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Author Topic: 9.2.3  (Read 95416 times)

dr bu

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« on: February 11, 2014, 04:15:20 PM »

does anyone here have any experience of this "upgrade": [Link removed]

Edit: The url is now inappropriate rather than legitimate.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 06:50:51 PM by nanopico »


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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2014, 04:50:48 PM »

It needs 1600x1200 resolution
[Link removed]
« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 06:51:10 PM by nanopico »
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4

dr bu

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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2014, 05:42:25 PM »

june 12. 2014. this thredsgot 148 views.
and 1 (2) replies.



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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2014, 06:42:47 PM »

It has some interesting tools and updates, but the 1600x1200 resolution thing kills me.
Only a fistfull of users here have > 1280x1024.
Maybe Mactron or DieHard can pronounce about this unofficial update. Old school user can have an app for everyone of these tools...(?)
Only a few Apple Monitors have 1600x1200 or more. Some Formac and the Apple Cinema on ADC and lots of VGA/DVI alternatives, but I cant tell you since I have 1280x1024  :-\

Maybe we can try to locate him to join us!

Name:     Cliff Huylebroeck

[suspicious]Address:  Denderbellestraat 33
Zip code: B-9200
City:     Sint-Gillis-bij-Dendermonde[/suspicious]
Country:  BELGIUM

And ask him if he can make an "low resolution" setting

Take a look on his recomended 3rd party must have
[Link removed]
« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 06:51:41 PM by nanopico »
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4

dr bu

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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2014, 04:03:44 AM »

im curious about his ideas about stability:
[Link removed]
[Link removed]
[Link removed]
and is this resolution thing really a must?

i also got the impression that you can install only the extensions you need
« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 06:52:11 PM by nanopico »


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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2014, 09:02:49 AM »

i dont understand why this is interesting at all.
its not a real os expansion.. and what benefit does it provide to you, the user?
i assign very little value to this
there is no benefit

sorry.. just my thoughts..  i have always looked, seen, and dismissed as invaluable
u cant put too much faith in things like this.
think about it.
its usually developed by one lonely strange guy
adding on to a project developed by hundreds/thousands of programmers at a company?
i dont think so



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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2014, 12:54:22 AM »

It needs 1600x1200 resolution
[Link removed]Interesting.
i don't understand why this is interesting at all.
its not a real OS expansion.. and what benefit does it provide to you, the user?
Chris, if you spend 20 minutes browsing OS9.2.3 you get the picture that  Cliff Huylebroeck has a deep understanding of OS9.

He has developed a LOT of utilities for our beloved OS, and the material seem really good at first sight. We should invite him here to chat about his "product/fan work" because I dont have a deep knowledge over his work.

its usually developed by one lonely strange guy

I love Mac-Programmer-Strange-Guys that had spent all that time that Cliff has spent "fine-tuning" OS9. Don't you?

And We all as a community around an "obsolete" OS should take these documents as a way to learn about performance/stability, as well as I appreciate the Sunrise OS9 report, the David Pogue guide, and every word of every old-school user we are so proud to have here; because the path they took to be "veterans" can make us win some time in going directly to make MUSIC, and not in the tedious work of installing/testing hardware combinations that maybe them had already made years before.

For sure he knows ten times more CodeWarrior than you and me!   :P  :-[

In my opinion, OS9.2.3 is bloated of too many things. For my workflow, only 10-20 "new-things" are interesting, but it seems it has hundreds...File handling seem interesting.

But I think that the syncronus/asincronus thing and divisions of "utilities" was more of the first 90 apple stile than from the last golden age of OS9, but it can be a tool for all us; so we should "study" it.

It is our duty to make the 2.0 version of "sunrise report" and also, if we contact him, he could make us a OS9.2.4 DAW oriented, with the opinion on us about 9.2.3 what we want to keep and what to avoid!

« Last Edit: June 18, 2017, 06:52:28 PM by nanopico »
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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2014, 11:16:56 AM »

Let me start by saying that Cliff's site should be read by every OS 9 user, he has some great TIPS and tweaks, however, take what works for you and leave the rest.  His statement,
Custom folder icons have the same effect as a heavily fragmented hard disk.
Well, maybe that is true on a pre-G3 machine, but this statement is a little extreme for my taste on an MDD. I use a program called "icontools" where I can right click and "stamp" icons on my folders and make custom icons, and I would say I love this feature in OS 9.  It has never impacted performance on my DAW (at least that I could tell) and I have seen the hell a heavily fragmented disk can do to a Studio mac... so I am not in agreement here... I have hundreds of custom icons, I like them :)

OK Now the Video Issue (requirement)...

If you have an ADC Port, the Monitor you want is the Apple Cinema Display 23" with the Lucite stand; it will yield
1920 X 1200 resolution in OS9 with no issues.

The Aluminum 23" cinema display does not work under OS9 at the higher resolutions, without loading extra utilities, and in some cases, will not work at the higher resolutions no matter what you do .
You can find the Apple Cinema Display 23" Lucite version for less that $175 on ebay (10% of it's original price), and it you have a DAW, you need a big monitor; since this is what you will look at all the time, everyday, it does not make sense to "cheap-out" on a monitor.

So back to the 9.2.3 thing... the monitor issues can be overcome, but I am on the fence about the benefits and I stuck right in the middle of this thread emotionally... If there were some "Real-world" documented success stories about it's stability surpassing 9.2.2 then I would try it right away (I do not have the energy or time to be the one to test it with a DAW setup) and unfortunately, I think many are in the same boat... after tweaking a system for so long... who really wants to throw a big monkey wrench in their setup, just to beta test... and if it fucks things up... well, now you have to remember how to get back to your last good working setup... So, clearly, setting it up on it's own Mac or on a different volume would make more sense.... but then you have to duplicate (or at least install) some core apps from your know working setup... again... this can be time-consuming. Testing it without real world apps is not really testing it, it's just looking at new eye candy.

Don't get me wrong, Cliff is an OS9 genius !; and yes, I read his entire site back when this was first posted, but I was hoping for more modifications to the actual System and the Finder... the utilities don't really interest me, since I have found what works for me over the years.  His "TIPS" are excellent and so is his knowledge of OS 9, but I am definitely not ready to re-learn OS 9 with a slew of unfamiliar utilities.... I will look thru them, when I get some time, as I suggest we all do... and make posts if we find an amazing ones :)

I agree with Chris that I don't see this as some new revolutionary jump from OS 9.2.2 to 9.2.3 (It's more like 9.2.2 "Plus" addition).... In my mind 9.2.3 would be the new Mac OS 9 that has a bigger footprint and has protected system memory that makes it almost crash-proof. 

I don't think that Cliff should be put in the same class as just another utility programmer... he is clearly a talented OS 9 expert and I think he has created an awesome face lift for 9.2.2 that might be perfect for newbies... for veterans, all this new "stuff" may be a little overwhelming.  I think a lot of what I mentioned is felt by others... that is why we all read the post originally, but no nobody tried it.


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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #8 on: June 23, 2014, 12:13:44 PM »

this is good stuff, and it is great that somebody cares.

i still have some request left for processes which i  do not yet have in my OS9 setup, and someone has to program it one day. :)
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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2015, 10:14:49 PM »

PTLE guy
make some music man;) stop worrying about stupid stuff
this is a waste of time


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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #11 on: January 18, 2016, 09:55:26 PM »

I didnĀ“t notice Cliff know about us and has used this post as a review!

New URL, by the way.

He has explained deeply now every extension/control panel he has added.

It seems he has made some a better explaination on why the resolution and what you loose if you don't have 1600 pix monitor.
A monitor with a width of at least 1600 pixels if you want to install the Multi menu extension

You just loose the Multimenu, and we all should be using MacTrons Finder by now.

Nanopico, we should reach him. He has been working on "his" 9.2.3 for years. Maybe joining efforts we can finally have a "real" 9.2.3.
Looking for MacOS 9.2.4


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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2016, 06:53:33 AM »

Maybe I'm missing something but I found no actual download for this.

This looks more like a utility/collection of utilities that enhance functionality and make some fairly low level calls into the OS and or patch some OS methods (<- speculation since I didn't write it and I found no download to install it from).

Again maybe I missed something but this looked like user programs that are run and aren't 100% embedded/integrated at an OS level.

Having said that, some of these would be awesome to get to be a more native part of the OS.
When I have a moment I'll try to reach out and see if there is any interest from Cliff to help/contribute in any way.
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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #13 on: January 19, 2016, 07:15:14 AM »

Cliff Huylebroeck work is only a bunch of system extensions. Some are great of course. But an amount of extensions - even if if they are a huge collection - is far away that what we can consider a new system version.

Furthermore, my personal aproach is to use only the minimal amount of control panels and system extensions, thouwing to the trash even 70% of estandar Apple ones.

Clif programing knolege will be way more important than its wrong aproach. IMHO
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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2016, 07:33:51 AM »

OK then, somebody lasso Cliff and get him over here to help nano!!! ;D ;D


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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #15 on: January 19, 2016, 11:20:14 AM »

Maybe I'm missing something but I found no actual download for this.

it should be on his site, at least it was there until last year.

for my taste it requires a few too much osaxen aliens for what it does. i would prefer to have it in smaller collections.
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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #16 on: January 19, 2016, 11:21:43 AM »

ok downloads are gone. we should add it to the forums.
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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #17 on: January 19, 2016, 12:08:41 PM »

quite hard to find ... but it is still there and has been moved to a wiki:

some other old utils there:
« Last Edit: January 19, 2016, 12:21:46 PM by IIO »
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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #18 on: January 19, 2016, 12:28:51 PM »

I found that.  this is the download page linked to.

But I see nothing to download.
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Re: 9.2.3
« Reply #19 on: February 03, 2016, 07:11:10 AM »

My old websites are now subdomains of my new website.
Priority 1 is my website. (This takes almost all my time.)
Priority 2 is my shareware. (Now I'm working on a firewall.)
Priority 3 is OS 9.2.3. (The last upload was 1.0d5 on September 2, 2013.)

If I want to get it right, then this has to be done:
  • PowerPlant has to be replaced with a framework without exceptions.
  • The HFS instructions have to be replaced with HFS+ instructions (for long filenames and long files).
  • The Finder has to be replaced with something that shows long filenames in Unicode.
The plan is to complete the program 'Check volumes' and then leave it there.
I continue to use that while I work on the better system which I will call OS 9.2.4.
I dropped support for G3's, but some parts may continue to work on some G3's.

I released it on your request but don't start shouting if you don't like it.
('Check volumes' has a working interface but it performs nothing.)

I changed it to make it work on a 1280 x 1024 screen.

The download is here:

The help is included.

"C++ macros" has always been the most problematic part.
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