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Author Topic: iMac G3 with a non-working CD drive, how can I get anything on and off of it?  (Read 5102 times)


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I have an iMac G3 running OS 8.6 with a messed up CD drive, I tried replacing it but the new drive doesn't work much better than the old one (it spins for an eternity before saying the drive isn't responding). It has modem, ethernet, and two USB ports that I can't use because it complains about not having the software for it. No firewire. My house doesn't have anywhere to plug ethernet into and can't it plug into the router due to location, so unless there's some kind of workaround, anything over the Internet isn't an option.

Ultimately I want to reinstall the OS entirely, but at the very minimum I'd at least like to transfer some missing files back onto it. Does anybody know what my options are? I have an iBook running Panther, there has to be a way to transfer the files between them right? I tried connecting them with an ethernet cable and trying to get them to see each other, but it doesn't seem like it's that simple lol.

Thanks if anybody can point me towards any solutions.


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  • Fury-Fungus FdB/FBz


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DieHard sips his afternoon Latte...

"Target Mode" Baby always "Target Mode"

have an iMac G3 running OS 8.6 with a messed up CD drive, I tried replacing it but the new drive doesn't work much better than the old one

This is where exact models really help... if your's has FireWire port (like a 400 Mhz. Indigo) then "target mode" is your best friend, just hold "T" key on bootup and your iMac will act like an external hard drive, then plug it via FW to your other mac


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This is where exact models really help... if your's has FireWire port (like a 400 Mhz. Indigo) then "target mode" is your best friend, just hold "T" key on bootup and your iMac will act like an external hard drive, then plug it via FW to your other mac

I mentioned that there's no firewire ports, unfortunately. Only modem, ethernet, and usb. It's a Grape 266mhz. Wish that were an option here so my life could be a bit easier lol.

It'd have been nice to get more context than just a link but I'll look into that, thanks.


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It's a bit of a hassle but you can always open the machine, pull the drive, do the install from another machine by putting the HD in an enclosure and then popping it back in.

I remember doing that a few times when I wanted to run tiger on the 333mhz machines that didn't have firewire.


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Re: iMac G3... on and off it?
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2022, 07:11:12 AM »

As it was not specifically mentioned that you attempted the use of a “crossover” ethernet cable - but that you’re “too far” from your router to use it (which performs those signal crossovers for you)… a simple click on that provided link would’ve quickly revealed that there are now little adapter plugs available that convert regular ethernet cables into crossovers - without the need of buying a pre-made crossover cable OR making one up yourself (which, while some fun indeed for D-I-Y’ers) is a total PITA.

OR, as suggested by d97… you can pull the HD. WHICH might actually be the better option as your Grape 266 MHz iMac running OS 8.6 is evidently already missing a great deal of software necessary for other routines and the connection via crossover ethernet cable with your iBook might not work as a result… due to other possibly missing and necessary software elements.

But do let us know how you “get on” with it all. Even if you must carry that heavy iMac closer to your router to possibly facilitate using that. ;)

« Last Edit: April 09, 2022, 08:46:38 AM by FBz »


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It has modem, ethernet, and two USB ports that I can't use because it complains about not having the software for it. No firewire.

Diehard grabs the ball and runs in the wrong direction, then drops it... the crowd gasps...


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It'd have been nice to get more context than just a link but I'll look into that, thanks.

Relatively old computers need to be connected using a cross-over cable when there is no hub/switch between them.
Actual computers can detect that it is another computer at the other side of the cable and so they auto-cross the signals.

So to create a network between your two macs using a simple cable, you will need one. ;)

Don't forget then to configure some IPs on each ;)
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