volume simply becomes an OS9 HFS+ file. Resource forks are added to audio files dumped into OS9 by OS9 when opened or imported by an OS9 app. That's why after you open an AIFF from outside with your OS9 DAW, it magically becomes one of that DAW's files with the correct icon and all. That said, I've never once in all my years had a file contaminate or otherwise eff up my OS9 volume just by being transferred in over disc, USB, Firewire or any other method.**

**Excluding virus-infected apps on floppies way back when…


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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2023, 03:59:15 PM »

the HFS vs HFS+ problem above is a typical "we´re experts, but none of us can give a proper answer to a simple problem".

we have to learn to be more attentive with people new to OS9 and call "HFS+" "HFS Extended", so that consultants cant execute it wrong.

the other issue "my USB stick works under X circumstances..." vs. "...but my works fine!" also shows why it is often suboptimal to only name things right or wrong, especially when these things are based off your personal experience from 25 years ago.

this was often the MAIN reason after i gave someone a wrong tip, no matter in which fields. it worked for you, so it must be right and will work in comparable cases, too? or cant fail at all? not! wrong belief.
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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2023, 08:00:47 PM »

Also, there are few things more humiliating than when other musicians were here today and now you get to call them and ask if they could kindly find the time to come back and do it all again tomorrow.

That's peanuts. I'm talking about situations where you have multi-room, SSL equipped facility, where artists might fly in from some other country or where you have a full blown orchestra recording a symphonic work, with composer attending, everything going analog mixed to 2 tracks and then into a Mac. Plus a bunch of rental gear. Try to get out of this kind of situations if disaster strikes because of your over confident manipulations with computers. Yeah, "guys on the forum said it is safe" .. ;)
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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2023, 09:05:50 PM »

Good lord, this thread.  ::)
got my mind on my scsi and my scsi on my mind


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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #28 on: July 15, 2023, 02:11:27 PM »

Also, there are few things more humiliating than when other musicians were here today and now you get to call them and ask if they could kindly find the time to come back and do it all again tomorrow.

That's peanuts. I'm talking about situations where you have multi-room, SSL equipped facility, where artists might fly in from some other country or where you have a full blown orchestra recording a symphonic work, with composer attending, everything going analog mixed to 2 tracks and then into a Mac. Plus a bunch of rental gear. Try to get out of this kind of situations if disaster strikes because of your over confident manipulations with computers. Yeah, "guys on the forum said it is safe" .. ;)
"…and then, two seconds after I farted from that burrito, Beyoncé walked into the control room. She didn't say anything, but my boss called me that evening and told me not to come in the next day."

Get real, man.

I've been in a LOT of big rooms. Some had SSL's… Hell, some had Neves. I never met anybody dumb enough to mix a full orchestra analog straight to a single Macintosh.
But hey, that's not even what we're talking about here, is it?

Good lord, this thread.  ::)
Couldn't agree more. Time to let it die already!   :P :P :P


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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #29 on: July 15, 2023, 03:19:48 PM »

I never met anybody dumb enough to mix a full orchestra analog straight to a single Macintosh.

What do you know.. (insert facepalm here).

Honestly, I get an impression that you're just a resident forum troll posting nonsense and going after the others.
I haven't seen a single valuable input from you over the years, just moaning, bitching and me me me.

And no, I won't be posting links to Discogs with releases that were created that way. Do your homework.
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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2023, 04:18:46 PM »

I'll tell you a little about how I do it, my DAW uses one external SCSI HDD (Glyph, Seagate Cheetah 15k Ultra 320 via Atto UL4D/UL3D) and RAID-1 (Two Seagate Cheetah 15k) for backup files (buffer zone). My OS9 is on an 128Gb SSD. If suddenly I need to transfer large amounts of data, I use a FireWire HDD, or a CF FireWire. And i use Xserve G4 and turn it on as a transit storage for a global backup. And I have several formatted USB to transfer some little things, these Flash and HDD for many years, I have never encountered problems or loss of resource forks. I don't use OS-X on this Power Mac, and have no problems with B-Tree


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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2023, 11:33:32 PM »

I never met anybody dumb enough to mix a full orchestra analog straight to a single Macintosh.
What do you know.. (insert facepalm here).
Well, I haven't. Wait, are you saying you did that??
Honestly, I get an impression that you're just a resident forum troll posting nonsense and going after the others.
I haven't seen a single valuable input from you over the years, just moaning, bitching and me me me.
Now you're just getting effing rude, man.

You inspired me to actually take the time to scan back over your library of "posts over the years".
I honestly found them to be sincere and helpful… at least until now.
Perhaps you should do the same with mine. If you still think I'm "just a troll posting nonsense" and you can't find "a single valuable input" maybe I'm just using too many big words.

You know on modern Macs you can right-click a word and go straight to a dictionary…

Go ahead and take the last shot. It's a freebie. I'm no longer responding to this thread. I don't need to justify my Forum participation to you just because you're having a bad day. My posts speak for themselves.


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Re: Transferring Files from OS X to OS 9.2.2
« Reply #32 on: July 16, 2023, 12:39:58 AM »

Some times is easiest way transferring files with burning files to DVD-R (as data files not as DVD-video)..and if speaking trasferin wav-files open DVD icon with finder, drop them to Netscape window and chose save and you get resource forks and nice icon for those wav-files and then open them in your favorite program.
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