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Author Topic: br tree error and drive no longer initilized?  (Read 4931 times)


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br tree error and drive no longer initilized?
« on: February 16, 2023, 08:43:31 PM »

i was copying some CD's to the mac. upon waking from sleep the USB quit working.  so i had to restart it.  after this the disk error messages kept poping up so i ran disk first aid. it was not able to fix things and when i tried to quit disk first aid the system hard locked and forced restart. 

now i can boot from a CD but it shows the drive as uninitialized.  i cant seem to repair the drive with any disk first aid software.

in reading it seems osx can cause this?  i had osx and 9 on two partitions but i cant seem to get it to boot into x anymore either. just ? on boot up


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Re: br tree error and drive no longer initilized?
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2023, 07:40:01 AM »

Suppose that you could have BTree errors - but more likely, it’s something else. And not clear which machine or how it might be configured… that you are referring to.


BUT instead of re-initializing the current drive at this point, might be prudent to replace it with another spare drive (in case there is something you might like to later attempt to recover from the current drive). In this manner - you could reinstall OS 9 and OSX on the substitute drive, run system diagnostics (to possibly detect or rule out other hardware problems) before proceeding. AND given all of the possible ramifications of your previously mentioned machine(s) and modifications, might be advised to check all of your internal connections / connectors. RE: that little power surge to the dormant system upon restart or awakening from sleep just might have invoked a “fricassee effect” and fried yo drive. (Or some other component.) ;)

IS this the Performa 630CD with a Quicksilver’s mobo now inside?
OR - which machine (and how configured) are you dealing with here?


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Re: br tree error and drive no longer initilized?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2023, 07:57:13 AM »

i just "fixed" a possibly major problem similar to this by having a lot of patience.

to make it short: that OS9 claims a partition had to be initialised, or that OSX refuses to boot when a drive or volume seems to be corrupt, does not mean that the drive or volume or the files in it are actually corrupt.

when i got your situation right, your next step could be to boot the machine without the drive connected and then see what happens when you attach the drive later.

(even better would be to always have multiple boot volumes already built into the machine.)

as soon as you are seeing your volumes again, first check the integrity of  you files, then make a backup of everything, before you start fiddling around with disc doctor or techtool.
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Re: br tree error and drive no longer initilized?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2023, 09:10:05 AM »

IIRC, in OS9, DiskWarrior was safer to do repairs than Norton or TechTool.
I think Norton Disk Doctor was the one that did more harm than good. Try DiskWarrior first.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2023, 12:16:29 PM by ssp3 »
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Re: br tree error and drive no longer initilized?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2023, 09:35:20 AM »

it is a secondary QS that im using to preload the drive while i finish the welding on the performa to hold the QS.

ill try booting tonight off an old HDD


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Re: BTree error and drive no longer initialized?
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2023, 10:45:42 AM »

ill try booting tonight off an old HDD

In that case… also remove and re-seat the RAM, video card, any other cards & check PSU harness connection to mobo (as well as all other wiring connections that you can access). AND disable computer & display sleep - especially when copying large files, etc.

THEN - if you can boot it with the old HDD, run diagnostics before entrusting the QS with any further copying / use… OR re-inserting the "problem drive" for any recovery attempts. Best of luck!


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Re: br tree error and drive no longer initilized?
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2023, 06:53:48 PM »

It turned out to be a lost cause. I Tried reading the drive with everything I had but every time it came up as an unpartitioned, non-initialized drive. So somehow it lost all of its file and partition structure.

Something I realized. I took the hard drive out of my sleeper g4. I'm working on welding up supports inside of that case so it's not ready to run. I took it from a SATA card onto an IDE adapter.

I didn't realize until much later that ATA 66 is limited to 128 gb. It is a 512 GB drive. So, I guess I'm not surprised that partition structures got screwed up, given that it was seeing 133 GB of a 512 gig Drive and writing to it.

I am currently running a new install of 9.2.2, I partitioned it in a 10 gig and a 400 gig. I am working on copying all my data back on, what I have backed up anyway.

On a side note, Mac OS 9 will read a Blu-ray burner. It even reads A blu-ray. A data Blu-ray but it reads it.

So I am working on copying everything back on with two Blu-ray drives and one original G4 drive.
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